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Everything posted by ThatBritshGuy

  1. ThatBritshGuy

    Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

    I was inside and not near a window, also did not hear anything.
  2. ThatBritshGuy


    As the keen Walking Dead fan I am, Its pretty obvious to say that the two can be linked together. Personally I think later on in the games development when players can make bases Terminus would be a great idea! I don't mean NPC'S because I don't think they should be added in the game in my opinion but if a large group of willing and friendly DayZ players could get together and create a place like Terminus, make it known on one server, in one place. This would be great, a place where new players can go or any player In general if they needed something, advice or anything else, I think this would help out the community with in DayZ a lot.
  3. ThatBritshGuy


    Jesus guys... I would rather hear you thoughts about DayZ on a DayZ forum than The Walking Dead
  4. ThatBritshGuy


    Even if it does not exist in The Walking Dead it can still be done in DayZ
  5. I have been playing dayZ for a while, i have never been able to play the mod so i always watched YouTubers like FrankieOnPCIn1080p play. With all the videos i have watched, i never saw them struggle for food or there character constantly nag then for food and drink, for me this is a problem in the SA. As soon as you spawn in your player instantly wants some food and will never stop saying it until he gets some, not only is this annoying but there is also hardly any food in the world anyway, even when i try to loot big city's there is rarely enough food to last me a 10 minute walk with out him being starving again. Personally i think this is a really easy fix, the devs could do one of two things. 1, Make it so your player does not need for or drink for a while when you spawn in so you have time to get it. 2, Make normal houses that you usually see when walking down a road have something in, because in my experience i have never found anything in them houses, never. If you combined these two together then i think you would have a even better game than it is now.
  6. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    Things were going really well, I found a gun, got some ammo, had a nice full set of military cloths with a assault vest, enough food and drink to last me a while. I was dressed like a hero because that's how I like to play, walked into a barn, I went up the first set of steps, found nothing. So, like any normal person I walked half way down the steps and accidentally walked off the side of the steps I was already half way down and you know, this is like less than a metre of the ground and just like that, dead, not a broken leg, not knocked out, just dead. For starters in I should have obtained no injuries what so ever off that tiny little fall but I died, and now I'm sad... Please fix this.
  7. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    My point is that I did not slip in a bathtub...
  8. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    Cant screenshot is because I died but these links consist of the stuff I was wearing... http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Tactical_Shirt http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Beret http://dayz.gamepedia.com/UK_Assault_Vest http://dayz.gamepedia.com/File:SummerHunterPants.png http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Working_Boots Don't know about you but this does not scream bandit to me... I could easily mock up a classic military bandit look if you really wanted me too...
  9. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    Lolwut? You can have military cloths on and look like a hero...
  10. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    Yeah I understand its alpha, Its still great fun just things like this can get annoying :P
  11. ThatBritshGuy

    Please fix this.

    Full health, not thirsty and I was energized
  12. ThatBritshGuy

    It's too easy to get guns

    The only places I ever find guns is the airfields and sometimes a pistol in a fire station. The airfields are just bandit heaven and will just SoC the moment they see you and fire stations just give you a pistol sometimes.