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Everything posted by frozenjaws

  1. frozenjaws

    The new running animation, Why?

    The new animation looks like our character is just starting to learn how to run, just swinging from side to side. I JUST realized what it reminds me off! I wasn't able to find a video, but if you've seen the show Touch, the running looks like the autistic boy jake´s running. Almost exactly!
  2. frozenjaws

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    Wheres the option for "When they're ready"? Seems like the only correct answer.
  3. frozenjaws

    Upboat this persistence bug pls

    hmm alright, very odd. :/ my bad Oh my god, i swore this day would never happen, but I am now the forum idiot spewing assumptions as facts. :O DON'T LOOK AT ME, IM HIDEOUS!
  4. frozenjaws

    Upboat this persistence bug pls

    Its the exact same with items in your inventory, wobo has got a great video on what seems to be whats going on. Check it out and youll never loose stuff again :)
  5. frozenjaws

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    i think the big difference in the wide range of "i found everything in 2 seconds" to "ive died several times, not finding a single piece of clothing" is persistence. From what ive experienced persistence enabled servers is a step in the wrong direction loot spawning wise, the quadrant system seems to just funnel items into 3-10 rarely looted houses, while houses that are checked regularly are left with trash items. Pens, paper, hammers, wrenches, pliers, you get the point. Now, the more you die the more loot is going to disappear from locations close to spawn and slowly move more northwest, and as the process repeats and stack up, eventually you're going to stack up those trash items, basically giving the server a point in time where trash items are the only items in game. However they have implemented a loot cleanup method, but i have no idea how that works or what it will cleanup so i cant make a statement, but in short persistence needs tweaking.
  6. frozenjaws

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    With what build? the extra bugfixes one or the one from yesterday?
  7. frozenjaws

    Logging out at Balota resets char?

    Then dont write that you log out..... Anyways, its a known bug, basically dont stay around for the server reset, log out before it does, if you see the restart messages or join another server after being kicked from restart and you should be fine. And if you do get wiped try logging into other servers, and you might get your character back.
  8. frozenjaws

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    hmm let me be the first to justify your logic with a response. "The first topic is loot distribution and adding "more granular control over the quantity of each type of item that spawns". This isn't a feature, this is feature refinement - balance adjustment. Fine tuning the amount and types of loot that drop isn't a new feature, it's a variation of an existing feature, and a minor one at that." Here's where you went off a little, in fact dean has stated many many times that vehicles are going to be very rare, having some parts for advanced vehicles like choppers be extremely difficult to procure. And with the loot system as it is, this is not possible. You would have an item with a certain spawn chance and it would spawn every so often, even after say maybe an advanced vehicle is already built or the parts are well distributed, which is something he has mentioned he doesn't want. Now with the central loot economy the plan is for them to be able to limit the amount of an specific item to a number for the entire hive and so in fact central loot economy is a absolute must have BEFORE vehicles are introduced.
  9. So me and a friend of mine got into a bit of trouble at the Clocktower, with a couple of bandits at the top floor but we couldnt storm then because our guns wouldnt lift past what seemed like a 45 degree angle.. Soo? bug/wip/limitation what would be the point of this feature?
  10. frozenjaws

    PAX Prime DayZ Stream

    Hopefully it will be recorded tho, if someone can link the video to this thread that would be great.
  11. frozenjaws

    Base building and secureing your stuff

    I've voted for a mid-tier damage system, because i think its important not to allow super fortresses, now im not saying that spending days on a base would be all for show but that the challenge in raiding would be to find these bases. Ideally i'd probably go for a mix of advanced-mid tier damage system as you describe them at least, having to do some tricky crafting or using hard to get items to even attempt breaking into a larger base, but needing simpler things for just barricades or similar. Building massive bases, although cool should be a huge risk as you put a massive target on youself. Where smaller bases would be quite unsecure.
  12. frozenjaws

    "Special build" at PAX Prime?

    Im guessing its just the Advanced Weather effects, maybe some snow? And having that actually affect the player/Ballistics. Getting cold = getting sick, and such. Its something they mentioned in .49 so im not gonna get my hopes up for more. I've been disapointed too many times ;_;
  13. I have not seen it or heard of it happening either, apparently one of the issues is that the system they have to spawn loot right now doesn't allow a weapon to spawn with a magazine in it. But when that gets hardcoded into the engine blah blah blah the usual.
  14. frozenjaws

    Are they wiping?

    People seem to believe that yes, but really what they said was that when they dealt with duping and persistent storage. "As we progress towards the August milestone goal of 0.49 at the end of the month, we will continue to iterate upon the experimental branch with bug fixes and 0.49 intended features. Additionally worth mentioning is the intended cleanup of the stable hive to coincide with persistent storage and private shards being offered globally across stable branch. It is our intent once we have addressed the core issues with abuse of item duping, as well as resolved issues with the protection of player storage and opened game server providers rental of private shards, to wipe the stable branch clean."
  15. frozenjaws

    Helicopter spawn probability

    3/74 i believe, unless they changed something :)
  16. frozenjaws

    Where have you found larger backpacks?

    It has quite a bit less space than mountain backpacks, but i prefer them as well. Its 10 spaces in fact
  17. poop is never going to be added
  18. frozenjaws

    How did you last die?

    hahahah xD i get your point!
  19. frozenjaws

    How did you last die?

    if you log out with handcuffs on you die, dont combatlog. dont log in in the middle of the airfield ;) good lesson
  20. frozenjaws

    How did you last die?

    Went into experimental to check it out, got one of the glitched Vybor spawns, and after finding close to nothing in Vybor i ran to the NWAF. I came across a guy headlessly looting the tents so i went up to him, announced myself and pressed to wave, but pressed f2 instead and took my hands up, he turned around, waited for 5 sec and shot me in the face. Cool guy
  21. frozenjaws

    v0.47 shaking scope is back and now even worse?

    morphine or splint will fix it no problem, if you leg is broken and/or in pain it affects the sway as much as if your arm is broken. Or if your just new to the whole dexterity thing, bigger weapons with alot of attachments will have more sway, and that is obviously increased if you have been sprinting.
  22. The bug that khanarac is referring too, is a bug with the experimental branch. Exp update was supposed to happen yesterday,but i doubt that would affect stable update. As far as i know the plan has been to update the stable branch today and nothing has changed. *EDIT Im completely wrong, no update today. Source
  23. My question, (and it may be a dumb one) Is it a completely other weapon? Or is it craftable from the mosin? I dont know why you would ever craft it ingame, other than some diversity, but thats obviously not a bad thing.
  24. I dont really have any problems with the zombies, but since i played plenty of the exp branch ive developed a technique. One trick is to always stand still when trying to melee the zombies, right now even 2 hit kills will almost always one shot because the game registers more than one hit for some reason.
  25. frozenjaws

    anyone found the new smg or mak?

    A friend of mine found the mak, but we havent found ANY ammo or mags for it.. it also seems like acp rounds are a thing of the past.