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Everything posted by riskiestkiller

  1. riskiestkiller

    Bandits ruin this game

    chances are it was a sniper, there everywheres in electro
  2. riskiestkiller

    Bandits ruin this game

    sorry about your health problems, but if the game is effecting your health then you should stop playing. Bandits are just part of the game, it what makes the game fun, interesting, scary, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.. And spending days gearing up is for suckers, that's what i use to do then i learn its more fun and takes less time is to find the nearest gun and go kill bandits that are killing new spawn on the coast and taking there loot, and i got to say i am getting pretty good at dropping people with a single shot pistol haha
  3. riskiestkiller

    Crossbow, less power but!

    i actually don't mind the crossbow being a one hit kill to chest/head area, lets faces it if you get hit by a arrow you are going to mostly die, unless u are hit in a lucky spot and have a team of surgeons near you, but you don't so i am good with it being a one hit kill. except it shouldn't be a one hit kill if it hits you in the leg unless it hits your artery.
  4. riskiestkiller

    Crossbow, less power but!

    yes and no It sure can do the job to kill you but there are better option to do that, the round is more design to wound and not kill. Fmj round will most likely go right through you but won't do as must internal damage compare to other types of ammo. If you shoot and kill someone in battle you only take one guy out of the fight, but if you shoot and wound someone then you take 3 guys out of the fight, 1 being the guy you hit and 2 other guys getting the wounded guy out of there. Also pretty sure military's aren't allowed to use expanding ammo.
  5. riskiestkiller

    Betrayal and Friendship

    i really enjoyed the song, its catchy haha i searched online for abit looking for it before i seen in your reddit post that you made it, you should post the hole song. Thanks
  6. riskiestkiller

    Betrayal and Friendship

    wheres your part 2 for Captivated video? also whats the song playing at the end ? Thanks
  7. riskiestkiller

    Betrayal and Friendship

    got to say you prob make the best day z videos eh, always enjoyable to watch, can't believe how calm you stay in gun fights. keep up the good work. You should of killed buddy, and got some revenge haha
  8. riskiestkiller


    nice video, but your friends is very annoying to listen to, kinda ruins it eh
  9. riskiestkiller

    Really Bad Desync?

    delete, looks like my internet got herpes or something, i get really bad lag spikes now
  10. riskiestkiller

    Corrosive Ammo

    Just a little idea, seeing that most 7.62x39 and 7.62x54r ammo out there is surplus, wouldn't it be cool if they made the ammo corrosive so if you don't clean your gun within a certain amount of time it would start rusting and the function of the gun would get effected. I think it would be a cool little feature and it may help with all the Kos that people complain about, If people think they'll have to clean there gun it may make them think twice before shooting a bambi or a low geared guy. It would only be fair to make the M4 shoot corrosive ammo also just to keep it balanced. And maybe spawn Non corrosive ammo around but make it really rare. Thanks for looking
  11. riskiestkiller

    Very simple fix for Ghosting and Hopping

    For me logging out in a safe place isn't always a option, it seems when ever i am in a bad place with ton of zombies , in a fire fight with players , there seems to be a fire call and i just got to log out, sometimes i survive and sometimes i die, only down side for my player staying in the sever for 30 seconds after i leave. i don't always know where i am going to end up logging out so not being able to move for 30 second could screw me over.
  12. riskiestkiller

    Corrosive Ammo

    you may be lucky and have dry air where you live with no moisture, but once your rifle gets to a little moisture then the cleaning game begins haha
  13. riskiestkiller

    Corrosive Ammo

    You are very wrong there, it just takes 1 bullet to start rusting your rifle after shooting a corrosive round, about a day after shooting and not cleaning with water or a good bore cleaner design to get ride of the corrosive salts, you will start to see the orange fuzzy rust to start to form and the longer you wait the worst it gets. It may take a bit for a rifle to not function properly in real life but still think it would be a good feature to add, just need to make it rust fast in the game lol.
  14. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    It would be nice to see some more guns added in and seeing the game is set in russia it would be nice to see a bunch of ww2 guns added in, with russia owning massive stockplies of arms left over from the war, in bunkers and salt mines, it would make since being able to find them more then finding a m4. Guns that would be nice to see: 1: SVT 40 (great gun, shoots 7.62x54r, i like to call it the big boy sks, more powerful, pretty accurate, and Loud, i personal own 4 of them, great gun) 2: German k98k mauser in 8mm Mauser ammo (8x57 ) 3. lee enfield mark 1 No.4 or No.3 ( plus a sniper model would be nice) 4.Ross rifle would be amazing (actually WW1 rifle, would be a great sniper in the game) 5. Mosin m38 or m44 , pretty much the same rifle but its a smaller mosin would be better for clearing buildings then the normal mosin 6. M1 Garand 7. Trench gun 8: PPsh-41 9: TT-33 (pistol) 10: luger 11: Sten gun 12: stg-44 ( first assault rifle ) 13: G43 Etc
  15. riskiestkiller

    Corrosive Ammo

    i know but to keep it balanced it would need to be corrosive, if not everyone will just run around with m4, or make it so the m4 can jam and keep the ammo nc
  16. riskiestkiller

    What killed me?

    Got to love day z some times, i had something happen like this before, I was running to the boat and i was fully geared and when i reached the boat (never made it on) the server reset and when i log back in it spawn me about 2 minutes back to just before the swamps and i took one step forward in the open field and somehow i broke my legs and died right away, I though i might of got shot but i looked at the player list and no one else was in the game, and then it took me 10 minutes to get to my bodie but i couldn't loot it for some reason, so i grab a shotgun off the boat and ran to the NEAF and shot a geared guy in the face when he decided to spawn in my building and then i was geared again - the long range scope lol
  17. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    Svt 40 are't allowed to be imported to the states, no semi auto Russian rifles are allowed anymore, thats why we get all the sks and svt 40, chances are prices will never go down for them in the states, if anything the prices will increase over time.
  18. riskiestkiller

    Three words. Land. Mine.

    2 words, Bouncing Betty. I think it would be better then your run of the mill landmines, it will make things abit more fair, cause the person placeing it will have to judge how far away to place it so it won't kill himself/herself with the shrapnel, so it would keep sniper from putting them right close to them self.
  19. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    how did i forget the broomhandle lol, we need it
  20. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    If you ever get the chance to shoot a ross, DO IT one of my favorite rifles to shoot, the action is so smooth and the accuracy is great (i only have a sporter and still shoots amazing). Only problem i see with the ross is the ammo is expensive, but thats the same with most guns. Also it's a good thing Svt 40 are not aloud to be imported into the states, it means we Canadian get them all and cheap $200 to $300, snipers go for about $700 :)
  21. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    1. Yes a ross eh :) 2. svt 40 are not rare at all, except for 1944 and 1945 dated rifles 3.And it is said that there is a stockplie of G43 in russia right now, but the russian want to much money for them so they haven't bin sold and imported to Canada like alot of sks, svt 40, tt-33 4. PPsh would be awesome, but i know i would burn through my ammo supply in like 1 minute of a fire fight haha
  22. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    Most of those rifle are common every wheres, you must not be a gun person i take it, and depending on the gun the prices vary, some are cheap and some are expensive. And why would you bring up mass shooting? it has noting to do with the topic.
  23. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    i agree not over doing it, just some suggestion
  24. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    New guns suck, you may like them so you feel like your playing COD but i don't like them much. i would prefer to run around with a nice bolt action rifle then a fully auto M4, i am not saying no to adding in newer guns, i just want a good choice of guns
  25. riskiestkiller

    WW2 Guns

    Alot of guns have bin scrapped, sold off to the USA/Canada and there are still alot of guns are still in storage that aren't allow to enter Canada/USA, like the stg-44, but also there are still alot of guns that are still in the mines/ bunker that the Russian want to much money for so they haven't bin bought and imported