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columdrum (DayZ)

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Everything posted by columdrum (DayZ)

  1. columdrum (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Best implementation: To log out you need to do a action, that action will require the player to be still(crouched, maybe the medic animation could do the work) for lets say 10-30 seconds and then you are free to disconnect, if you try to move or get shoot the action its cancelled. If you disconnect that way, you get no penalty at all and you can join when you want. If you dont do that, 2 options: 1-Leave the char ingame for 1-2mins as penalty, so you can get killed. This be the best option because the people will be really scared about disconecting, because they will still be able to be killed. Also in that 1-2 mins obviously the player wont be able to log in back. Cons of this solution: Need changes on the engine or really heavy workarounds. Also if your connection gets interrupted you can be easily killed, but you will be already killed if you have lags right now because of your conection, so just pay for a good internet connection :P. Pros of this solution: The people would be really scared of not disconnect properly so the disconnecters would be greatly reduced almost to 0 ;). 2-Just log the incorrect log out, first time warn the player( you can get connection problems), second in less than 2-3h time penalty( dont let he join for lets say 10-15 mins). Bigger penaltys(more time or kill the char ) can be to much for a person who have connection issues for example. Maybe apply bigger penalties if the char its wounded or being shot... Pros of this solution: its realizable right now, just log on the database some data. Cons of this solution: This solution would stop people from disconnect to avoid zombies, but they will still disconect in PvP because a time penalty its better if they have good gear than a death :P
  2. columdrum (DayZ)

    Will it last?

    Arma mod die fast LOL, you dont know anything about arma at all them O_o. To start with 99% of arma2 mods doesnt have anything to do with dayz, and are meant to be played as a military simulator that arma2 is, adding weapons, islands, vehicles, more realistic features,... Dayz changes it completely into a survival simulator, where public games with people you dont know its possible, but thats not the case of all the other modifications. For example ACE2 was popular even like 5 moths after the release, and its still the most played arma2 mod after 3 years( obviously now its second after dayz boom). Its just that except from dayz, and PR all the other mods are played by private clans/communities mostly, just because most of the arma2 players like too play seriously and you cant do that in public gaming just because sooner or later a troll/10 year old/hacker would join and fuck everything up. Also most of arma2 playing its planned before play and then executed, just as any military operation( this is a simulator you know?) , and thats also imposible on a public game where everyone does what he wants. So fast answers, would dayz die fast? doubt it, you know anything about arma2 mods? doubt it too ;)
  3. columdrum (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] no, no, no, no, no, no

    epic win for mr no
  4. columdrum (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/
  5. columdrum (DayZ)

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    yeah i was also hopping to se the fixed actions on the vehicles/tents( the save option stays there bugged after you check some of those) on the changelog Edit: NEVERMID its already fixed :D, not in the changelog but confimed fixed on the tracker
  6. columdrum (DayZ)

    Everyone is a Bandit

    Thats what happens when the mod got invaded by the COD kids that are contiuosly playing "pistol wars"( seriusly whats the point on killing someone on starting gear? . . .) on cherno and electro. Luckily there are still arma/opf veterans and even new people to the game that still tries to roleplay and not shot to everything that moves, and yes you can be a rolepaying bandit, but you would only kill when you would get something in change(a good weapon, you are in danger,...)
  7. columdrum (DayZ)

    Wounded zombies sounds

    Well this suggestion its sort and easy, the zombies uses just the same wounding sounds that normal people, and some of that shouts doesn't sound like zombie at all and kills some inmersion ^^. To be precise y mean the sounds: class HitDamage { class GroupXXXX { damagesounds[] = ...... hitsounds[] = ...... Should be easy to change them to something more "zombie like" :D
  8. Just today, we have put 3 tents down on DE1, and hit the save option... arround 19:00 gmt+1, we continued playing for a while... and we relogged at 23:30 and all the tents where gone. There have been a tent reset on that server?, we had tested it yesterday and even after the 1.5.6 update they were working fine, but this time they just vanished O_o
  9. columdrum (DayZ)

    ACRE Support

    Tecnically it would be a suberb idea. And realims i doubt that could be an issue here :S. The only problem is that for "people that dont like PCs very much", the installation could be troublesome( even if its only copying a dll lol, and even when sixupdater do it automatically.... they will have problems for sure). About the acre usage itself ... well, direct speak its just use team speak, and the radios, just press a button to talk, so that shouldn't be a problem to anyone. Change the volume and chanel... its easy, the power setting could a bit more complicated but thats why people have done ACRE tutorials/manuals ^^. And finally about the TS server to use. Tecnically ACRE includes options that could allow server admins to make clients autoconnect to their ts servers/chanel( the connect to server function i think that isn't working but the change chanel one is), maybe that could be the solution to this problem :P. If not, a server message with the TS would be fine too.
  10. columdrum (DayZ)

    New no-lifer :)

    thats not totally true, if you use direct chanel for VOIP only the ones near you should hear you, but it has some bugs and thats the real reason nobody uses it. Anyways ingamechat its normally enough ( atleast when you are not running from 100 zeds :D)