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About tamashii

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  1. tamashii

    D-bag of the year

    There are many trolls /wankers in this game sometimes... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XlLw-iB-t3Q this is a video of someone having fun with one of those trolling wankers lol (I do not own this)
  2. tamashii

    Well I've officially teamed up with a weed smoker.

    A true stoner wont drop guns or flake out unless they run out of weed.....
  3. Use the chemlight for sexy rooftop party! no pants allowed!!
  4. tamashii

    Vehicular Travel.

    Off topic, but are the 2 dudes next to the bridge having an argument? they look pretty pissed!
  5. Just so you know, there is no shame in running from zombies, just remember to take half a second and ensure your hands are "out/up" (spacebar) and double tap the w key, also you can hold the "alt" key to look around while running, to see where those zombies are Hope this helps, tama.
  6. tamashii

    death & your items

    If you take the gear off the body and sit it on the ground it lasts a long time, but if it is on the body it will dissappear when the body does, im sure it lasts 5-10 mins, often you can run back to your body and get your gear back (depending on the circumstances reguarding death)
  7. tamashii

    just bit of general advice

    I just moved, and they have had trouble setting up the adsl so i have been and i used over a gig after about 5 hours of gameplay, so yeah.... it hurts...
  8. tamashii

    My first death in DayZ.

    And then when you feel like a fresh start and try to suicide off the highest point in construction site it takes 7, thats right, 7 attempts before it works........
  9. tamashii

    Today is the best day....so far

    Nice work! the only time i made it to devils castle alive i was coming back down and got slingshot down through some stairs, then rubber banded back and then sling shot forward into a wall... 3 seconds later (you are dead)......
  10. Sticks! i love that they now come from trees and are available to collect and use, instead of finding an old decroded stick that was broken, collected and stored before the virus... dont want to place that in a rag against my torn/lacerated skin where the bone pokes through...
  11. tamashii

    Not a KOS player but this time I had to

    Also im pretty sure this doesn't count as kos. Kos is kill on sight. No attempt at communications, no running up to them and talking ,waving, wiggling etc, just see and shoot/run up and melee etc... so basicslly, dont feel bad about it :)
  12. tamashii

    Where the hell am i ?

    True, but on the servers i have played on the arc seems to be like more south to north which is weird, maybe they fixed it, i havent played in a few weeks...
  13. tamashii

    just bit of general advice

    You may have to purchase a "wireless dongle" and pay over the odds for your internet for a few months... it hurts, but no internet hurts more...
  14. tamashii

    Where the hell am i ?

    If you head towards the sun you usually end up on the coast in 10-15 minutes :) i seem to keep spawning in the middle of nowhere when i die, had to do this a few times now lol
  15. tamashii

    3 random survivor is MAKE A TEM

    Nice work shrub! anyone reading this work for logitech or anything? can we get shrub a headset? If you have paypal shrub i will put 5 dollats in towards a headset! :)