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About Lostc4use

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Lostc4use

    Piano House & elektro looting

    you got me wrong, ive searched alot, I just wanted to be sure there was one in elektro, and I dont go to empty servers, I go to low pop servers.
  2. Lostc4use

    Piano House & elektro looting

    I dont see any problem with server hooping, to be honest it would be great if the gear wouldnt stick with you when you change server, but you cant do that because servers are unstable atm, you cant stick to one server,so yh server hooping is fine. About the KOS, dude.. what else is there to do on this game as it is right now? Zombies are no threat (grab an axe), food and water are no threat either (if ithey were the KOS would even be greater), so, whatelse? I tried to be friendly once, the guy (taht just spawned) punched me and I went unconscious with 1 or 2 punches max, then he killed me. KOS is the way! :D
  3. Lostc4use

    Piano House & elektro looting

    Can someone confirm if it is in elektro?
  4. Lostc4use

    Piano House & elektro looting

    As if I care about what they say ^^ So, where is it? :P
  5. So im a week into dayz, me and my friends are loving it (yh there are tons of bugs, but, its alpha and we understand that concept). We are our changing gearing tactic, so far we would spawn in a empty server,run go to balota airstrip and server loop till we all got full military THEN go into action, but this takes too long and its not rly needed, we will die anyway due to pvp or some bug. So now we are spawning and running straight for elektro and gear up there, we check the firestations, the school, the hospital, the supermarket and the police thingy, but from what I see on the webs the best house for weapon/bullet looting is the "piano house", is there one in elektro? If not, where is it and is it rly that good?