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Everything posted by riskiestkiller

  1. riskiestkiller

    Official Chenarus Quarantine Force {CQF} Video*

    Awesome haha
  2. riskiestkiller

    Animated Short Out Now - "DayZ: Marathon Man"

    That was awesome :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    Ive never shot a m44 but i do own a m38, very nice rifle, got a bit of kick but the muzzle flash is amazing and would be nice for clearing buildings. We need a svt 40 added in also, i call it the big boy sks :P
  4. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    That would be nice, slap a mid range scope on her and would be a good silent rifle to head shot people :beans:. I really want a svt 40, not for the fact that its a great rifle but more for the fact to scare the crap out of everyone, that rifle makes the mosin sound like a baby :thumbsup:
  5. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    I missed that one from the first video so you win in the argument, but it still doesn't mean a stock one can't do it. Not all shooters could do it but some could. I would love to see day z add in features where you could do that kind of work to the gun after finding the tools B) But i rather see them add in a nice old Mauser and let me scope it :beans:
  6. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    i must be, i bought one for $50 last winter :thumbsup:
  7. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    one has got a PU scope/ bent bolt and the other one has a nice scope and bent bolt, not sure what you mean by heavily modified? chances are its hand loads but who saids u can't do that with good commercial loads? Theres also another video of someone shooting 1000 yards with iron sites. Not sure why you don't think a mosin is capable to hitting out at long ranges but it is, same with a lot of surplus war rifles. It comes down the shooter not being able to hit at long ranges, not the gun
  8. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    Wow, i haven't see a mosin that bad yet,you may of shot a worn out mosin or might be a problem with the sites or it could be as easy as the rifle doesn't like the type of ammo you were shooting, I though my mosins were bad shooters when i first got mine, i was shooting brand new MFS brand ammo and my groups were every wheres then i switched to Chinese surplus and i started getting good groups and was popping 500ml water bottles at 100 yards. I am not a big mosin fan, but how they have the mosin in game being able to snipe is possible, I would never be able to hit that far out but other people can. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2M1hC4c0tc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMG2gnHN1fo The biggest problem with accuracy of any gun is not the rifle it self it's the person firing the gun. That being said i would love to have a k98 mauser in the game as a sniper :P
  9. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    mosin are hit and a miss with accuracy, some are tack drivers and some are crap shots, these rifles have seen alot of use, i have 3 mosin, 2 of them are alright shots just good all around shooters but my 1937 is a really great shot, if only i had a scope on her to put her to the test but i dont bubba old war guns :P, Now my mosin can't beat my 1938 k98, that thing is a tack driver B)
  10. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    I read in the dev blog there adding in police, emt, firefighter uniform, and i am not sure if that means they are just putting in station dress uniform or actually putting in bunker gear and helmets . I would love to see Full sets of bunker gear (yellow , black ) added in (i know there are more colors of gear but those are the most popular), I would love to see some nice helmets, i personally don't like the type of helmets used over in Russia , i like the good old American leather helmets, i wear the Cairns: 664 Invader Helmet which is another nice looking helmet, and gives a good amount of protection. http://www.thefirestore.com/store/product.aspx/productId/11612/Cairns-664-Invader-Helmet/ We already have a firefighter axe so that taken care of already but won't it be nice to have a good old Halligan or pike pole, or hydrant wrench etc, to chase people down, there are alot of fun option that could be added in that you should be able to find in any fire station. http://www.thefirestore.com/store/product.aspx/productId/11441/Leatherhead-Tools-Halligan-Type-Forcible-Entry-Bar/ Back to the helmet idea, if they add in firefighter helmet then they should add flash lights that can be attach to the helmets, it would come handy when it turns night. Last idea, Not anything that could be added anytime soon but, once they add cars, it would be nice if you could find working firetrucks where you could actually fill up and and use the monitor to spray players ( it would have to be a pumper truck, and you would be out of water in about 20 sec without a water supply) now this is idea is kinda like they have on gta but i would like to see that you wouldn't have unlimited water and you can't drive around spraying, you have to be out side the truck moving the monitor. And maybe before u operate the pump on the truck you guy needs to find a book/manual to learn to operate. That monitor would just kinda be a troll gun as it wouldn't kill you it would just knock you on your rear , trust me it not very fun getting hit though haha I know alot of you won't agree on my suggestions, especially the fire truck idea, but it would be cool to at least get some firefighter gear/tools. Thanks for your time
  11. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    i just want to different and weird :P
  12. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    18 delta is combat medic right? i went to college (electrical) with a guy who was a a combat medic for 15 years and loved it, great job to get into with the military except you'll prob see combat as being a medic , hope you have a strong stomach, But you'll learn lots and be ideal as emt/paramedic after the military, and lpn is also another great field to get into also. I wouldn't mind military myself but there not really hiring FF here in Canada, i was told i was a ideal for combat engineer and radio operator, i am waiting for a call back from them, not sure if i would accept a job if i was offered or i would wait for FF school in august, to many things to think about. Good luck in your choice and have fun, noting gives you a better feeling then helping out someone in their time in need :)
  13. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    I am a volly Firefighter/ medical first responder right now for about a year now, hoping to go to FF school for 6 month pre employment program in August, trying to work my way up to becoming a professional firefighter :) :)
  14. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    why does every one dress like G.I joe? the real question is why not?
  15. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    Great post :beans: it would make great protection from knifes and zombie bites, and once they add in cold affecting your character, bunker gear is awesome in the winter until u get wet haha, But after awhile it doesn't matter how new your gear is you will get wet haha, my gear got soaked at a house fire on Wednesday night but i also was there for almost 7 hours and some one did hit me with a 2 and half haha, my stupid gloves won't dry and its making me mad >:(
  16. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    you can hit people at 400 yards in game? i would like to see a video of that hahahaha unless i am just that bad of a shot with the sks cause the max ive hit someone in game was like 150 yards haha
  17. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    both would be exposed , not sure how Russian fire trucks are like but the ones i am on here in Canada, you have to be ontop of the truck to move the monitor around and the pump operator is either along side the truck or in between the cab and the bed of the truck, all depends where the pump controls are but thats Canadian/American trucks. Not sure about russian trucks
  18. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    now that i am thinking of it , the sks could have a little buff if accuracy but not much :thumbsup:
  19. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    It should be a 2 man operation to run the monitor, one to operate the pump and one to climb up onto and move the monitor around. but no driving around like in gta haha
  20. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    I own 2 sks, and i find the accuracy pretty close to being what it is in real life compared to in game, the gun can hit chest sized target pretty easy at 25 to 100 yards, with good ammo, past 100 yards you get into start missing the target, but it is more then capable at hitting out 300 yards but mind you it's not easy hitting reliable out at that range but it all comes down to how good of shot you are, type of ammo you, how good of bore you got, and if the gun is sited in. The 7.62x39 round is capable of hitting out alot farther then 300 yards but you prob are't going to do well cause the 7.62x39 round it self isn't that accurate and the sks is just not that accurate of a gun. But i find it's pretty easy to hit people in game up to about 100 yards then i start missing, but mind you i not the best shot in game as it is :P
  21. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    i would have to disagree on the accuracy, can you explain little bit?
  22. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    The recoil/ accuracy is pretty realistic and i find the gun a 1 to 2 shot kill, unless someone has a vest but even then its a 2 to 3 shot most of the time to the chest. Only thing that bugs me is how the PU scope is able to be mounted on the sks so easy and how it actually holes a zero.
  23. riskiestkiller

    Don't underestimate bambies, you bandit!

    I use to like making friends and having a good time, but i have bin back stab by so many people lately, like being friends with new spawn then right when he finds a gun he shoots me in the back or he scouts for his bandits friends the list goes on, so now i shoot what ever moves near me, i sometimes slip back in old habits of being nice, but not often :P We may cross paths sometime soon, you better hope you shoot first :)
  24. riskiestkiller

    Don't underestimate bambies, you bandit!

    nice video, you seem to play on the same server i play on, maybe ill end up in a good gun fight against each other someday eh B) and whats with people glitching on the roofs these days, heres a picture of a guy i killed who was shooting at new spawn with a mosin. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040443529/screenshots/
  25. i stopped watching after seeing you look through the wall.