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Everything posted by Venzire

  1. I'm watching him having a hard time trying to pickup an alice pack... LOL I think dat shit on my server! :S I usually have a tank trap over that spawn in the church. got footage! but not of him hacking
  2. Venzire

    Is this working as intended Rocket?

    Alright... I guess the person that owned that barn definitely isn't a crazy axe murderer.
  3. I smell script kiddies. BAAAH Or he could be a noob that picked up haxors gear, etc.
  4. Venzire

    how I can administer the Server?

    There should be a arma2oaprofile for difficulty. I may be able to help you find it if you'd like.
  5. Venzire

    Admin on EU 40 Cheating

    I hate rogue admins but I'm not accusing. Read this to get up to date on "Admin Powers" http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26110 There are existing hacks that delete server logs. I know it's crazy BS. They do exist I've seen them before! :S
  6. Venzire

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    My server has nameplates on temporarily until everything is fixed so people can record them and get their names. Then I'll grab their IP and GUID then ban that from my server.
  7. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26110 Also my tents and vehicles disappeared on my server then I restarted twice and they're back. I then saved them all and stopped for the night because of HIVE issues. (All night the server is down)
  8. Servers not connected to hive are rogue servers and are blacklisted or to be blacklisted. Do NOT play on them! Admins don't get any extra privledges but to own a dayz server and that's all, no rollbacks or spawning or anything like that. The worst can be some hacker or a Rogue Admin banning people for finding their camp or killing them. Not following rules set by DayZ devs will result in server termination and IP range ban. This is in the wrong section the server obviously a rogue one. (FAIL POST I KNOW)
  9. Venzire

    Dayz FAN Template Design

    Pretty sexy atm.
  10. Just forget about it this happens always honestly don't even try to dig around for answers it in most cases brings up more BS.
  11. I strongly agree with this post and support it to it's fullest. I'm also honestly sick of people thinking that admins are like gods in DayZ. We're not, we're merely providing a server for the DayZ community FOR FREE so you can play. Take this as a personal note if you're one of those guys that throws false accusations around about admins. STICKY THIS!!!
  12. Venzire

    Strange Command, run randomly?

    He created a marker, correct? That can be used in hacks e.g. map scripts, he may of done something else before hand to this ban but I may be wrong and it could be some stupid admin...
  13. Venzire

    Server Hosting quick FAQ

    My server was put up within a day and worked great until the HIVE got DDOS attacked. :(
  14. Venzire

    Couple Of Script Users Caught On DE4

    BAHAHA!! I'll learn to watch out for this crap too just too funny though... The fact it's called "God Mode" XD.
  15. My server is still like that, I'm not done changing settings because I just wanted to play.
  16. I've seen quite a few do this kinda stuff. It's not common but it's not rare. I hate Admins that abuse their powers...
  17. I recently ordered a server from http://www.hfbservers.com/ and I'm just wondering if they're reliable. From what I know they're reliable and have seen some Seattle servers running with them and from what I know their hardware is up to par of the resources that ArmA 2 CO requires. It should be setup in the next day or so and will be running in Seattle and just to ask again whether anyone knows if they're reliable and if I still need to contact a server host or a dev to get the server details and requirements. :cool:
  18. Venzire

    Recently Bought Server

    I'm from Australia and I ordered when it was midnight for seattle. :P Server DayZ Zombie RPG - Seattle 109 1.7.5/beta Hosted by Havenaustralia.com! NOW UP!
  19. Venzire

    Bad CD Key - Invalid CD Key

    READ WHOLE POST!!! Run steam as Admin, run arma2.exe as admin and arma2oa.exe as admin by right clicking > properties > compatibility and down the bottom click run this program as admin. If not Admin on PC change your self to admin. (I will not explain how) PM me for futher information even if you do run it as admin I may be able to help.. My friend got this and I did too after a month of playing. (Steam Version but same still applys to non steam probably.)
  20. Venzire

    can i host dayz on this servers?

    That'll run a DayZ server quite instances a few but that's a bit over... :| I don't think i7's are optimal for server hosting I'd rather a xeon but then again I could be wrong because both do a great job.
  21. Venzire

    Recently Bought Server

    That's what I was thinking, was kinda too excited when ordering it and should of stopped the think about contacting one of the server hosts and or devs.
  22. Venzire

    Radios and Long distance Communication

    Walky talkies for squads and certain radio frequencies are a good idea but the metre radius is retarded! I'd like to make walkie talkies not a large radius and long-range radios like a radio on ur back with a large antenna sticking slightly above ur head and can reach more frequencies at a larger distance, simplify the idea like this and it'll work.
  23. Venzire

    Super Dedicated Server Sale In LA!

    Could be a thought.