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About TheLingorer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheLingorer

    New Clan: Openings

    Hello All I have just started a clan called LingerClan We mostly do Epoch But are open to anything arma 2 related If you would like to Join Linger Clan Submit Your application Below Requirements I would prefer that you are 13 or older but thats about it
  2. TheLingorer

    Looking for clan DayZ epoch.

    Hello I'm the Lingorer and I Do not have a clan but I do have a group you could join if you want to Join us send me a message Via Steam My Steam name is thelingerer54 If you don't have steam my Skype is KingOfLingorIsland But if you don't have either of those (Very Unlikely) Feel free to join my Teamspeak the ip is: And if you have none of those (Super Mega Unlikely) My Email is thescurvyknight@gmail.com