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Everything posted by KoukenNZ

  1. give them batteries, use them too much, they run out, go find more batteries! fixed
  2. I just hope Rocket gets to create dayz standalone in his vision, and isnt held back by devs that want to cash in on the popularity, and make it appeal to a larger audience by making it easy and generic lets hope the bohemia devs respect this project, cause dayz is so important to so many hardcore gamers who are sick of the same generic shit spewed out by mainstream developers
  3. achievements are for console generation games that lack content and innovation so no
  4. perma-death would fix this, or how about 1 life a month then people will be more careful
  5. KoukenNZ

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    sounds great, cant wait bear traps sound scary!
  6. KoukenNZ

    ESP Hack - Undetectable

    remove all tags = fixed when I look at something IRL I dont see floating green text, so why should I in a simulation
  7. been alive for 19days atm, when (not if, WHEN) i die next, ill simply start again, if you cant help getting attached to your character, and you find the only satisfaction of this game is loot, this game isnt for you
  8. listen to no one! i wish this forum didnt exist, make the game as you please and ignore all "community" opinions
  9. Rocket is another reason to be a proud kiwi! Keep us scared, keep us dying Ignore all whiners, if they want a casual zombie games theres plenty out there The community opinion doesnt matter, keep this mod true to your own design, Keep up the awesome work
  10. good, this isnt a popularity contest, its about a unique dev making a unique product for a small amount of hardcore players Rocket: dont listen to these people, keep this game as your own, you doing an amazing job, youre another reason Im so proud to be kiwi!
  11. spend the 30usd, support the devs!
  12. Yes But give us more ways to increase our humanity, and reset everyones humanity