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Everything posted by slimjim00

  1. slimjim00

    regrets? i have one son

    Don't we have a KOS thread for stories like this?
  2. My apologies if this is covered elsewhere, I tried using the search function to no avail, and the dev announcement forum is a royal cluster. Where do I need to go to find pertinent information on what build we're on, bug list, etc. I asked this question in the "Rolling Update" thread and it was deleted. Not sure if my question was out of line, or if it was pruned. Thanks in advance. Slim
  3. slimjim00

    Where to find the most updated news?

    Ahh I see it now, thank you. That pissing match is kind of what brought up this thread. If the forum isn't going to have the most updated info I was just trying to find out where I needed to look to find it. Thank you, I'll be going back to lurking now. Slim
  4. slimjim00

    Where to find the most updated news?

    Yes thank you. However I was told that thread is outdated, and that I should search on Reddit or something for the most updated news? Not sure where exactly to look, and the info in that thread was slightly diluted due to tons of crap to sift through. Slim
  5. slimjim00

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    I'll give that a try.
  6. slimjim00

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    Could've been a different squad. If I remember correctly it was a squad of about four or five leaving far west jail building. All green tactical gear. Not sure if my round was on its mark or not, I don't think my scope was doped correctly. Annnnyways happy hunting either way!
  7. slimjim00

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    Well then if the black guy at the tail end of your group was hit by a Mosin... My apologies.
  8. slimjim00

    Ethnic Discriminations

    As a southerner, I have been told by other Americans they befriended me because of my "accent." Funny though compared to a lot of people from down here I don't have an accent at all; I guess my Yankee friends pick up on it easier.
  9. slimjim00

    features what are needed in standalone

    Ah that's something I would like to see (again) in the future then. That way when Leroy Jenkins in the group goes down I can drag his dumbass back in the door to begin getting him back in fighting shape.
  10. slimjim00

    features what are needed in standalone

    Quick question for those that played the mod more than I - Were you ever able to drag/carry another players body?
  11. slimjim00

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    Nice video! We're you guys at Balota last night and took fire from a sniper as you left the far west jail building?
  12. slimjim00

    Ethnic Discriminations

    I enjoy playing with a bunch of folks from around the globe. It's rare I talk with so many international people outside of video games. Haven't really had any bad experiences yet, in fact most of the people outside the US I've met have been friendly.
  13. slimjim00

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Anyone have any luck?
  14. slimjim00

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Agreed, flush works for a quick fix but this is still a pretty major problem.
  15. So this is somewhat of a noob question, so be it. I'm fairly new to this game, and didn't play the mod very much. Do you folks have any suggestions for becoming more proficient with the firearms? Are the mechanics similar to Arma 2? I'd like to be able to throw myself into a sandbox or something similar where I can practice with the "realism" type of firearms/dynamics found in DayZ SA. I'm somewhat familiar with games like Red Orchestra, and am pretty familiar with handling/practicing with firearms in real life. Am I wrong to assume that everything I know will transfer over to DayZ SA pretty well? Ie I'm familiar with zeroing, where the round is going to go if my target is at 200 meters and I'm zero'd for 100, etc. There's no windage in this game is there? Anything else I need to brush up on? TLDR; Please help me become more familiar with the firearms in DayZ so I can become a better asset to the group I play with. Thanks in advance!
  16. slimjim00

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    Unfortunately I don't have ARMA 3 right now, and I'm not sure if I'd like to pony up the money for a game I'm not entirely sure I'll be putting a lot of time into. Money is tight with my other hobbies. Thanks for the advice though!
  17. slimjim00

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    I'm in the same boat as these guys, I'll try the flush work around next time it happens and report back.
  18. slimjim00

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    I don't shoot at newspawns unless they're hauling ass to get back to there position to get their loot from a firefight they lost. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" and all that.
  19. slimjim00

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    Just giving a brief update, after a little bit of practice I feel as if I'm a pretty decent shot now. Got into and survived/won a few gun fights where it was myself and a friend or two going against squads of four or five. Granted these folks I were facing weren't the most tactically genius guys I've went against, but surviving is surviving I guess. Thanks again for all the words of wisdom from those giving honest advice.
  20. slimjim00

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    Thanks everyone, see ya'll in game.
  21. slimjim00

    Is there a way to practice shooting?

    Excellent, much obliged. Enjoying the game so far, should've signed up on the forums a while ago. Thanks again.