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Posts posted by cvsnake

  1. There is no fail-safe. Persistent items not on your person was cleaned up from the dev's side during yesterdays maintainence period. There were warnings here as well as BEC messages on your server that you must have missed.


    Here is part of my tweet to dev Eugen Harton as posted by the dev tracker: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215351-reddit-eugen-stable-may-get-persistence-wiped-this-wednesday/


    Here is the tweet in full to dev Eugen Harton from my post in General Discussion: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215332-megaloot-cleanup-tomorrow/


    Also, loot farming doesn't work like that. Not all area's are farmable. Some area's produce junk loot quickly, some area's take 30 minutes or so to respawn items, some none at all. The mil bases do not produce high value mil loot on respawn from loot farmers just so you know.


    Reason we know this as fact is we had so much megaloot on our private shard that we had cleanup teams touching objects to create ownership (loot lifetime) so said loot would despawn. Some would pick it up and drop it in the spot, some chose to pick it up and throw it out of the area as to not confuse which items they picked up. Either way, it was a losing battle as the items re-puked all at once.

    Very true Weyland, I tested it for 2 days about 20hrs of moving loot, there are 2 kinds of spawns MEGA and Normal, Normal are NWAF tents MEGA are NWAF raised floor tent barracks, just an example there are other spots like the news stands and some chicken roosts.  
