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Everything posted by newguyzombie

  1. newguyzombie

    New TENT

    best suggestion!
  2. newguyzombie

    Server Hopping - Simple proposal

    No, i was talking about your sentence with the ruined stuff. it still remains after server reset. seen this several times
  3. newguyzombie

    Server Hopping - Simple proposal

    ever heared about persistence? an idea would be to increase the counter every time you switch server within an amount of time. you switch server for the first time within 30 mins. 1 minute timer, again within 30 minutes, 5 minutes, again 10 minutes and so on this would also help against ghosting, and you are still able to switch server, when you friends come online to play with them
  4. newguyzombie

    Server Hopping - Simple proposal

    yeah thats to bad, how long have you been playing there?
  5. newguyzombie

    Server Hopping - Simple proposal

    find a good privat, fixes your problem. we already had 5 minute timer, didnt change anything.
  6. newguyzombie

    Electro without Zombies

    i see it the same way, also im playing more pvp. but withhout zombies, something would be missing
  7. newguyzombie

    Crafting Vests

    nice idea, would be cool with 4 slots then.
  8. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    its seems like the temprature influence is pretty broken. i am full geared. cargo pants, vest, balaclava, booniehat, gloves and tactical shirt. playing on a sunny daylight server and after standing still for 2 minutes... i am shaking... happened 5 times now
  9. newguyzombie

    Prison Island Lootsplosions

    you call this lootsplosion? lol check the nwa! :)
  10. newguyzombie

    so much for the struggle

    no, cos that would kill the other part of the community so they have to find a middle to satisfy both sides.
  11. newguyzombie

    so much for the struggle

    ask their CEO. and then ask him, what he prefers - a low amount of "quality" players, or a high amout of "quantity" players. you could also just ask him if he wants 20mil with a dlc release(if planned anytime) or 60mil.
  12. newguyzombie

    so much for the struggle

    since bohemia is not the unesco but a company, they try to earn money. and they dont get the money from quality players, they get their bills paid by quantity.
  13. newguyzombie

    where can i find the most pvp?

    there is no electro in this games sooo keep your butt straight inland and you can still avoid it. @topic: hit electro or cherno and die within 10 mins. :)
  14. newguyzombie

    so much for the struggle

    what the f*** are you talking about. you can clearly see that dayz always hat a playerbase of 29k with drops to 14k between it. but there were still highpeeks to 24-29k. you can see very clear, that the playerbase just went down steady to 10k since 01.04. and never went back to 24-29k.
  15. newguyzombie

    Spawning bear trap/mine protection

    they could loot tshirt! free rags -> win
  16. newguyzombie

    The Real Chernarus [7:10]

  17. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    keep eating berries and apples for 12 hours, than you can start with your jurney.. not fun? dayz wrong game.
  18. newguyzombie

    First Person Publics

    its just 3pp feels more comfortable, thats why the volume is bigger.
  19. newguyzombie

    Adjust loot spawns

    thats why im not playing anymore
  20. newguyzombie

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    ok you didnt get my second post. what exactly changed after .55 for the guys who just want to survive? zombies got harder, i think many people can live with that. loot got nearly removed from the coast. but still exists inland. that killed the casuals. so before .55 survivers went inland to avoid pvp and play their style. after .55 survivers go inland to find loot and keep playing their style as they did before. so they didnt play at the coast anyway! whats the problem then with pvp? i could live with that situation if the spawnlocations were spread out all across the map, but beeing forced to stay 15 minutes by a tree and eat apples to start running for 30 minutes is demotivating. dont get me wrong, i went a lot inland to loot cities and villages there, but i want to loot the the big cities at the coast first to meet/rob/kill some guys and get a basic equipment.
  21. newguyzombie

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    i never get this point. pvp was always in cities at the coast! with patch .55 everyone is forced to run 30 mins into inland to play "intense" survival. right now there is a lot of loot regarding to the posts here. prepatch the loot was spread out across the whole map. (coast and inland) what exactly prevented the survivers to play their playstyle and to go inland to play "Intense" survival game before .55? Nothing changed with .55 for the survivors. pre .55 it was like (pvp = coast / survival = inland) now its like ( pvp = f*** you / survival = inland) so you see what happend?
  22. newguyzombie

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    wait till people come and tell you to play arma. they just wont understand the point anyway. they dont see, that there is people playing this game for 5 hours a week, and these people want to experience something more in dayz than picking apples or beeing forced to into a runningsimulator to the north-west to find something worth to play this game
  23. newguyzombie

    Adjust loot spawns

    yeah pls insert this ingame. i like the idea of having 1-2 hours to play a game at night, and keep running(sorry walking) around for the whole time. THAT FUN! i rly like the idea of walkingsimulator! lets also put this ingame: while respawning, you have instantly a virus. you still spawn at the east coast, while the devs still want you to walk inland (no spawnpoints around the whole map, that would be silly, just still spawn at coast without beeing able to loot. casual friendly game inc.). and here comes the clue! with this virus you only have 5 minutes to live! to make it hardcore survival, the only antivirus is in the very far west of the map!
  24. newguyzombie

    Rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer

    so just delete all meelweapons of the loottable hm?
  25. newguyzombie

    How To Survive!

    i did, you should do it too. and it clearly says do whatevery you want to do! and if i like to have pvp in this game, its legit.