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About Fused

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  1. Fused

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Defaye, I guess the whole survival aspect of the game from the elements and zombies are actually becoming a reality. Your entire post is an example of who this game isn't meant for ... PvP. So either learn how to play the game, or stop ... Plain and simple. Haven't played the update yet, but at least there was an update either good / bad.
  2. Fused

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Have multiple parts that must be collected to form a completed gun. Don't ask me the parts, I just think the current state of the game being all about killing other fellow survivors is a waste of the concept that Dean Hall had envisioned.
  3. Fused

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Because if you spend all your time on the coastal death traps to find food as a fresh spawn, you deserve to be at a high risk of being shot. However, lowering the amount of food to be found incities will force people to risk going into the city to find the necessary loot to craft a weapon to go hunt animals in the woods. If that happens, the current hot spots for deathmatches would be pushed away from there and more on the survival side of the game. Obviously the current state of side effects that come from gameplay such as disease and infections are not implemented and if they do it properly the game will be far more challenging and be more about actually keeping your guy alive from enviornmental effects. If you sit inside a "camp" or building all day and don't roam around then you won't have the effects and risk play against you quickly ... But that is super boring for most, especially Bandits ... If you wanna go out and hunt fresh spawns, you better be prepared to face a wrath of ailments. This game could be so unique from other games that always fall to PvP, those games have been done countless times and will continue to be cause of money. Went a little off topic but it all still applies to making hunting Animals and not players for the most nourishment rewards.
  4. Fused

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Posting this only after getting through a couple pages. Hunting will be awesome if: 1. It requires a stealth approach. Some more severe than others (Deer, Wolf, Bear). 2. The food that spawns in towns/cities must be reduced a great deal. Sure fresh spawns may be hard pressed to find the necessary food to kill the hunger, but hey ... If you love your 9V and Flashlight that badly to lose it ... Quit playing before you get anything of value. 3. If you fire a gun to kill an animal, well that's your own stupidity. Just like IRL you reveal your presence. You alert other predatory animals such as wolves and bear, and Zed's along with other players know something is going down and come looking. 4. Guns and Bows should be crafted and not found. (This one will never happen but it should to keep the focus on PvE not PvP). 5. Damage to coats and meat on animals should definitely reflect the weapon used. If the survival aspect of DayZ doesn't become more of a necessity in terms of finding food to survive, along with Zed's becoming a threat in terms of mobs vs 2 or 3 freaks of nature Zed's I think will make the game depth far more realistic and less deathmatch between players. Beans to the OP.
  5. Fused

    -O blood type

    Hugged it out. Great work fellas. Progress!
  6. Fused

    Falling 1 story to your death.

    @makomachine I know what you mean. I had the exact same thing happen. Measly 3 foot fall broken legs. I look up how to fix this, ok Morphene or Sticks. Great, off I go to the next city ... Took over an hour ... I get there, start heading towards a hospital for Morphene, Zed ... Dead. /RAGE QUIT ... Then thought, fuck what an awesome game! :) Yes, it's a bit silly to fall 8 to 10 feet and die, but I also didn't know at the time how Health worked entirely. Since learning that and keeping my health in check, haven't broken legs from a little 3 foot fall.
  7. Fused

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Cool. Hope so. (I'd quote your replies but I'm on my cell)
  8. Fused

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I'm sure they could, just a thought to make it extremely rare and challenging to create something in the game rather than just a couple key components needed and voila .. (Burlap sack + Rope / Rags or Bandages + Sticks). Finding Stick bundles are rare, the Ghillie suit should be even more I think. Either way, someone already said Dean already nix'd the idea, so we can just dream I guess.
  9. Fused

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I certainly don't know how to make one ...
  10. Fused

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    In regards to crafting a Ghille suit, what do you guys think about the idea of having to learn how to craft one? It may seem a little "Sim" like to have to teach yourself how to craft this reading a book. So along with gathering the rare supplies that spawn to craft it, you should have to find a "How To Book" to have the ability to craft. Perhaps all supplies come pristine, and depending on the condition of your how to book determines the quality of suit you create? I dunno, just a thought to make things that much harder to find and craft to add to it's rareness. Plus these pointless books would become useful to have a look at.
  11. Fused

    My first unfair death.

    BiGoDeViN, nice profile pic, she creeps me the hell out in that episode. :) Cheers
  12. So I'm curious, ever since the recent patch/update I haven't been able to find a night time server. The TIME seems to be irrelevant when choosing a server. Has this been disabled and I missed the memo? Thanks
  13. Fused

    In game lag after update?

    Same issues as you guys are experiencing. Not good.