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Everything posted by GrossDeutschland

  1. GrossDeutschland

    Can't join empty server

    Whenever I try to join an empty server, I get stuck on the waiting for host screen. And I still hear all of the sounds from the server list page... I've waited for quite some time just to make sure it isn't that it just takes longer, but still no dice, I end up pressing escape and it brings me back to the server page.... Any ideas? Does this happen to anyone else? Regards, Groß
  2. GrossDeutschland

    Can't join empty server

    Why? So I can raid NW Airfield without getting sniped every single time I go... I play on full servers once I atleast have an m4 or a good group of people, but if youre raiding alone, youre gonna have a bad time...
  3. 1] Nickname: GroBDetuschland 2] Region(Country): Uruguay 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: GrossDeutschland1941 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Few days 7] How many Clans have you been In: 0 8] Previous experience: Avid gamer, battlefield nut with plenty of shooting experience 9] How many bandits have you killed: only a couple sadly, since I've been runing alone its always 1 vs 3 10] Are you willing to help other players: As long as I dont get backstabbed... Ive hepled out a few people but about half of them turned around and shot me afterwards :(