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The Lone Survivor

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Everything posted by The Lone Survivor

  1. The Lone Survivor


    Just a thought, but what if you are walking down the road, you see a dead corpse (and for a odd reason you felt bad) or you wanted to hold a little funeral for your friend's character you can select the Bury option. (body now appears as a pile of dirt, only way to access it is to get the shovel and dig it up)
  2. The Lone Survivor

    Prison island spawning

    Well suppose you do spawn in there, the question is WHY are you even there in the first place, You will more likely be a prisoner (or the very, very, VERY, VERRRYYYY Rare Prison Guard spawn) who is locked in his cell (wearing prisoner gear) and must improvise his way out of his/her prison Cell. Sure you might be a sitting duck, but that will only add to the intensity of trying to get out of your cell.
  3. The Lone Survivor

    Toy Guns/Junk Guns

    Reminds me of this one time, I was taking shelter in some train station, some 2 fresh spawn also came in, I pulled out the 1911 ( had 0 bullets) and the two stayed back while I slowly withdrew to the forest.
  4. The Lone Survivor

    DayZ is peaceful

    We're not killers... We're not monsters... We're survivors..... We're...We? I......I am a Survivor!.....I am alone.....I am.....The Lone Survivor.........
  5. The Lone Survivor

    This is just unplayable now

    it's possible you logged into a different server?
  6. The Lone Survivor

    Random Ruined item

    It's a trap! you are now the hunted, the bandits are watching over your character right now......
  7. The Lone Survivor

    To the "friendly" guy who killed me and took my MP5

    Welcome to Dayz
  8. The Lone Survivor

    Outstanding Dayz UI and game design

    That last one....XD
  9. The Lone Survivor

    NEW Makarov IJ70 .380 Footage!

    Four-legged zombies.... great
  10. The Lone Survivor

    Is looting at night much safer?

    Good Night Good Luck
  11. The Lone Survivor

    Coming back from the dead as a zed

    Immune? where's the fun in that?
  12. The Lone Survivor

    Friendly bandits

    Haven't played the mod, but i can tell you right now SA is improving.....a little bit......(even at that sorta) ​KOS discouraged servers actually had people rob me with a bag over my head and handcuffed (hardcore mode, i couldn't see a thing) Tried another server "oh hell-" (random 10 year old COD kid runs over and shoots me)
  13. The Lone Survivor

    Zombies hunting down a deer

    I don't know, but it wouldn't be as cool, then you would have risk of infection if weren't immune second thought, make immunity for normal servers and infection-risk for hardcore....
  14. The Lone Survivor

    Zombies hunting down a deer

    Seeing how it's a infection, i saying the virus slowly starts taking control over your body, not killing you in the process just "out of service"
  15. The Lone Survivor

    The Campfire "Tell your tales!"

    So i started up this so that people would share some unusual encounters that they have in-game, I'll start off with 2 tales of bandits, death, the cowboy, and zombies Tale 1. The Horrible Bandit So i just freshly spawn near a industrial building along the coast, come out with a few nice things: backpack, hard hat, and a pitchfork. then comes along another player, we both say friendly, then investigate the medical building, i'm looking through one room, then it said "you've been successfully force fed rotten food twice (didn't notice first time). the other Guy said "Ha ha, i poisoned you and i have the charcoal tabs." i rush outside and he said "now i wait for you to die!", kill him with 1 hit of pitchfork, then let him bleed out to death. Funny thing was, i never got the message "my tong taste funny" at all, not even sick tab in character interface, but i took a bite just in case...then died in berizeno to a sniper More tales to be told later, my young Bambi's.......
  16. The Lone Survivor

    Uses for Rope

    Made a though like this in another thread
  17. The Lone Survivor

    Zombies hunting down a deer

    And the Zed's will make it harder for people to hunt down their prey (infected meat (bitten animal) slowly makes you lose control of your character and turn into a zed?)
  18. I whole-hearty agree with this statement You want to know why DayZ standalone is just a BTD? because most of the big patches add guns (for the most part, destructive things: next patch AKM gun added in!) and not constructive things (barricades, base building, etc.) ​You all complain about the people, yet think of what tools they have at their dispose, that's all you can really do in the game, is just shoot at any things that moves!
  19. The Lone Survivor

    Playing the good guy...

    tried that, can't shake off the friendly bambi, 90% resulting in my death
  20. The Lone Survivor

    Zombie Union Meeting

    There planning something....something big....human hunting parties? (hordes)
  21. The Lone Survivor


    It would not be a welcoming sight....and foreshadowing what's will be in your near future
  22. The Lone Survivor

    Death feedback

    Something like this plays while screen fades to black? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuotFZnBtk
  23. The Lone Survivor

    DayZ Pictures

    first one reminded me of when my group was in the NEAF second floor of the "prison building" and we got pwnd by M4 wielders But overall theses pic made me laugh
  24. The Lone Survivor

    Suicide Option?

    Then up and down the coast of High pop servers you see bambi bodies everywhere
  25. The Lone Survivor

    playing as a bandit! NO I DONT MEAN KOS!

    Agreed Me: oh Hello-(face blow out by a bambi with a gun& ammo)