what a genious idea, bringing the game from "kind of playable-"stable"" to "fubr" ?! yay zombies that get shot and spawn instantly where they stood in the first place...cant be more realistic and STILL there are (now this is hard as im still TRYING to call them that way, just for you) "people" that go total happymode with this...*insertwordyermumwouldbeatyafor* ! ...tardmode not measurable. damn fanboys - youre not helping the game this way. soooo, to the core of my thought : how you expect people to give you reply to your alpha when the majority of "testers" randomly cant access the game for hours..just saying :| tried one and a half hour. and i simply dont give a fook, if YOU, dear reader was actually able to connect. #470 d-head....junge dich würd ich am liebsten über den tisch ziehen, wegen solchen dämlichen fanboys haben wir doch den scheiss jetzt ! ich find dich ultimativ assig mit deinem drecksgespam... und wie durch und gierig muss man sein, lockable server nur für viel kohle rauszurücken. gebt den hackern doch gleich ne anleitung und bucht ihnen ein hotelzimmer, damit sie es nicht so schwer haben....saudumm -.- #661 my count is mouse#2, cup#6, a new flatscreen and a new soundsystem ...but at least i dont need to call someone to fix it :D