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About poooz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Dude just tell us your location and what server you are on and i am sure a metric ton of people will come and shoot at you, unless you want this person to miss on purpose ??
  2. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    Wait what about him shooting them through walls when all the doors were closed, was that lag as well.
  3. Key part of that sentence being 'what if', you can not just label someone who joins a server a server hopper because you killed him, That makes no sense. He is however an idiot for logging out in a building, that is rule number two for anyone who wants to retain their character.
  4. No, not yet. Read the patch notes as they come out as it will eventually make you sick etc...
  5. poooz

    Turkey shoot and broken bones.

    Unfortunately not, i am that good at the game that i dont try stuff i do it.
  6. poooz

    Dayz Team speak trolling

    Finally someone else who watches friendly in cherno's videos. This guy is really funny.
  7. record your own videos, i need someone to do my washing, shall i make a thread about it ??
  8. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    Please explain how i am bitching, you are the only one bitching, you are acting like a ten year old girl, i hope you realize that. Have you even read the original post. 'Lurk and use the search function, or sign up for a bug tracker account and post your BUGS there' What bugs am i posting about imp ?? This is a point of view and has nothing to do with bugs, can you comprehend the difference. 'just to say "ZOMG HACKERS AND KOSERS" is nothing new' and contributes nothing to the progression of this game or community. Out of every post on this thread your's is the one that contributes the least to this entire community, it is just you moaning about people moaning, utter stupidity. A terrible post yet you have to read and reply to it, why is that ?? What are you missing in your actual real life that this is something you feel you need to do ??
  9. poooz

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    The game will never be finished and if it is it will not be any good. By the time they finish this game arma 4 will be out along with the dayz mod for that which will blow this one out of the water. Basically failz.
  10. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    Your level of ignorance is amazing, how do you get by on these forum. Oh yeah it's because you are one of the sad acts who spends loads of time in the off-topic section posting memes. I have displayed no fan boyism for Frankie at all, please explain to me how you know i like Frankie, for all you know i could not stand him or his videos so please explain how i like him. ?? Yet again you show that post count means nothing because your now calling me a frankie fanboy with no proof what so ever. Why would i want to give you a hug, my signature displays your stupidity it has nothing to do with me being your 'fan' get over yourself and get a real life away from this forum. And also you can see the guy using the speed hack to go up and down the hill, there is no desync that moves someone up and down a hill without any speed penalty and without the person moving his character or turning him around, desync does not last for that long, desync lasts for about a minute and last but not least HOW WAS HE SHOOTING ALL OF THEM THROUGH THE WALLS, WHAT HAS THAT GOT TO DO WITH DESYNC. I suppose desync also showed the guy where they were and enabled him to shoot through walls, please carry on explaining the hacks with cries of desync, it is giving me a really good laugh here. Also that video you showed has even less proof of a hacker in it except the automatic shotgun, you are so funny. Cant beleive people are staying silent on this, you should be called out for the idiot you are.
  11. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    OMG THIS. LOOK PEOPLE THIS IS WHAT THIS FORUM CONSISTS OF. This guy never saw a hacker on frankies new video. What a way to prove post count means nothing about what you actually know about this game. Unbelievable, you display the highest amount of fanboyism it is unreal and bordering on the stupid. You claim frankie barely ever plays the standalone and you are correct yet when he does he encounters two hacker on his first try, what does that tell you. And you outight deny a hacker when it is staring you straight in the face
  12. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    More unfounded accusations. Save em for a thread in off topic
  13. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    Just to clear something up to all the people who are saying 'the standalone has not become anything' your argument is flawed. It is something right now, that something contains a lot of kos people and also a lot of hackers, that is not to say that is what it will be like in the future as the game will no doubt change but as it stands it is still something and as the op says that something is not pretty. Just because it is not finished that does not mean that the game is nothing atm
  14. poooz

    What has the standalone become ?

    You never read through the thread or you would have known it was not a final judgement
  15. You have a point but admitting you have written a program for this game is utterly stupid a) it has to have been recent b) you have obviously been using it. Goodbye, see you on your next account.