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About Ludz

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Ludz

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Hi Mr Hicks, Looks like i am coming after the war :) But i ve some questions about animals and wildlife in general : 1) I ve read in SR that the animals will have lifecycle. Do you mean child then adult ? that would be amazing. 2) Will it be possible to farm or tame animals ? Like taming a wild horse in order to mount him. i know the point of Dayz is to stay far from such mini-games. but this could be a part of ssoft skills system. 3) Animals companions still planed ? and finally... Will more unique structures (like the prison) planned in the future or past 1.0 or are you done with the map actually? i ve already imagined a nuclear site. i ve seen artwork of the silo zone irradiated. it's matching my wish... but i would love to see one civilian structure of this scale. May i dare ? an international airport in Cherno ?
  2. Ludz

    Status Report - 24 Feb 15

    Nice § The best things are coming soon. Nice job as always !! Cheers
  3. Hi People, Recently i ve found a tweet from Dean Hall : http://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/297021806362107905 I would like to know if this is actual yet. I begin in 3d art and i want to show a fan art item i made for Dayz. I want to know what you, guys, think about. I post some screenies and a link for an animation. and more details from Twitter : I know the Dean's tweet is quite old but maybe the Devs are open for fan art stuff. EDIT : i modified the topic. i didn't think to emb video first. It's better now
  4. Ludz

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    This feature is partially confirmed/discussed in a positive light by the Dev Team http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/animations Just my 2 cts Do you know guys shit can be eaten several times before poisoning yourself ? It may be another purpose against starvation hahaha omfg this game is crazy !! if implemented, i want to be able to throw crap at people face's. Lol. I'm joking. Maybe just poopy-trap after fifty persons take his dump in the hole As well you might be able to drink your piss in case of deshydratation
  5. It appears on interview note Chris Torchia using Modo. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1xqorm/chris_torchia_interview/ I know Modo is not free like 3DS MAx. Is there open source software for modeling compatible with .exporting in p3d extension . Blender can handle the animation ? Are more advanced physics effects planned to be added (like wind) and movement on environnement objects ? RV3 has advanced physics or the scripters/coders have to make it from scratch ? Just a question. I am curious about the engine of the game. Tx
  6. Ludz

    Stuck inside a wall question

    Navmesh works but maybe not in all buildings. i have succesfully lock a Zed in the metal grange with stair
  7. Ludz

    I broke my arm

    Your arm is lost :( Cut it and cook it on a fire... at least you will not hungry anymore. Unrelated comment but i really really would love to see a much deeper medical system. i want gangrene, infections, limb loss. i think IRL after a fracture bad healed you could have sequels. i would love a medical system like Robinson's Requiem ! Anyone knows this oldie ? Then you could lose an eye in fight and end with the half of the screen black or lose fingers, toes. and your character will be more clunky. such a medical system can bring more difficulty and moderate Pvp cause you have to pay more attention to your character after a fght. Would be cool
  8. Ludz

    Is DayZ being developed right in your opinon?

    are you seriously saying Dayz becoming casual ? CoD is casual, FIFA is casual, and such games. Dayz will never be casual, even if SA is less hardcore than Mod, in your opinion. How can you tell that ? i don't want play a mil sim, that was not the selling purpose about Dayz. I'm sorry. It's intended to focus on realism and surviving against zombies, elements and human nature. (militay sim is implied in "realism" but i don't want a focus on gameplay on that. i'm confident on that seeing the road map elements : these elements will promote cooperation i hope) i ve seen videos of the Dayz mod. the interface is ugly and the graphics too. I admit never play it so i don't know how it feels. but videos don't make the mod more attractive than SA IMO. So if people could stop speculations for some time and just sit and play. That will be cool !
  9. Ludz

    No more whining

    oh didn't know thta was actaully in game thx. :)
  10. Ludz

    No more whining

    As alpha-testers we have to play, test, and reports bugs. Not complain for major issues that everyone knows, almost the Devs. Can you see the difference ? As well, i m not an anglish native speaker
  11. I'm for the lock of some options promoting the cheat. People will always find a solution for outpassing "sport" and "fair-play" game rules. Cause they re arrogant and twisted for willing to win, whatever the price ! It may sounds a little totalitarian but imo, seeing the mentality of some people - Yes, I'm talking to you, cheaters - i will welcome this choice from the Dev Team. I'm sure they re aware of it. but until game release i think we ll have to handle cheats, hacks, a little more ! IMO, the night looks pretty real actually. It's dark but that the way the night used to be. or we not live on the same planet. the flashlight is weak like on reality. get a military torchlight and it's not the same business ! but actually i don't like play night cause zombies wall-glitching and seeing you from miles. it's hard on day with 2-3 zombies when just spawned. it sounds really impossible with 8 hours night time. Are the server planned to be more resilient on durability ? maybe a 24h restart server with loot spawning and about a 3 hours night/day cycle, with the ability/necessity for sleeping during the night. Hey, look at that. i'm sure this will be awesome : you can sleep to make the night to pass more quickly (for players who don't want to go out at night) Meanwhile your character can be looted or killed. I don't know if feasible lol. but you get the point. EDIT : the 1st photo on the topic shows a relatively bright night. i mean, it's a full-moon night here and it's looks good, what the problem ?
  12. Ludz

    HEEEELP - Advice for a friend.

    The same thing happens to me in recent times. log out on 2nd floor house, and log in the underground 's house. And none zombies around of course ! i spent like 20-30 mins running against invisible walls maybe to starve to death. it's hopefully happened :) but it was a very long moment ! EDIT : didn't know that btw. thks for the tip
  13. Beans for that : Made me laugh :D
  14. Ludz


    Hmmm. Parachutes will be great for sure :). Indeed all wise features like parachuting that adds deep, experciences, and fun are welcome :D I would like to see in any order : Drugs/alcohol/coffee/tobacco Climbing rocks and cliffs and more anims & keys movements like throwing yourself on the ground, make a roll, diving, or hanging. It would be great to exploit verticality in the woods by adding the abality to climb them. maybe to escape a wolpack or hostile dogs bands !!! Sleeping or some signals of being tired Wind effect. if you run against the wind, you'll be a little more slower. I don't know well what can do the engine or can't but i would love see that things and a tons more. Last thing, is there a chance to have more gore and, let me dream, dismemberment in Dayz one day since there is in Arma 3 ? i ve seen a dev video playing Dayz, and he said the most we actually see in-game will be broken and completly revamped. Since they have others studios working on specifical part like zombizs/animals Ai it makes sense for me. Any thoughts ?