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About NexD

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    On the Coast
  1. My take on the zombies is as follows: Regarding the last patch: The respawn rate needs to be lowered and the spawn radius has to be increased. Right now you kill a zombie another spawns 20-40 m away from you, usually already alerted if you used a gun. You should not be able to see zombies spawn, unless you're on an open field, and even then it should be far off. Regarding future stuff: Second I'd prefer if zombies would get slightly less alerted by gunshots. It makes little to no sense that you're laying down in full camo for a zombie to somehow manage to home on you from a mile away. I think after a gun shot the zombie should turn into the general area it came from, maybe walk 20-30m, take a look around and if it sees a player (not necessarily you) then it should aggro, if it sees nothing it should go back about its business. Another thing being able to evade zombies without needing to run like a madman once they see you. If zombie loses sight of you it should check the last place in which it saw you and then break pursuit. It makes no sense for the zombie to chase you through buildings with perfect accuracy.