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The Lone Survivor

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Everything posted by The Lone Survivor

  1. The Lone Survivor

    playing as a bandit! NO I DONT MEAN KOS!

    Better than KOS
  2. The Lone Survivor


    The Shroud of darkness can be your friend, or.........it can be your nightmare
  3. The Lone Survivor

    playing as a bandit! NO I DONT MEAN KOS!

    Only once did i see one close to you type, by he force feed me to poison me (didn't work) and i killed him for it ​But never have i seen your kind in the game before, mainly people shooting me immediately after seeing me
  4. The Lone Survivor

    Let perma death be perma death

    And when they add base building, electro/popular bandit town will turn into a bandit fortress
  5. Like i said in another topic like this, can we add an ender dragon too? (adding a end to a game that is endless)
  6. The Lone Survivor

    The Campfire "Tell your tales!"

    My first gun ​As the tile implies, this was when i was a noob and didn't know squat about the map/game, i was running as a fresh spawn down the coast, and see this geared guy (full military clothes) run down the street past me, i followed him only to discover a geared band with a mosin was also following him, we saw each other i hid in a house, saw him make a full loop around and the ran off. I then decided to follow him, pull out a axe i found in the house, then start chopping the guy to death in the front door of the big green house. after he fell to the floor, bleeding with 99% stuff ruined (i took the 1%) and then i took my very first gun thinking WOOOO!!! then died of starvation near a bush at cherno.
  7. The Lone Survivor

    Suicide Option?

    Awww crap i don't like this spawn, it's too challenging..... *suicide* Cool! i spawned next to the NWAF!!!
  8. The Lone Survivor

    Helicopter crashsites

    Then the bandits will hopefully camp with their snipers there, instead of a airfield.....(prob not)
  9. The Lone Survivor

    So how much of a thrill do you cheaters get when playing DayZ?

    I may have less hours, but am no less frustrated than you are now, me, a group of friends get shot dead in NEAF but a 4 hackers with unlimited M4 ammo, that's why I'm also going to take a vacation to another game.....
  10. The Lone Survivor

    Night time suggestion

    I would simply want people not to just turn up their gamma instead of actually using the flashlights...
  11. The Lone Survivor

    Who's idea was it to make spawns in Berezino?

    Hordes would be great, making people rely on stealth more often and real world-like puzzles " how do i get that horde away from that hospital full of supplies without risk of death?
  12. The Lone Survivor

    spray mark buildings as searched

    Hell YES!!
  13. The Lone Survivor

    So, what are some decent servers?

    Find a hardcore server, then at least they won't always see you before you see them....
  14. The Lone Survivor

    what would you do in this scenario

    I have over 200 hours, still can't seem to shake off the i'm friendly" thing and talk to the guy (then get shot 5 seconds later....)
  15. The Lone Survivor

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    so your saying put a "The End" in this endless game? not even a Ender dragon?
  16. The Lone Survivor

    SKS Underpowered

    and not just the bears, my evil clone TheLoneSurvivior
  17. The Lone Survivor

    SKS Underpowered

    Cant' wait for hunting, so that a bear wanders in, then i kill it and have some nice bear meat after the firefight
  18. The Lone Survivor

    identify cause of death

    (checks body) hmmm..... it appears he had a shot to the hea-(Head explodes to a bandit sniper)
  19. The Lone Survivor

    SKS Underpowered

    Reason why my name has space and his doesn't is because I got here first (just sayin')......... But i'll be there........XD
  20. The Lone Survivor

    SKS Underpowered

    Depends on how bad of a shot you are.....
  21. The Lone Survivor

    What about Zombie Dogs?

    It's powerful in general but not always smartly used
  22. The Lone Survivor

    GPS & Nightvision Feature Wishlist

    (it's dark out ) ME: NV, such a great ide-(Headshot by a Camping NV sniper)
  23. The Lone Survivor

    Hello Everyone-Unfair Deaths Anyone?

    Would love that
  24. The Lone Survivor

    What about Zombie Dogs?

    Would replace crawling zed from dayz mod......
  25. The Lone Survivor

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    You again......