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The Toolman (DayZ)

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About The Toolman (DayZ)

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    my life, too long and dirty!

    self employed in my own company and sometimes much time to play because i do not need to work everyday.
  1. The Toolman (DayZ)

    What if DayZ added a single player mode? Hear me out.

    well.. all these passworded servers with just 1 to 5 people in there show very well there is a single player version of the game, where people can get their gear very easy. you must be willing to spend your money for your own server and here you go with "single player". interesting to read that servers always have to be open for the public .... but reality is very different at this point! make your own server, get your gear in your passworded server (saying testing) with your friends or alone... and after this "mission" is finished you are open ro run amok with your night vision and sniper rifles on other servers to show what big boy and excellent player you are because noboy knows you are just a big ****!
  2. The Toolman (DayZ)

    Helicopter crash sites

    no good memory on heli crash sites. found 2 within a few 100 meters ... and got a rifle with night vision and another one which took those 200 bullet mags of which i had 2!! wow, i was happy .... and i made my way through the forests, always happy and couldn't wait for the night. 3 hours and many dead zombies later i logged off.. no night on the server, but deep in the night at home. however, when i logged in the next day everything i had was history. every item in my inventory and of course the weapons and ammo (except the tools) was deleted .... so to hell with such chrash sites. and of course.. since then i never found one again!
  3. where is the sense in all these "reality checks"? it's a computrer game, nothing more, nothing less. it makes completely no sense to compare this in any real life and because i do not live in america, i do not know any child of 5 years who could even fire a gun or hit a target in real life if it would fire a gun by accident. it's just a computergame to waste some real life time nothing less, nothing more. most people here would die in real life without being shot by others or eaten by zombies....hahaha. so reality checks are quite useless. and because it is a computer game even perma death means you get another chance.... with luck you can also loot your own body. well, if i die in the future i will try to loot my body if i remember for what. unfortunately i never had any use for a gun right now... and even there are real zombies in the hamburg subway early in the morning, it's still forbidden to kill all these people because most of them have tickets to use the trains. or do you always jump in real life in another world where it's daytime when it is in your hometown dark and cold? oh and i forget... of course all of you people know how to fly a real helicopter.... after they repared it without tools, but with a rotor which came out of their backpack ... oh my god. it's just a game and no real world! make a reality check running cross country for 10 hours with a rifle in your hands and a full backpack .... muahaha! so just let reality where it belongs to ... this game just need some balance and maybe different servers for different playstiles with different settings and no boring reality checks,
  4. The Toolman (DayZ)

    Humanity System - Rocket, have a minute?

    well, i must say i just don't care because in 9 of 10 deaths i had, i never even see from where i got shot. you could have put the bandit in a yellow bikini and i would not have seen him because usually bandits use sniper rifles. so i don't care much and the one time i have seen the person who killed me was just when i came in a server. i spawned 1 meter away from someone who was already at that place ...and so i got instantly killed by this "nice guy". by the way, i never played as a bandit and never killed anyone - except zombies. i am just a few hours now here in the forum and see many people comparing a computer game (DayZ) with real life which is really funny for me because it is just a fucking computer game and will always be. most of the people here - even myself - never fired a gun or a sniper rifle in real life... and do not work as bandits in their job. (except you work in the government or bank which are all criminals, no matter in which country!). so all make comparisons with real life, but here we want markings to bandits .. well, this would be a great idea even for the real world. thiefes get yellow armbands, murerers get red ones and terrorists have to wear always yellow bikinis ..... well mr. bin laden, here we go ....with all the pain he brought to the world we would have had something to laugh about. however.... at least, this here is just a game which need some balance and because i am no game designer i have no idea how this will end. i even don't care because i play just as long i have fun with it.
  5. The Toolman (DayZ)

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    yes give me instead a compass, matches, watch, knife and hatchet to save the first 30 to 120 minutes of useless gameplay.
  6. The Toolman (DayZ)

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    Yes Lower the humanity, the louder the sound ... and especially for the bandit itself to have some crazy noise all the time, noise of footsteps around him, of shooting guns, of zombies and he never know if it's real or just his imagination.
  7. funny people want a new game even if the previous one is still in alpha. yes, arma3 looks by far better now, but graphics are quite ok in arma2 in my opinion and it runs well on todays pc's. i fear more the fact to get even more people on each server wich means more enemies. i am for 2 weeks in the game right now and never even meet just one friendly! and no, i never killed one player, just and only zombies. just my own taste ... i want to avoid getting on servers with 199 idiots. and i don't want to hear this "surwiving excuse" because it's absolutely bullshit. you get more and easier food from the animals around and from refillable water bottles. if it would be possible to kill animals just with your hunting knife (which is obviously not made to hunt.. muahaha) you would not need any gun at all (from the surwiving aspect). and i still wonder why i can cut a tree down for wood, but not a zimbies arm or head off with a hatchet. anyway... it's a computer game, so there is no need for logic. kill zombies with burning arrows, build traps .. there would be many ways to kill the zombies. unfortunately it's just easier to kill the human players just with a gun from 1000m distance. at least DayZ is not a surwival game ...it's just a game to kill other players, to let them start over again and again and nothing more. the game will need much, much more balance and some fairness to people who do not get an errection when they kill other players. DayZ ist just a killer game in a much bigger playground. but sorry to say this ... if i want to kill other people i can play team fortress 2 wich is much bigger fun in the killing aspect but of course a completely different game and gamestyle. DayZ is somekind of unique which makes a part of it's facination because of it's great landscapes. i really like the graphics because it looks somekind of real. not overshiny and glittery as battlefield 3 which looks even better than the real world - only the game (bf3) does not give me any fun at all.
  8. The Toolman (DayZ)

    [Question] Is random loot possible ?

    well ... as i can see ... the only possible way to get that loot you want is to get your own server. i am in the game now for 2 weeks and i know the rules for serverowners. but i can see it everyday wehenever i try to find aserver there are tons of servers closed for testing or passworded. and there are always between 1 and 20 people in it. well, pretty easys to get your gear while "testing" (yes suuuuure ... test test.. muahaha) to get your gear and later to tell all your poor victims how bad they play and how much they suck because they do not have the gear to see even their hands in the middle of a moonless night. at least this mod gives big advantages to those people who are willing to spend their money to open their own server. well, sorry to say this .. i am just a user and i liked the game .. but if there is no change in it i even don't care because there are many more other games to waste time with and which are more fair to casual games with a real life. but i also know... the mod is still alpha and so we still have to be patient. but honestly... after i got killed yesterday 10 times i have enough for the moment. it's not the fact to get killed by snipers which are so far away, you don't even hera from where they shoot..... it's more the ridiculous boring start over after every death - that my friends really sucks and is boring as hell!
  9. The Toolman (DayZ)

    Re: Spawning without a Weapon - Reality Check

    funny so many people play a comuter game and then want a "reality check". in a reality check you should at the very first start to ask yourself about whe the hell do they give us beans to eat when zombies get so much attracted by sound. i see a player going prone while he is sneaking between zombies... and then the beans do what beans often do in your body.. muahaha.... well, maybe the smell will kill the zombies but i bet they do not even smell better.... really, you can be sure farting in a zombiehorde will give you a more or less much more serious problem then. so people, please never compare a computer game with reality or would here anyone of us still run all the time through a forest kilometer after kilometer? sorry, i could not even run on a street for such long time. and who of you all want to live in a zombieapocalypse? it's fun in a computer game, but honestly ... in the real world i would go into suicide! such or a post nuclear world is cool and fun in games, but if you spend just a few seconds to think about it, it would be never worth to live in such real scenario.... (and got killed for beans... hahaha) but back to the topic and to previous posts here. i still wonder why so many people always say, they will be killed for beans and water. i am now for just 2 weeks in the game and must say, it's so easy to surwive with the right tools. as i said in other threads before ... i am absolutely bored by getting my stuff after i got killed. as startup gear i need no weapons bandages or beans .... i just want a compass, matches, a watch (which is just nice, but not important when you get a compass), a knife and a hatchet. it's so boring to search for these things all over again and again.. but if you just got these 4 or 5 things it's really easy to surwive ... because it's easy to find weapons everywhere. and after logged in a server last time and spawned exactly with just these things on me (compass, matches and so on) but without any weapon or other stuff i know it is possible to surwive even in a horde of zombies... it's just necessary not to fart while you are sneaking between them .. and if it happens, pray it's a silent (silent but deadly) one ... hahaha. and again.. if it happens.. don't shout .. "god it stinks here" ... and you get the zombies anyway. by the way... when i lost all my weapons i lost a sniper rifle with night vision which i found in a heli crash site .. i did not use the rifle for one time because it was useless at daytime! but i'm a little sad about i lost it... it was the first time i had a sniper at all. well, to come to an end, it's good it's a game ... the cherno coast would be hidden in a green fog if all surwiving people there would just eat beans. just fire one singe match and the zombieproblem is just in fire - as the people living there!
  10. The Toolman (DayZ)

    Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

    yes, i also think .. a nice idea, but won't work right now for reasons mentioned before, for example serverhopping. by the way .... in all the times i got killed now by other players i never know who it really was. makes it quite impossible to hunt him down. i for myself do not really care about high end weapons for which i cannot find ammo. i am still happy with a 1911 and a winchester because it's easy to never run out of bullets with these and both kill zimbies fast and painless.. haha. and the winchester is not as loud as many player always say (or think). i for myself want a currency in the game no matter if it'S useless money or makarov ammo or whatever for which it is possible to buy 5 things. compass, matches, watch, hatchet and a knife. after i got killed last time 10 times by other players i must say it bores me to hell to get all this stuff together again and again because my surwiving begins to start after i found these 5 parts. the ingame map is pretty useless in 98% of all servers, so i don't care for it. i use a map on another computer with a second screen. but searching for all the other things bores me to hell.
  11. The Toolman (DayZ)

    What i hate and love about the mod

    now i want to tell my short story and why i also will avoid playing this again until it's better or even more fair. yes yes yes, surwiving never is so fair ... but come on, nobody shoot you for your beans. it's so easy to get food which gives so much blood back... and you can refill water. what me really pisses off from the game are much more other things right now. so where to start this, there are so many points. when i search for servers it happens so often where i find passworded servers with 1 to 5 players and i'm absolutely sure about what is going on there. that's the good thing getting your own server because you just need to write "test" close it for othe rplayers and now your up with your friends to go and get urself the best loot and if you are finished you can open it again for the crowd, just to kill all the "noobs". i bet this is the main case in all these passworded servertests! therefore this game is really unfair for people who just play. however, i must say i don't care much about being shot by such players... i'm 43 and just waste some time with playing sometimes. and at 95% i got killed by snipers. they do it just for fun, not for your stuff. there is no reason.. most of the time i got makarov or 1911 and a winchester.. never had a big backpack... so why should someone with top gear shoot me? nope, it's just for the fun and because to make me start over again. sorry guys.. i really don't care about your empty lives ... it's nice you can play a computer game, i prefer to just play games for fun and have a real live with "top gear".. makes more sense for me. but what pisses me really off is the ridiculous boring start after you got killed. yes, it was interesting the first one or two times in the "new world". but now i am just bored to hell. my last character was alive for a week or so because i avoided all these crowded places .. therefore i also did only have a winchester and a 1911. at least quite enough to surwive. i also found yesterday 2 helicopter crash sites and got a sniper rifle with nightvision which i completely lost after i left the server. when i came back into the game a few hours later i lost completely everything ... only the stuff like watch, compass knife... this stuff was still there, but no weapons. well, i surwived 30 minutes, got a ak-something rifle ... just to get killed one minute later. well, loosing your stuff when gou got the first time somethign very good really sucks... but shit happens in a alpha, so i am just a little sad... hahaha. and again to start over..and again and again. yesterday seems it was the national holiday of idiots. but again, i don't complain about it because i have a free will and i do not need to play the game, i can do other things as well. but the startover is so boring when you know the game. i do not need the ingame map because it's absolutely useless in 99%. i can use a second computer in which i have always the map open and where i can use my own points of interest. but the first 30 to 90 minutes after every new start you first have to find your "surwival kit" which consits of compass, watch, matches, knife, the hatchet thingy and a bigger backpack. sorry, but this bores me to hell. i told many of my friends about this mod because some of them - even in our age - sometimes have fun to get into a game. i told them much and about how cool this mod is ... and not i tell all of them they should not get it because this ridiculous boring start after you died absolutely kills my mood to continue this. you can kill me 100 times and i don't care .... but starting again somewhere at the beach with nothing but your wet pants on... even far away from any usefull place, no thank you. i love to waste my time in computer games, but this is too much waste!!! last time i restarted about 20 times before i spawned near a town. haha, yes i know, in this time i could have already walked to the next town. the last thing is - which is in my case the point which kills the game - is the fact that there is almost no chance for a single player to get some good stuff to be competitive against serverowners who can close their server to get themselves what they want just without being disturbed by other "noob" players like me. it's the fact that the best things spawn only in a vew places which are always and in every server camped. after i visited almost all villages on the map i do not see any sense to visit these villages again - only if i need ammo for the winchester and the 1911 which spawn at a good rate. also a point which makes better weapons for me useless because they are useless without their special ammo. so coming to the end now. this mod could be a cool thing.... but there is absolutely no balance in it. sorry friends, but if surwiving means i have to get my my own server in which i have to "test close" just to get me some gear .... no thanks. a nice try, but it's jsut a computer game, not the real world! the hype is very big on this - as it was on the star wars mmo (and we all see what happened with star wars after such short time!). i am not a game developer, i prefer to make more money much easier in real lif, but DayZ has of course potential and it was even funny to walk for hours to the forests to surwive. but the developers here have to need some big ideas to make this game more fun to play in the first 2 hours which i talked about earlier. collecting all these things bores me to hell. so until now i was always a friendly player and never ever killed another one, if i will play again this will change completely. i am german, but then i will play the "american way" which means, shoot first, ask later. again something i do not like. killing someone jsut to be sure he does not kill you.... this is a matter why a retail game wich works in such way will never be able to be sold in germany. killing other people just without sense makes it impossible to be sold here in my country. anyway ... a game lives and dies with it's users. games like this here seems to attract idiots a lot. i always think theys should get a life... but instead i quit and go back to my life as many other will, i am sure about it. i bought arma2 also just for this mod and never played it before .... but arma2 is a cool thing, so i bought now also all other addons and waste my time there now. so as long serverowners (and their friends) have such advantages it makes no sense for me to come back again. stuff you find when your server is passworded should be deleted later and refilled by the stuff you had before, and never forget, it's just and only a GAME.