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Everything posted by pskitz

  1. 1. Killing freshspawns (unless they attack you first) 2. Hacking 3. General KOS
  2. I've put my first 100 hours into this game in about a week, so I'm definitely not new to the game, but I haven't developed any real tactics yet. What spawned this topic is, earlier when my two friends and I were fighting two guys in Berezino, there seemed to be several breakdowns in communication, both of which resulted with me being shot by each of my friends, and ultimately dying. I'd like to say that I take the role of the leader of the group, and I try to act in a way that reflects that. The first time I was shot likely resulted from one friend being trigger happy/not listening to me call out my location. The 2nd time I blame myself for, I wasn't clear about my location and thought my other friend was the enemy. What can be done to eliminate these errors? Ideally everyone would always know each other's location. Is the best way to accomplish this by having people constantly calling out location? Are there any useful tips as far as communication is concerned, e.g. pre-established names for buildings. Any tips would be appreciated.
  3. The extent of my position as a leader of the group is basically that I'm the one with enough monitors to have a map open and play the game at the same time. Making sure everyone familiar with the cardinal directions and can know them just based on out location would be helpful as well. We're pretty good about not shooting without confirmation first. I do agree that ideally we wouldn't need identifying clothing, but at least at this point, considering the levels of experience of everyone, it would probably be beneficial.
  4. We've been using Skype, I can't imagine how uncoordinated we would be just using in-game chat.
  5. I like the idea of some kind of matching gear. Maybe something like the UN helmets (if we find enough) that we could wear during combat. It'll be hard but I'll work on taking things slow, it's difficult to be calm when you're being shot at. We will have to work on establishing consistent roles too, depending on who favors what position.
  6. I run, until I get some sort of melee weapon, splitting axe, fire axe, hoe, etc. Then I can take them on one at a time while I loot every building in sight looking for firearms.
  7. pskitz

    How often do you sever hop?

    I server hop, but not in the traditional sense. I will hop servers when I can't find any loot, but most of the time when hop servers it is into a lower population one because until I'm geared up I want to avoid confrontation with other players at all costs.
  8. Sprint around the zombies until I find some bladed weapon e.g. farming hoe or an axe. Then I can dispatch the zombies efficiently. As far as guns and ammo, my current loadout is an FNX45 with about 60 rounds +2 clips, and an SKS with about 60 rounds. I avoid using the guns at all costs and kill zombies with a fireaxe.
  9. pskitz

    DayZ is peaceful

    Howdy there everyone. My name is Paul. I never played the mod, but I downloaded the SA and I got a couple of friends to download it as well so now I'm really enjoying the game. I personally am not a bandit, but what my friends choose to do with their guns while I'm befriending players in-game is beyond my control. I hope to learn more about this game as it progresses.