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Everything posted by golthrim

  1. So i love the premise of the game and i dont mind the new fast zombies but im having big problems looting. The last 7 hours of my game time has followed exactly the same pattern. I spawn a fresh Bambi on a pretty low populated server 5-10 players max. I hydrate easy with closets pond and i start looting houses. Lots of houses. Both inland and at the coast. Both in cities and in small villages. Im talking hundreds of them but not ONE single piece of loot is to find. No rotten food, no good food. No gear. No weapons. I search every nook of every building i see before going to the next but nothing. And after like 1 hour of playing i die of hunger. Change to a new server and it all starts again, hydrate no problem, super fast Zed, no problem just outrun them, but where is the loot? Search another hundred buildings but nothing and then starve to death. Change to a new low populated server and same story again. Im now at my 8:th try on a new server but im starting to have problems motivate myself to continue this endless marathon of starving to death, what im i doing wrong? I want to love this game but it feels like its doing everything it can to make me hate it, when i played it some months ago i never had this problem, after a few hours of looting i usually had at least some food and some means of protection, not much but at least so i dident starve to death but now i starve to death every single game!? Im really afraid that im going to get so boored of this game that gives me zero rewards per hour spent that when it finaly reaches beta i have found other ways to spend my somewhat limited gametime. Please help me like this game again, what im i doing wrong?
  2. golthrim

    What im i doing wrong ?

    THX alot m8! things are going much better now, the biggest diffrence is that i stopped looting every single house i found and spent my precious time before i die of starvation on those houses u recomended + i finaly found a airport way inland so now i got some nice weapons (dont dare to use them thou coz zed seems to spawn like crazy around gunfire :D) most of the time is better to just avoid contact, game is fun again thx a lot
  3. golthrim

    What im i doing wrong ?

    Well im trying to play the game without thirdparty mapsites. Endgear loot aint what im looking for at this stage of the game, i just wished i could find a little food so i can get the chance to learn the map by my self without map apps and such, but so far i starve to death before i get a chance to learn the map, but ill try again :)
  4. golthrim

    What im i doing wrong ?

    Thanx a lot for all the good advice, i will try again tonite and give the game a last chance, i do understand that the game is supposed to be hard and it should be hard to loot good weapon and such, i just wish i found a little food so i get the time to look for all the other stuff!
  5. golthrim

    What im i doing wrong ?

    Ok but like i wrote i tried this as well, half the time i run straight inland looting every building i find until i starve to death and i never find loot anymore, how come it wasent like this a month ago ? Have something changed in the game? Havent found a single Policestation or Firestation or school or hospital before i starve to death so that way ill never learn where they are coz i die before i find them, its kind of a moment22 going on here....