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Everything posted by loydmilligan

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BlHvh0JVuk
  2. loydmilligan

    My Interview with Rocket

    Main thing I want now is a timeline for standalone, but I do not think we will get that for a while.
  3. loydmilligan

    My Interview with Rocket

    Only thing I did not ask that I wish I had was about the inventory...well that and hacking, but I don't think hacking questions would yield interesting answers.
  4. loydmilligan

    My Interview with Rocket

    I am not usually a kill on sight player...especially off of spawn. I had friend get killed in electro shortly before this, so I was on the lookout for his killer. Notice how I didn't kill the guy with the axe...in fact I was trying to save him. Also, you notice that the guy I killed may have already killed a guy? Anyway, thanks for watching!
  5. loydmilligan

    My Interview with Rocket

    Thanks, really appreciate it... I must say it has a lot to do with Rocket. He is very easy to talk to. Turned into a conversation really quickly.
  6. loydmilligan

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    FYI, I did an interview with Rocket yesterday and he said that Helicopters are coming back soon and that the radar will be removed. Interview coming on Monday...
  7. I have seen this happen to people on a couple livestreams, we were actually able to kill the guy. His body had some kind of auto hide feature, which is probably a good thing so we were not tempted to take any hacked loot.
  8. loydmilligan

    We took down a hacker last night

    You may be correct. What you cant see on the video is one of my freinds outside put a full makarov clip in him. So he should ahve been low on blood....on the brink of death. Who knows though...it does not look like I shot him , maybe I just scared him to death with my terrible aim...hehe
  9. loydmilligan

    We took down a hacker last night

    thanks homey!
  10. loydmilligan

    We took down a hacker last night

    No it wouldnt let me check out his body at all - part of his hack must have been to hide his own body upon death...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiA6fQbjYto Let me know what you think - all feedback is welcome.
  12. loydmilligan

    canada 1 hacker

    This happened on Canada 1 last night(this morning technically - 7/1) at about 2-3 am PST. A group of 5 of us jumped to this server and in about 30 seconds after joining the server, one of us dies with seemingly no cause. No shots are heard, he just dies. However, it looks like he is bleeding from his shoulder (on his corpse). We chalk it up to a random glitch death until, after looting and hiding his body, the four remaining members of our group are killed almost instantly. This action takes place at about 5:05 in the video. From the sound of the gun it seems like one guy shooting - and immediately after the shooting stops a guy named proteins types in side chat - "thanks for ur shit". When confronted for hacking he does not respond. evidence 1 - we spawned in a remote location (in woods near the dam north of Gvozdno), and where found and killed withing 8 minutes of spawning. 2 - One of us died almost immediately upon entering the server with no apparent reason. 3 - One person kills 4 people who are not standing right on top of each other in 13 seconds. 4 - Comment in side chat almost immediately after killing us all - how did he know there was nobody else laying prone or something? (FYI - the guy in side chat was named Protein) We had just found our first NVGs....was pretty sad.
  13. loydmilligan

    seattle 54 hacking

    Check out the video from my livestream last night at 7-930 pm PST - we were on seattle 54- Two things - 1) I picked up a map on this server and it showed me and enemies in my vicinity on the map. You can see this in the video at 1:19:00 (1 hour 19 minutes) 2) the exchange at the beginning of the video that leads to my death(death is at 00:05:26) Something seemed a little strange about it to me. Not sure where the guy was and he was firing almost constantly for about 25 minutes (a friend of mine spawned near there as soon as i died and told me he was still firing. Anyway, I figured it cannot hurt to have you guys look into it.
  14. loydmilligan

    seattle 54 hacking

    thanks for the reply - did not know about easy mode....is that allowed? seems kind of anti-dayZ to me. Regarding 2), I agree that is one possibility, just thought it was worth checking out - stop bd
  15. So I enjoy making dayZ youtube videos and judging by the number of similar videos on youtube I am not alone. I was recently thinking that it would be really helpful to have a way to get different types of footage for the purposes of making higher quality videos with higher production value. Some things that I would like are the ability to have a free camera, the ability to control the time of day better, the ability to record different angles of the same event, or simply to be able to record tutorials without the fear of being killed. I realize that there are some problems with this idea as progress made on such a server should definitely not be carried over to "real" servers. And I also know that at least at one point there was a "single player" version of the game that people were using that might serve some of these purposes. I think having an actual server set up this way would provide much more value - as real "in game" scenarios could be replicated. Why take the time and effort to do this - Youtube can contribute very much to the success of games these days. And games that add features to facilitate better Youtube videos have not surprisingly been some of the more popular games on Youtube. I think it is hard to deny that at least part of the success of minecraft was due to it becoming a smash hit on Youtube. In any case, I am willing to put my money where my mouth is, as they say, and I am also willing to contribute time and effort. Please sound off if you are interested in this idea or perhaps just let me know how I can accomplish this type of stuff without creating a server specific to this purpose.
  16. loydmilligan

    Youtube Production Server

    perhaps I am being dense' date=' but I do not see why this is so taboo. I guess this could be considered trying to cheat... I really just want a place to supplement actual gameplay with exciting cutscenes or different angles. As for the options you refer to...I am not super saavy...but I think you are talkinga bout single player mods....wink if im close. [hr']
  17. Obviosuly this is just one life/one experience, but this is me testing the hypothesis - the "spawn without a weapon" mechanic will facilitate friendships between those with an extra gun lying around and those who just spawned who find themselves being chased by a bunch of zombies. Also my thoughts on the update in general - In case you are too busy to watch the video but still want to join in the conversation below - here is the essence of what happens: -I have a week old character who is kitted out pretty nice (dmr w/ 5 clips, revolver, map, compass, binoc, matches, axe, knife, watch, blood packs, cooked meat, etc.) -I am getting a little bored just hiding out in the trees for almost a week. -With the new spawn without a weapon game mechanic I decide I am going to try and help a newly spawned player who is being chased by zombies -I direct him my way and kill all the zombies that are trailing him -I tell him he can have the m1911 that I am carrying in my pack -He promptly shoots me in my domeslice with the gun I just gave him So the question is - assuming I am definitely going to try to befriend this chap...what could I have done differently to make success more likely. Some ideas I had are below.
  18. loydmilligan

    Killing me with kindness with Update thoughts

    Wow - lots of really good points and information. I want to state that in the video I most certainly considered that this guy might shoot me and as i typed in the video - I was wanting to try out the new spawn mechanic. It was still a surprise when it happened as he already had a chance or two to kill me and chose not to. And obviously this is not the way I normally play...giving a guy I just met a gun. I do like the whole only trust noob logic above. So, up to this point here is what I thought - most people shoot on site and most people seem to have no issue with this. I always assumed that this was mostly due to the fact that you cannot trust people and therefore if you both have guns it is best to kill than be killed. In the video, the guy can clearly trust me as I had many chances to kill him and also I allowed myself to be VERY vulnerable. I think this means that A) he saw my gear and figured he wanted it enough to be willing to kill me even though I showed him a kindness OR B) He kills people not because he cant trust them but because for whatever reason he just enjoys the player killing aspect of this game. Now, if the answer is A) then I could have avoided this situation by not letting him know I had a DMR/other good gear or by simply giving him the dmr if the answer is B) then honestly I am not sure how I could have lived through this ordeal. Somehow I have to do something that makes him value playing cooperatively more than the pleasure he gets from killing other players. This is a tough question and one i am actual going to try to figure out.
  19. loydmilligan

    Tips for a newbie

    Thanks for the link' date=' I already know how to do stuff but I enjoy watching well made videos about the game I'm currently infatuated with. Good job man, look forward to more of your stuff. :) [/quote'] thanks dude...I really appreciate all feedback
  20. loydmilligan

    Tips for a newbie

    I made a video about learning the inventory system - received a lot of positive feedback from new players. Check it out -
  21. loydmilligan

    Killing me with kindness with Update thoughts

    I totally agree and you can actually see at one point I ask him not to shoot me. I had an inkling... The thing is, for me, this is almost the entire reason to play this game. The looting and the building of a character is definitely fun...but the PvP interactions are what really make this game intriguing to me. Someone on reddit asked - will this experience sour me on helping people? On the contrary, this has actually heightened my resolve, but next time I want to be smarter about it...thus - I have been thinking what could I have done to make this interaction a success? I would actually like to hear some other people's thoughts on this. I want to attack this problem like I would any other game mechanic. For example if a new player is having trouble killing zombies they might try fighting zombies indoor because of the zombies must walk indoor mechanic) In the same way, I would like to develop some strategies for befriending random players successfully. Some of the ideas I had for this specific case: -Hide my powerful weapon (dmr) in my backpack -Offer to let him have the DMR (I know its rare but i actually have less fun when I have a sniper like that because I am always in the trees...never in the action) -give him the m1911 but dont give him any ammo -offer to watch over him while he loots, but do not give him anything -just keep my gun trained on him for a while -test his honesty/loyalty in some way (for example tell him to take the m1911 from my pack but leave the ammo) Anyone else got any ideas? Assuming you are going to try and make friends in game, what can one do to successfully pull this off?
  22. This is meant for beginners trying to learn the inventory system. Let me know if there is anything else you guys would like to see