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Everything posted by frozenjaws

  1. frozenjaws

    Log in Timer Poll

    Honestly the fact that so many people can "only" complain about the long timer, instead of complaining about server hopping and ghosting, means that its working.. If this time wasn't in the game, so many more people would be complaining about being ghosted in the middle of a firefight. Good job devs! dont give in to the masses, if you're going to change it, make it longer. Log out in the woods, inside a tree.. Not in the middle of an airfield. LESSON LEARNED.
  2. frozenjaws

    What Are These Called?

    Time machines.
  3. frozenjaws

    So why was the axe nerfed?

    I lol'ed! xD
  4. frozenjaws

    So why was the axe nerfed?

    Zombies just got more realistic, when have you seen a zombie die from an axe to the arm or the torso for that sake.
  5. frozenjaws

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    Clearly you are unaware of the work that has been put into this patch and has no idea of the development process. All you want is more more more.. your priorities are not BIS priorities.
  6. frozenjaws

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Good thing its experimental! huh? yeah it is! wouldnt want this in a finished game do we now? nope.. oh thats right its both on experimental branch in alpher stage. strange.. i wouldnt have expected big bugs in this stage. WHERES CARS!?!?!
  7. frozenjaws

    Video Making Advice?

    lock and hide this thread already.
  8. frozenjaws

    Unrealistic Firearms

    Wait wait wait, items in your inventory reduce damage from bullets? Does some items reduce more damage than other? please direct me in the direction for all the information on this. I NEED IT!
  9. frozenjaws

    Bugged audio.

    So can the ambient sounds be player activated btw?
  10. frozenjaws

    Bugged audio.

    Ahh right, i see. :) Sorry when ranting its hard to stop and think. hehe
  11. frozenjaws

    Bugged audio.

    These sounds are the most detrimental bug in the game at the moment, when you think about it. Dayz is a game focused on making the experience as immersive as possible with little to no HUD, however these random sounds are played sometimes constantly and repeatedly in every game session, not only being annoying, but providing massive amounts of false evidence, being it soda cans being opened or rounds being moved around or zombies sounds. Now when you are so focused on making a game with no HUD there are not many ways left to provide the player with information about their environment, basically sounds. And at the moment, these "fake" sounds are playing so often, that basically ive stopped caring, ive stopped wondering if its an actual player or zombie, effectively making me disregard sounds completely. I can not stress the fact enough that this is broken, its a massive part of game play deciphering the sounds we are presented with and what its doing is nullifying any chance you have of getting accurate intel from sounds. The only thing i can compare it too is if your screen was greyed out permanently or none of the status messages showing or non stop bleeding, its blatantly presenting misinformation to the player at an alarming rate, "and while i have been typing this Max Planck responded to this thread that these sounds are intentional??? for what? cheap thrills?"* if these sounds are supposed to scare me, dont spam them every god damn second, i literally hear 20 sodas being popped running through any given smaller city, all duds. Please explain to me why this is in the game. *misunderstood some information, Max has corrected me. Stopping mid-rant is hard ;)
  12. frozenjaws

    Crossbow on 0.44 experimantal

    I found a Bolt Quiver!! with 5 bolts in it and a crossbow right after. Its so awesome haha only thing is i cant get the arrow if i shoot a zombie with it :/
  13. HAHA! Some douche picked the wrong fresh spawn to pick on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inD_1Ve23fc&list=UU-QAmo5uj5LSKpRt7vsy8zA
  14. frozenjaws

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?

    I would be ok with it, IF! Thermals were some sort of binoculars and not scopes & if they took batteries that would die really quickly % if they were rare of course but thats already covered.
  15. frozenjaws

    Crossbow on 0.44 experimantal

    AWWW MAAAN! I found two bolts and they dont stack btw? so thats weird... but i died before i could find a crossbow :(
  16. frozenjaws

    Is healthy still a thing?

    No, the "stuffed" status means you are stuffed..
  17. frozenjaws

    Is healthy still a thing?

    I would assume as much! Remember health is displayed by your screen being blurry and blood is displayed by colors, so does it seem wrong to be able to be killed when your screen is completely blurred out?
  18. frozenjaws

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Well people "wall hacking" could just be a player walking in the direction of a wall, usually what happens is that the server thinks he can continue so he walks through it and then the client say "nuu uhh" and he get tp'ed back. I see that alot playing with my friends.
  19. frozenjaws

    Is healthy still a thing?

    YES!! Light green indicators mean you will get healing eventually, but since this post is about him ALREADY being hydrated and energized and NOT having the "healing/healthy" status, it may be because his blood is not at 100% which it needs to be to get that status... and your just plain wrong about "healing" when your healing your blood is full and your "health" is regenerating. TRUST ME! I AM ACTUALLY RIGHT.
  20. frozenjaws

    Is Dayz still the Anti-game?

    The 1:1 mouse movement isnt going to last you know, they are going to add Dexterity which depending on your weapon will limit your turn speed. (or well it will limit the turn speed of you weapon, your head should still be instantaneous) so thats already addressed.
  21. frozenjaws

    Is healthy still a thing?

    Nope! and here's the video to prove it. Do your research!
  22. frozenjaws

    Is healthy still a thing?

    I dont know about the bug thats mentioned, but also "healthy" and "healing" status' are related to your "health" stat which is different from your "blood" stat and "healthy/healing" wont show up unless you have full blood and then is regenerating "health" or have full "health" Merino Dayz made some informative videos on the subject
  23. frozenjaws

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I think alot of these issues are related to server/client desync, i got killed by a guy with a broken leg after putting 6 sks rounds through his face at 3-4 meters. Was pretty upset about it, but decided to leave it and go back to playing stable.
  24. frozenjaws

    New Experimental?

    Night cycle never left, and the reason day goes so fast is because of accelerated time, a feature they are testing and its configurable for individual servers. Does anyone else feel like 60% of the game is in total darkness btw? i just played a bunch and ofc i felt like they days went too quick, but it seems to get dark really early in the afternoon and stay dark for so long COMPARED to daytime.
  25. frozenjaws

    Anyone got this feeling?

    Its a common misconception that maintenance Wednesday is update day, that is not the case, they are in no way related. ;)