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Everything posted by chickenmcfuggits

  1. chickenmcfuggits

    Changing Config Files

    There are a few things you can change in the cfg files to net you some fps, more or less depending on your system. May or may not work, for some people it drastically improves performance and for some it does nothing. DayZ.cfg You can also try running on a lower resolution or running the game in windowed mode. Windowed would be this line: *.DayZProfile setting that to a lower number might help, but you might have to right click and change the files property to read only so the game doesn't overwrite it (doing this, your in-game settings will also not persist when you restart it). You can change your view distance, the first one is stuff like buildings trees, second one is players/items/misc stuff like that I believe, the first one must be greater than the second I think. This could possibly have a huge impact on fps depending on what you have, but if set too low it could affect your ability to see other players. Consider this as the hail mary of GPU bottlenecks when you simply want to play the game and don't care about sniping. Changes some stuff with the way the game renders terrain, I believe it may affect both CPU and GPU load a little. Acceptable values are: 50, 25,12.5, 6.25, 3.125. The lower it is the faster it will be in theory. There are probably a few other little settings in there I am either forgetting or don't know about. Some people have had also some luck actually setting their graphics quality on high and the game runs faster for them,
  2. Even if it is not a RAM issue, try ending through task manager before you leave a server through the game and it will probably end right away (maybe). Then just restart the game. If not, try running the game in a window, I would say it could affect your fps but I guess it shouldn't matter given your specs. Other than that, its up to the DayZ devs to fix this unless someone else knows a way around it.
  3. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    I want to say that has something to do with battle eye, but thats just a guess really. To be honest about it, I would trade a decrease in performance for a decrease in hackers any day if in fact it did work.
  4. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    I guess the irony of that is that DayZ ran better on my 32 bit installation of windows xp with "2GB" than it does win 7 64 bit with 4GB. A lot of that has to do with how I made xp so minimalist though so whatever. I just want to say some of the most memorable games I ever played were packed into several MB, and just because there are systems out there that can use whatever doesn't mean every game should be designed without any concern for the performance it would have on a lesser system. I mean windows xp isn't so far from win 7 that it takes some astronomical amount of work to accomplish, hell it worked up to the last patch. People talk like it would take some crazy team of dozens of programmers to make a game compatibile with win xp or a 32 bit OS when in fact it doesn't, its just disregarded. I would guess a lot of the problems with hacking could be resolved with a little clever code here and there, as well as a lot of the problems with performance, but everyones got all the RAM in the world to play with and the latest version of whatever so why try to be more efficient right?
  5. It could possibly be that exact problem (as far as DayZ anyways being alpha and all). I don't know how much RAM you have but I was using win xp until the latest patch where it just simply doesn't work anymore, the game always crashed for some reason when I left a server after some odd amount of time. Now that I'm using win 7 it seems to want to do some strange things like hanging and not wanting to kill the process, the way I get around it is after I've been in a server for some time instead of trying to leave or legitimately exit the game I just alt-tab and end the process before it starts its BS, then restart the game. This also has a good side effect of clearing unnecessary things from your RAM that the game keeps while its running. DayZ seems to have some issues about RAM even if it hasn't all been used yet, works fine when the game first starts but after a little bit of play and then trying to change servers or exit menus problems happen. I tend to think its a RAM thing because of the systems I have played DayZ on and comparing them to other peoples who have more than enough to support whatever ungodly problems might occur from bad memory management.
  6. chickenmcfuggits

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    I support this guys general opinion, I have ran DayZ on a lot less successfully and with very playable FPS until I was forced to get win 7 after the latest patch. Now its horribly slow because I have to get more RAM to support an OS I really don't even want. If DayZ magically one day started supporting windows xp I would reinstall and go back to it. You just have to play with things.
  7. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    Yes, but this is not middle earth. An interesting side effect of running games and operating systems on the low end of their requirements is you can tell just how inefficient they are at managing memory. Using DayZ as an example, if I start the game in cherno and run around I'm fine, but if I run through elektro or all through the countryside first the game still keeps that unnecessary data in memory and lags when I enter place where it has to load more. Instead of offloading things it doesn't need it seems to want to keep them since there is no code in place to tell it that I don't need to see a barn that is 50 km away and instead tries to load a shed right infront of me into the hd page file. I can sit here and write paragraph after paragraph about how increasing technological limits has caused developers to get lazy and just not care about writing smart and clever code anymore but it will just be responded to with cheap one liners and movie quotes. I'll just sit here and play DayZ on this shit OS that I hate and whatever, I guess screw the rest of the people that can't upgrade to a 64 bit OS right? Maybe I'll start trolling wtf xp posts and telling them to get a better computer like everyone else on the internet that had their mom buy them a new shiny i7 with 100s of gigs of RAM. And now that I'm on the subject... screw intel.
  8. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    Short awnser is I just don't like change, windows xp is highly configurable and has done me right for many years and I like the OS. Also, I spend a lot of time getting everything how I like and its like a week of work to change my OS, I just don't like having to learn all the ins and outs of a new OS. That being said, win 7 isn't too much different and in fact as I post this I am on win 7 now. Sigh... goodbye my sweet windows xp. Time to look for some more RAM so I can support this slow OS.
  9. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    This isn't a company computer, I haven't hacked my registry and I am still recieving security updates, in fact one was a few days ago. Not that there isn't some validity to what you are saying, but to tell others "if you would just support what I do" isn't a fair argument I think. I mean I could also say: "If devs would just put forth some minor effort in supporting 32 bit compatibility, we would all be better" then not only would they make more money, but their customers would be happier as well. Consider the amount of wtf threads on the internet about 32 bit compatibility such as this one, I would venture to guess that xp and 32 bit os in general aren't quite out the door yet. I mean this goes for 32bit win 7 as well, unless it has changed no where did it say in the requirements a 64 bit OS. It seems like there has been a trend in game development lately for the system requirements to change drastically not only in alpha/beta, but once the game is released as well. Some examples would be world of tanks and planetside 2, many people paid money to support these games only later for them to change the game in such a way that it became unplayable for many of their customers. DayZ is not exactly doing this yet, they never said win xp would be supported and I bought the game fully expecting to not being able to play it on that OS, but I am just arguing against this tendency to ramp up the load as technology increases faster than the game can be developed. Once the game enters beta, or as in DayZ once a significant number of people have paid you for your game, then I believe there is some responsibility in keeping it playable for people at that point and within reason.
  10. chickenmcfuggits

    Game no longer works in WinXP?

    "Get x" posts should trigger an internet-wide ban if OP isn't actually asking about that, every time a thread like this happens there is a spam wave of snarky "get x" posts.
  11. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    32 bit windows xp, or 32 bit everything? I have read that microsoft ended support, yet they have still been dishing out security updates. Honestly, given that most people have moved on to vista/7/etc you expect they would be making malware for that now instead, it may be actually safer to have xp. Regardless, my computer isn't part of any botnet and all I use it for is porn and dayz.
  12. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    I was running on win xp 32 bit, which I know is not supported but I got it to work fine (alpha fine) until this patch, but the error message seemed to indicate that the game wanted a 64 bit OS. I can't get a new computer or OS right now so I'm pretty much out unless someone can throw me a bone to get around this, inb4 "just get x" post. Its a shame being forced to use the newer windows OS for games and such when I like xp so much, I feel like microsoft in all its wisdom should have a way to make these things backwards compatible and play together nicely. Deleting everything (in every folder I know of) and completely reinstalling did not work btw, perhaps this could be something to do with the registry?
  13. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    You would think not after 2-3 million people have already bought the game, even if it is in alpha it would be a dick move to change the system requirements like that now.
  14. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ.exe not a valid win32 app

    I'm reinstalling the game now, hoping that the update corrupted my install or something.
  15. chickenmcfuggits

    Who decided to make hacksaw's so rare?

    Don't underestimate those little sheds, as a new spawn those sheds are usually one of the first things I hit for a decent melee weapon now because they often spawn splitting axes.
  16. chickenmcfuggits

    0/30 Players, WAIT FOR HOST

    Nobody is paying attention to you because you keep hammering that point when its not what the problem is. I have the same issue as this guy where I sometimes can't join ANY servers with 0 players while populated servers remain unaffected, it has nothing to do with server restarts or server times and seems to happen randomly or after I leave another server. I can get a clanmate to join an empty server I can't, then I am able to join after that. I can continuously try to rejoin for much longer than a server restart... same thing happens until someone else joins. Ever sit and watch a favorited server sit at 0 players for a long while, then after you join all the sudden others start joining? I would venture to guess those people are having the same issue and looking for 1 player servers to hop on to.
  17. chickenmcfuggits

    0/30 Players, WAIT FOR HOST

    The same thing has happened to me since the very beginning, for whatever reason sometimes you just can't join servers with 0 people on it. It sorts itself out eventually so if you really want to play without worrying about players just join one with only a few people on it, if by some huge coincidence you do run into one of the few people on they will more than likely just want to avoid you and go on their way as they are there for pretty much the same reason you are.
  18. chickenmcfuggits

    Trading Post

    Where are you on the map?
  19. chickenmcfuggits

    Seeing as Wipe is near, I want to give my gear out!

    Something smells fishy in here...
  20. chickenmcfuggits

    DayZ minimum/recommended Specs and your rig

    I have multiple computers, but with some tweaking DayZ will actually run on this with very playable fps: Windows XP 2.1GHz Athlon II 64 2GB RAM Radeon HD 5450 As long as you don't enter large cities. If you start in a large city before doing anything the game runs fine, but after you run around a while the RAM use creeps up and destroys you if you enter one, Novo in particular appears to be RAM hell. Despite the min requirements, I guess the game is really meant for computers with at least 4GB of RAM because it doesn't seem to offload old things it doesn't need and instead puts new stuff into your page file. The CPU use and dependency does not appear to be as big of a deal as everyone says it is.
  21. I wrote this in another thread and I thought maybe it deserved its own topic to talk about if anyone else is interested. Of course the game is alpha and everything is subject to change, which is all the more reason to talk about it. So mainly what the title is referring to is the second paragraph, the fact that there doesn't seem to be much of a military presence, or any loot spawns, in any areas of Chernarus where the military might want to defend. Realistically, there would be some military presence in high population, hospital, port or other areas of interest and given the fact that zeds are really only after a beating heart or brain, there could potentially be some working military equipment left over even if we're talking some time after the zombie uprising. Devs could also use this to sort of 'balance the map' and spread out areas of interest so small areas (Elektro, for example) don't get bogged down with most of the players on a server. By no means am I saying you should be able to kill yourself over and over until you spawn on top of a tank or AKM, but in some cities it sort of looks like a ghost town, like everyone just *poof* disappeared and these areas weren't contested at all, perhaps this would be true for some small farmer john towns, but not every civilian area that doesn't have a military base. So there is a sort of dual purpose to what I'm saying, for both immersion and for balance purposes. As said in the quote, this could be a venue to add more spawn points for NATO equipment from their mobile units and operating points, instead of relying solely on helicopter crash sites. Just writing my thoughts down incase anyone feels the same or wants to discuss.
  22. chickenmcfuggits

    Get rid of inventory "tetris", its busy work and limiting.

    I also think you should be able to stuff things inside ammo boxes and maybe even some small misc items in medical kits besides ammo and medical stuff, maybe with some kind of catch. There is no black magic in the world that prevents you from storing your sodas or your hunter pants inside of an ammo box, folded up basic training style you could fit dozens of shirts into an ammo box.
  23. chickenmcfuggits

    4-slot protector cases

    I always stuff my raw meat inside of unused clothes or protector cases because I don't like the idea of oozing animal parts all over my good shit. I wish they would implement plastic bags.
  24. chickenmcfuggits

    Was thinking about voice communication...

    So... pretty much make it mic spyware that everybody but computer illiterates could disable if they wanted?