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Everything posted by dayz_marauder

  1. dayz_marauder

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    For a first iteration of the new Zeds, beautifull. But completely unplayable atm. => Loot messed up, to many server-crashes, lack of important items, rubber-banding, desyncs ... But I found an amphibia with 22.rounds, but no mag. Could load one round in it and shoot the whole 50 pack out of it without reloading :lol: Was great fun to see the Zed's new behavior while agroing and getting shot / killed :thumbsup: I also managed to find out, that you can crouch really near to the Zeds (approx. up to 5 meters). They freeze and look permantly at you, but don't aggro in this case.
  2. dayz_marauder

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    Actually, there are no zombies in the game after the new exp-patch. They plan to put in the new zombies instead. When I played a couple of minutes, I found out, that the server seems a bit laggy with only around 16 Players online. I could start a camp fire and put some ammo in the flames. I nearly shit my pants when suddenly s.o. was shooting next to me. Was that working before to crack the ammunition in the fire? Kind of fun now :)