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About riskiestkiller

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. riskiestkiller

    Official Chenarus Quarantine Force {CQF} Video*

    Awesome haha
  2. riskiestkiller

    Animated Short Out Now - "DayZ: Marathon Man"

    That was awesome :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    Ive never shot a m44 but i do own a m38, very nice rifle, got a bit of kick but the muzzle flash is amazing and would be nice for clearing buildings. We need a svt 40 added in also, i call it the big boy sks :P
  4. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    That would be nice, slap a mid range scope on her and would be a good silent rifle to head shot people :beans:. I really want a svt 40, not for the fact that its a great rifle but more for the fact to scare the crap out of everyone, that rifle makes the mosin sound like a baby :thumbsup:
  5. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    I missed that one from the first video so you win in the argument, but it still doesn't mean a stock one can't do it. Not all shooters could do it but some could. I would love to see day z add in features where you could do that kind of work to the gun after finding the tools B) But i rather see them add in a nice old Mauser and let me scope it :beans:
  6. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    i must be, i bought one for $50 last winter :thumbsup:
  7. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    one has got a PU scope/ bent bolt and the other one has a nice scope and bent bolt, not sure what you mean by heavily modified? chances are its hand loads but who saids u can't do that with good commercial loads? Theres also another video of someone shooting 1000 yards with iron sites. Not sure why you don't think a mosin is capable to hitting out at long ranges but it is, same with a lot of surplus war rifles. It comes down the shooter not being able to hit at long ranges, not the gun
  8. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    Wow, i haven't see a mosin that bad yet,you may of shot a worn out mosin or might be a problem with the sites or it could be as easy as the rifle doesn't like the type of ammo you were shooting, I though my mosins were bad shooters when i first got mine, i was shooting brand new MFS brand ammo and my groups were every wheres then i switched to Chinese surplus and i started getting good groups and was popping 500ml water bottles at 100 yards. I am not a big mosin fan, but how they have the mosin in game being able to snipe is possible, I would never be able to hit that far out but other people can. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2M1hC4c0tc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMG2gnHN1fo The biggest problem with accuracy of any gun is not the rifle it self it's the person firing the gun. That being said i would love to have a k98 mauser in the game as a sniper :P
  9. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    mosin are hit and a miss with accuracy, some are tack drivers and some are crap shots, these rifles have seen alot of use, i have 3 mosin, 2 of them are alright shots just good all around shooters but my 1937 is a really great shot, if only i had a scope on her to put her to the test but i dont bubba old war guns :P, Now my mosin can't beat my 1938 k98, that thing is a tack driver B)
  10. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    i just want to different and weird :P
  11. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    18 delta is combat medic right? i went to college (electrical) with a guy who was a a combat medic for 15 years and loved it, great job to get into with the military except you'll prob see combat as being a medic , hope you have a strong stomach, But you'll learn lots and be ideal as emt/paramedic after the military, and lpn is also another great field to get into also. I wouldn't mind military myself but there not really hiring FF here in Canada, i was told i was a ideal for combat engineer and radio operator, i am waiting for a call back from them, not sure if i would accept a job if i was offered or i would wait for FF school in august, to many things to think about. Good luck in your choice and have fun, noting gives you a better feeling then helping out someone in their time in need :)
  12. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    I am a volly Firefighter/ medical first responder right now for about a year now, hoping to go to FF school for 6 month pre employment program in August, trying to work my way up to becoming a professional firefighter :) :)
  13. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    why does every one dress like G.I joe? the real question is why not?
  14. riskiestkiller

    Firefighter gear

    Great post :beans: it would make great protection from knifes and zombie bites, and once they add in cold affecting your character, bunker gear is awesome in the winter until u get wet haha, But after awhile it doesn't matter how new your gear is you will get wet haha, my gear got soaked at a house fire on Wednesday night but i also was there for almost 7 hours and some one did hit me with a 2 and half haha, my stupid gloves won't dry and its making me mad >:(
  15. riskiestkiller

    SKS Underpowered

    you can hit people at 400 yards in game? i would like to see a video of that hahahaha unless i am just that bad of a shot with the sks cause the max ive hit someone in game was like 150 yards haha