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Everything posted by Spinikar

  1. Spinikar

    Gameplay vs Realism

    I agree with this post. Weapons are WAY to common. I reckon they need to tweak this down a bit more, especially with the heavy weapons like the M4, mosin and sks. Pistols could stay as they are.
  2. After playing the game for a while, my main issue with Zombies, as has been stated by lots of others is thier aggro range. Be sitting on a hill and all of a sudden zombies coming running from each and every direction. This is really annoying and where the devs will need to turn thier attention to in my opinion. We need to be able to sneak past them to loot villiages and towns, and if we kill one with an axe, it shouldnt aggro the whole city on you. fair enough, discharge a fire arm, they will come running. Do another activity that makes noise, you're zombie dinner. Sitting on a hill, crouched, just observing the surrounding, you should be safe from those zombies 1km away in the valley. Other than that, I think they are great. Thier speed and abilites are quite fun and challeging. everything about them at the moment in my opinion is working well. Just need to fix that aggro issue. :)