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About paintface

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  1. paintface

    yet another cheater video....

    if you read the post it says at what time it happens
  2. well first time i got rolled by a cheater/cheaters i was with a friend at the north east airfield, on the downhill slope right next to the control tower when i got kicked by battle eye for reason #87 ( of course i never cheated or scripted in my life ) i keep tring to re enter to no avail when my friend tells me around 5-7 people got kicked for reason #87 at the same time. Knowing there were alot of weird stuff going on with battle eye lately i alt tabbed and started dxtory ( video capture software like fraps ) to record the error has it happens so i could prove when needed that i didnt do anything wrong. I log into a different server to see if that one would let me in , success! All seems good and i tell my friend to join me on that server so we could continue. Thats when suddenly around me 10-15 players were teleported, i knew imediately that a cheater did it and logged out to prevent getting killed in the skirmish ( i had a nice M4A3 CCO and ALICE + NVG and what not :( ) thats when i started recording the video. You will see multiple guys around me (btw my voice isnt recorded ) so i am off to find again a different server. I log in and i see i am not at the airfield anymore , either i was teleported or somehow the server didnt save my last location right. I cant seem to make out where i am at, i see a dam so i check my map to figure out where i could be. I keep alt tabbing to use a more detailed map i have stored as PNG file. If you dont wanna watch the whole video, at 9:20 i alt tab out of the game to check again after i looked around to make out any buildings like the hangar, you can tell i alt tab cause the screen seems to freeze. then at 9:33 i tab back in and a guy is suddenly standing in front of me without a name, the british weapon with thermal scope equipped.... I shoot him multiple times from up close but it takes only one shot to kill me....the end. I dont blame rocket, and i dont blame bohemia. I know they do their best and are actively working on preventing scripts and updating battle eye. But its a shame how i dont feel like playing the only game i have been playing lately, died alot in Dayz but always came back at least the next day. I feel for cheaters its a very acceptable risk, being able to do this and worst case they get banned. What we forget though is it might take a while before thet get banned. This means for just one day of cheating they can enter every single server multiple times and screw over the game of 40+ people every single time. And once banned they get a new cdkey, in this case 15 euros/dollars. For them its like a subscription to a game, 15 a month for unlimited cheating fun ( saw this happening already in the CSS days ) What has to happen is a system like the punkbuster hardware ban, where multiple hardware IDs ( GPU, harddrives, windows serial etc ) are stored and banned from playing online. Means the cheater has to basicly buy an all new computer every single time. Can harddrive serials be changed? sure can. Can mac addy be spoofed? yup. But thats not a 1 2 3 trick, and its not without risks, also there are more IDs than just the common harddrive IDs. But it comes down to preventing the majority from cheating which is happening now.
  3. paintface

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    any fixes for all the duping going on? its almost as bad as the scripting.
  4. paintface

    official 1.62 patch is out

    make sure you you make a new shortlink cause now you start vanilla 1.62 instead of the beta 1.61, only your beta shortlink probably had the dayz mod enabled .
  5. paintface

    official 1.62 patch is out

    they are working on steam update , this patch is for retail only
  6. paintface

    official 1.62 patch is out

    i copy pasta the official UK mirror for the patch from here http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en and the official 1.62 release thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137694-ARMA-2-Operation-Arrowhead-Combined-Operations-Reinforcements-update-1-62
  7. see you in dayz
  8. paintface

    weapon in backpack not saving

    and now nothing is saving when logging out no matter the server.....
  9. paintface

    weapon in backpack not saving

    so when i put a weapon in my backpack , i need to drop it , and then take it again to make sure it saves?
  10. paintface

    weapon in backpack not saving

    yeah i free'd up 10 slots in my backpack each time
  11. yesterday friend and me killed a sniper with a DMR rifle, i put it in my backpack and moved to the position where my brother logged out so when we play next time i could give it to him ( he had a lee enfield ). I logon quick to test today and the DMR is gone and the old items i had in my bag are back, there happen to be a tent next to me with an AKM in it so i put that in my bag and log out, and back in to discover again the rifle is gone and all the old items are back.
  12. looks like the smoke was added in latest 1.61 beta patch, and it being a release candidate i am very disappointed with the direction they took to say the least.
  13. could you guys test something for me in dayz and post videos or screenshots along with it. Shoot a few times inside a forest with any rifle, then shoot it in an open field to compare.
  14. maybe an admin can move this to troubleshoot or bug forum.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR5K-In7BD0 Same smoke effect with DMR. i tried starting arma without dayz and went into a scenario in SP to check behavior and the smoke effect is alot less dense .