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About M0RG0TH

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. How could you even possibly know he was a server hopper. What if he was logging on for the first time that day, and he happened to log out at the airfield for whatever reason. And you killed him. This is why the server hopping prevention methods are utterly fucking retarded. Sure, we still need a way to stop people from server hopping. But the system in place now is just an annoyance because LOOT DOESN'T RESPAWN. You'd fucking think devs with any semblance of intelligence could see this but apparently fucking not. Lets wait until the very end to implement respawning loot, or how about not at all. That sounds like a good idea, lets force people to fucking server hop, wait through a fucking stupid timer, disconnect, repeat, and then finally get in to another empty server. All because the devs are inbred retarded fucks. Fuck this broken game.
  2. M0RG0TH

    Does anyone actually use mouse smoothing?

    Well they need to fix that mouse acceleration into a working option....
  3. M0RG0TH

    Thoughts on the Map

    I get lost even when I know where I am because everything looks fucking generic and the same throughout the whole map. No variety what so ever other than positioning.
  4. M0RG0TH

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Very disappointing news.
  5. 1. The fall damage is indeed stupid and must have been programmed by someone not very intelligent in physics. 2. The pathfinding for zombies is being worked on, its alpha stage. 3. Or you could not be lazy and look in key bindings? 4. Having a black and white screen means you were hit, you lost blood, and now you are low on blood. http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects 5. Devs have thought about adding a real suicide option if you have the capable weaponry. 6. Again, this isn't the fully released DayZ standalone. This is in alpha stage and many things are still being worked on. 7. Fist OP.
  6. M0RG0TH

    what's in the game now?

    Lelel at 6 post noob thinking hes clever and helpful.
  7. M0RG0TH


  8. I don't feel bad about killing assholes.
  9. M0RG0TH

    Zombie Tailors?

    This is where the problem comes with testing that. This hasn't happened to me with any camo vest. I'm wearing an anti-stab vest at the moment and can't reproduce those results. So having to find a press vest to test this out would be incredibly difficult.
  10. M0RG0TH

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    That's fine. I use mods in many games. Keep them out of the standalone. Keep them in the mod.
  11. M0RG0TH

    Mosin VS M4

    Mosin if you're confident in your skills. M4 if you're not.
  12. M0RG0TH

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Take your walkie to green mountie.
  13. M0RG0TH

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Only if they have a separate team from those developing DayZ for the PC. We don't need a dumped down PC experience because they put 50% of their resources making it for consoles. Which IMO are garbage shit anyways. This, and fucking thank god.
  14. M0RG0TH

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Take them to the radio towers.