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Everything posted by ThatBritshGuy

  1. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    Walking up hills is horrible in the SA, the tiniest of hills/banks will force you to walk stupidly slow, this is even worse when in a gun fight. You are getting shot at and run to some trees for cover but there is a little tiny hill and you are forced to walk whilst getting shot and can lead to your death. I think this should be changed as it is totally unrealistic and just annoying...
  2. Dude, weapons are everywhere, from spawning in you can get a weapon in about 10 minutes.
  3. Hell no, this would make the game super easy. Its part of the challenge, you find a gun but the struggle is you don't have any ammo. Makes it more interesting because you don't no if you should get your gun out for show and pretend you have ammo but then if someone tries to attack you, you cant use it, or you just keep it on your back and use your axe or crowbar or anything else you have. Not every gun you find in the world with have a fully loaded magazine in this will also just increase KoS a tonne, Bambi's on the coast will find a gun and will just shoot you every time you try and help them because if they found a gun they way you are saying with ammo in they will just stab you in the back because they will shoot you to get your gear and then be sad because they did not get a head shot and all you gear in ruined. Lets be honest its really not hard to find a gun and get full military loot atm any way, in fact its actually really really easy, there are so many places with guns and ammo in, if anything there should be less ammo and less guns not more.
  4. ThatBritshGuy

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?

    I know most people don't like the idea of a thermal scope but the thing is in a real zombie apocalypses there would still be thermal sights around the place and if ignoring things like this just because player find it annoying is not the right thing to do, Its a apocalypses, things are not meant to be easy, if someone has managed to find a rare thermal scope then fair play to them. It might be annoying but things like this would not just disappear from the world, they would be rare but player should still be able to find them. I would not really care if they did or did not add these in but it would be a logical thing to do.
  5. ThatBritshGuy

    Base buildings needs to come.. Fast.

    Yeah I agree, building a base would give a lot of people something to do other than KoS
  6. ThatBritshGuy

    Will tents and bases reduce KoS mentality

    At the moment there is nothing to do after you get all the gear you want, that's why there are so many bandits and people KoS. When more stuff gets added like tents, vehicles and player bases there will be less because there is a purpose and later on in the games development survival will be a lot harder because right now when you have a few hours under your belt and you know not to really trust anyone and where to go for loot it is really to easy to be running around with full military gear on.
  7. ThatBritshGuy

    "Camping" KOS

    Yeah agreed, I know what I am about to say has been said but it would be cool if there was big groups of walkers roaming the forest so if you see them you have a few options, run for you life or gun them down. For taking on these herds you will most likely need more than one person, now if you are not already with a group of friends this will encourage players to team up and take down the walkers for their own survival. Overall I think they need to just rework the zombies.
  8. ThatBritshGuy

    "Camping" KOS

    Just because he has 9 posts there is no reason for him not to be taken seriously, Its just his opinion.
  9. ThatBritshGuy

    "Camping" KOS

    There is already a topic on this but yeah, I agree that the SA has a lot bandits playing (I am not one). I would much prefer getting held up and handcuffed while I try to make a awkward conversation with the person take is taking my gear and deciding whether to put a bullet in my brain or let me live on. This makes the game a whole lot more interesting.
  10. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    Please explain how you see this being realistic, I would understand if the hill was actually steep and they had a better animation for it (this will probably be added later though) but even when you have no gear you still are forced to walk ridiculously slow over what sometimes is not even a hill just a tiny little incline on a road which you could at least jog over with heavy gear.
  11. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    True, but sometimes you can't see where you are getting shot from so running to cover is the best option.
  12. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    Yes but I don't know if you realise you can't adapt, there is now way around it, that's the point I am trying to get across. If you wan't to get up a hill, all you can do is walk, nothing else.
  13. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    Dude, most people are complaining because you are forced to walk up hills that a fat man could sprint up, even with nothing on your back when you spawn on the coast, if you want to go up the hill and walk across the tree line it is completely tedious because you are forced to change speed every 5 seconds when the terrain changes in the slightest. Yes if you do have a full backpack of gear if would be different but still you would be able to walk faster than you can now .
  14. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the walk up hills!

    My point is they are not steep.
  15. I think it would be a cool feature to add some Police and some form of S.W.A.T gear, I don't know what it would be called in another country. But, adding these would be a change from the usual military gear and would add more places to get some kind of other gear, not as good as military grade gear but you would be able to get a Police vest or a S.W.A.T uniform. I don't know much about S.W.A.T but it would be a cool thing to do once the game has more weapons and items in It. I know that S.W.A.T use a variety of guns so they could add in a Mp5 or a Remington 760 Pump action. Anything along the line of Police and S.W.A.T would be cool in my opinion.
  16. ThatBritshGuy

    No servers?

    I can only find 4 servers, they load up very fast like normal when all servers load up on the list but there is only 4 which are all full with the same name? Anyone else getting this? When they are not full it says "Bad version, server rejected connection" I was playing last night and it was fine...
  17. ThatBritshGuy

    Change the M4A1 sound when shooting.

    DayZ strives to be a realistic zombie apocalypses survival game, don't get me wrong, Its the best I have ever seen. There is one thing that is bugging me and that is when I hear the M4A1 shoot, Its sounds so unrealistic and silly both when shooting it your self and hearing someone else shoot it in a distance in my opinion. The M4 sounds like it has no power behind when in real life this gun is a high powered assault rifle with a fair kick. I know that in the game it is very powerful and will take down people no problem but the sound does not reflect this, I also know its only the sound of one gun I am going on about but it is meant to be a realistic game so adding in a better sound for this gun would be so much better because the sound of this gun in the game, sounds nothing like a M4 in real life. Just a Suggestion.
  18. ThatBritshGuy

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    Even if it was not SWAT, some form of rare armour like that would cool.
  19. ThatBritshGuy

    No servers?

    Is everyone getting it then yeah?
  20. ThatBritshGuy

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    Yeah if this was rare in the game but you could actually get it would be awesome
  21. ThatBritshGuy

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    Dude, the only way you are going to stop people from killing you is to take out all the weapons. So you just want a running simulator? There will be less bandits when more stuff gets added in the game.
  22. ThatBritshGuy

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    yeah i know i did say i dont know what its called in other places
  23. ThatBritshGuy

    Police and S.W.A.T uniforms/weapons?

    SWAT team, depending on where they are can use Remingtons
  24. ThatBritshGuy

    Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

    This is the most annoying thing that has ever happened to me on Dayz SA. I was looting the ship wreck down from Svetlojarsk, this was the best character I have had so far when I was near the top floor when I saw a M4. I had a Sporter 22 I was just checking the condition of the M4 because my Sporter was pristine and custom sprayed so I was sceptical of whether to swap it when suddenly I just died. No one was near me so I could not of got hit by someone and I could not of got shot because there was no gun shot or any other sound like that. I was inside, not on any edge so I could not fall, I did not even move It just said my leg is extremely painful and I was like "wtf" then a black screen saying "You are dead". Has this ever happened to anyone else?
  25. ThatBritshGuy

    Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

    That must of been one silent hacker, I was in 3rd person with by back to the wall and there was only one entrance and I was watching that and no one came in