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Everything posted by ijswezel

  1. ijswezel

    Unique Players?

    Unique players means single entries in the database. There have been x number of seperate accounts made/entries logged/beeps booped and they are all unique because they all have different player id numbers. A non-unique player would be making a new player account in game and changing your name/face etc. It still has your same player id so you spawn in the same place, thus making it non-unique.
  2. ijswezel

    Unique Players?

    No, I'm Spartacus
  3. ijswezel

    How do you Pronounce the name?

    I tend to alternate beween day zee because of the americans I know exacting their influence on me too much, or just hopping on mumble and asking if anyone wants to zambies. Gets the job done.
  4. ijswezel

    Dogs: Discussion

    You should really go and sit outside for a while, jeez.
  5. Post processing in this game looks like ass
  6. ijswezel

    Player count per server plans

    Disagree. I'm sure it's been beaten to death a thousand times before, but for the simple reason that with say 50 persons average on a server, once you get off the coast (even in a magical dreamland server where a third of the server does not magnet itself towards the cherno meat grinder (everybody get off the coast)), it is lonely and quiet and desolate and each encounter you have with a dude whether bandit or survivor is hugely memorable and contributes massively to the survival aspect, which in turn goes hand in hand with the atmosphere of the stalker-esque surrounding environment. You could probably up this slightly without doing too much damage to the bigger picture (I have never played on any server larger than 50 players though) but once you start messing with arbitrary numbers like a hundred/one hundred twenty five/hundred fifty, completely aside from server stability and bandwidth needs, you start to lose the magic and sphincter-terrorising suspense that underlie the encounters thus far (I hope i'm not the only one feels like this?) because there are roughly double/1.5x the amount of players running about at any one time. The map is only 15km by 15km and to me at least cramming more people in regardless of whether the server can eventually handle it or not just doesn't make sense.
  7. ijswezel

    Where to find water pumps?

    There's one that works just outside the southern barracks on the NW airfield. I recommend everyone lug all their empty water bottles up there right this instant and form an orderly queue.
  8. ijswezel

    BAF textures?

    I have no idea, really. It's a British weapon so I assumed that would be affected but afaik if it is from BAF that's the only thing so far. At least that I can think of
  9. ijswezel

    BAF textures?

    The Lee Enfield Thunder of Zeus
  10. If you're in the EU, the Norway servers were working for me and my friends, and so were a couple of the numbered EU ones too. We've played a couple hours so far. The poor servers :(
  11. ijswezel

    Low texture models?

    Yeah, that looks like it should be fine to me
  12. ijswezel

    For the sociopaths.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn
  13. ijswezel

    Low texture models?

    No no, the British pack will only affect the Lee Enfield (afaik).
  14. ijswezel

    Low texture models?

    Once it's installed, check it's active in the "Expansions" menu when you start dayz and the rest should be automatic. Same works for the British expansion pack too. An easy way to tell in game if it's working or not is to look at the PMC guys' caps, it's black and grey digital camo instead of solid crayon black in the low res version.
  15. ijswezel

    Character reseted?

    I had a fairly bad ass backpack (M4A3 CCO, 24 slot coyote, tons of ammo/med supplies/food etc) but when I logged in earlier today after updating, I had starter gear on the coast. I asked if the same happened to anyone else on the server and got told to shut up moaning ( :huh: ), shrugged my shoulders, chalked it up to wonkiness after the update and have been playing since from scratch with my friends. Dying or getting reset in this game does not bother me at all because scurrying around and scavenging is super funtastic, but I thought I'd just chip in that you aren't alone in it happening.
  16. ijswezel

    Crashed Helo Wrecks

    Me and two friends found a crashed silver helo just now. me and another took turns in getting in/out of the gunner position to fire off all the rounds in it and we must have entered/exited about 5 times each without it doing any harm, which is great because holy moly that thing is SO LOUD. Dumping 4000 rounds a minute into the treeline in pitch black was great fun. Now I just need to figure out how to get loot out of it :v
  17. ijswezel

    DayZ Update 1.5.6

    Imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff. Say a direct copy of the ball nearest the cliff is sent to the back of the line of balls and takes the place of the first ball. The formerly first ball becomes the second, the second becomes the third, and the fourth falls off the cliff. Joining DayZ servers works the same way.
  18. Last night me and a buddy had someone holed up in a barracks on the airfield. He was moving around to watch the door and I was getting ready to use my rifle to go the length of the outside wall, looking in to each room and hopefully flush him out somehow when I remembered that the barracks have windows. I switch to the G17, empty G17 mag into window, hear it smash, select grenade, throw grenade into barracks. Quick, clean, albeit deafening. The guy dies, we loot his body, find a butt ton of loot and ride a black hawk into the sunset. EXCEPT. The window didn't smash. Grenade is all "sup" while it gleefully bounces off window back into my face while my guy is casually frozen in place staring down at this grenade now rolling towards me and taking his pistol out of his holster instead of booking it in the opposite direction. Profanity is heard over mumble. Grenade goes off, ijswezel is quickly pasted thinly up the airstrip. Friend cannot stop laughing. *curls up into the fetal position*
  19. ijswezel

    Rarest Weapons?

  20. ijswezel


    A GAU-12 is a gatling gun/minigun mounted on an LAV-AD. I think it disappeared because you didn't have the correct raybans/leather jacket/Austrian accent/neural net processor combo when you tried to pick it up.
  21. ijswezel

    Rarest Weapons?

    Earlier on i found an M16A2 with underbarrel M203. I don't know how rare it is gamewise but i'll be lying if i said i didn't poop my tactical pants a little when i found it.
  22. ijswezel

    "Waiting for server response"

    Just a heads up, it's doing it again for me at least, after an hour or so of playing. It loads right the way through to waiting for server response and then hangs again on every server I try to join. edit: it did this after switching from bandit to survivor humanity-wise in game. I rejoined to get rid of the black screen message and now every server has me stuck.
  23. ijswezel

    "Waiting for server response"

    A guy waiting in one of the servers said that there were problems with resolving the character database or something related to that and so it was just infinitely hanging. It was happening last night for a while and now this morning too.