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Everything posted by Venzire

  1. Hope you have a good run, I'll send the splash screen over soon! ;) I guess it's time to change my signature. ^_^
  2. Splash screen you say? I can do that. :)
  3. Venzire

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    Sounds like a bug with the BE dll, it thinking something is hooked to the program. It will ban for known hooks and kick for unknown hooks. Strange...
  4. It's running the regular DayZ files. I doubt it's anything wrong with the server and it's files probably you just desynced a heap and they hit u multiple times and it looks like you were hit twice.
  5. Hey survivors! Haven Australia has recently acquired a Private Hive Server for you guys, the DayZ community. We offer a hacker and cheating free environment so you can be fully immersed in your favourite zombie mod known as DayZ. We also will not be running votes for different maps as of now. We run BEC for automated restarts and messages and DayZ Anti-Hax to keep the script kiddies away along with the community ban list. DayZ - Haven Australia Private Hive - Veteran | 3D:ON | CH:ON | GMT+6 | v1.7.2.6 | Build 98220 | [80+ Vehicles] | [Whitelist] | [No Cheating] | Register at www.havenaustralia.com/dayz Admins w/ contact: Venzire - Database Manager and Owner - Email: death33@havenaustralia.com and Skype: deathbringer333 - You may also PM - ONLINE 24/7 Hiro311 - Server Owner - hiro311@havenaustralia.com - ONLINE HARDLY Pilot of Pripyat - Server Moderator - CONTACT VIA PM ON FORUMS - ONLINE SOMETIMES Rules: -No Cheating e.g. Duping and scripting -No Douche-baggery -No Racism or racial slurs -No Harrasment -No Alt+F4 Difficulty and Timezone: Veteran | 3D:ON | CH:ON | Nameplates: OFF | Timezone: GMT+6 Features: Custom Buildings | Custom Wrecks + Care Packages | Latest Anti-Cheat and Security | Custom Vehicles Coming Soon | Custom Mod + Weapons Coming Soon | Active Admins | Sidechat Enabled SERVERS(2): DayZ Chernarus DayZ Namalsk - Coming Soon Venzire will be doing routine checks on the server and will wipe wire-fence and sandbags every week. He's also the one you contact if you have any problems. !COME PLAY! IP: !COME PLAY! Website: http://havenaustralia.com Reddit Post(Up vote it!) http://redd.it/10fbxq http://www.reddit.co...ia_38_vehicles/ 4 Heli's atm and 80+ other vehicles.
  6. Server is down, starting a new community with a new name. I'm setting up the new server as I'm typing this. I'll probably PM you once we have the site designed, coded and up.
  7. You can run a server off your PC with your game files and a server pack like Bliss or Pwnozorz server pack.
  8. Venzire

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Nicely done!
  9. Venzire

    server crash arma2oaserver.exe

    If all else fails check your RPT and the bliss log file and post it.
  10. Venzire

    Looking for a sponsor.

    Don't ask to mooch off of others. A dedicated machine doesn't cost 500 dollars unless you want to run 5 or 10 ArmA2OA servers. Save up and setup donations then buy a server from a GSP build a community and you will be going smooth. They're not expensive so please don't go around the forums asking for cash it just gives you a bad reputation. And on that note. Who the hell goes around on teh interwebz asking for cash? Especially on a forum, you also do seem like an idiot 10 year old with no idea considering the way you asked. People like you just piss me off... And don't try to add me as a friend again too.
  11. Venzire

    USPVT Bliss

    You're the moron for taking the spawned weapons in the first place, they automatically assumed you were cheating therefore a ban was given. This is what most Admins do and even I did it so I'm not even suprised this happeneed. Go play somewhere else, there's plenty of servers!
  12. I was asleep during that time. I was at school today, I will add you now.
  13. Venzire

    Could this rig run dayz on normal?

    Therefore it's crap.
  14. Venzire

    Could this rig run dayz on normal?

    You can't be this wrong! This "rig" is horrible, if you only have 400 dollars, save a little more and buy something that will last and play many, many games. That THING can't do anything!
  15. Do you have any programming experience? Full Database Access?
  16. I'd like to see GSP's offer servers, also the Public HIVE servers can run the anti-cheat scripts and programs it's just that they don't have any interest in preventing anything since Rocket is hard at work making Standalone.
  17. Venzire

    How to Rollback?

  18. You've got to be kidding me wtfosaurus....
  19. Venzire

    How to edit map?

    You have to edit your mission file in the 3D Editor. Google a tutorial, I figured it out my self and it's not too hard.
  20. New Features added and cleaned post up! Come play and enjoy a hacker free experience!
  21. This is why I don't run a public HIVE even though mine had no hackers and I had it relativelly clean, it was still full of duped gear I couldn't remove. So now I run a Private HIVE server and I'm working on my own mission file / map and mod for the server. And I have new buildings working with loot!