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Everything posted by newguyzombie

  1. newguyzombie

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    damn you sherlock... u got ma beanz nd my hacked m4 xD
  2. newguyzombie

    Camo Suit!

    iam not against a camo suite at all, but it should be craftable, and items to craft should be rare. it also should disable the ability to carry a backpack. so you have to chose between the suite and space
  3. newguyzombie

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    yeah i play both, worked fine on regular. got my lesson on hardcore :)
  4. newguyzombie

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    that has one reason :) camping in atc tower on regular -> best spot camping in atc tower on hardcore -> death trap
  5. have you tried to connect from a different computer? have you tried upgrading to experimental joining a server and then downgrading again?
  6. newguyzombie

    When did they make DayZ look so awful?

    yeah i know about these settings, i changed them to a high number, before the patch, maybe i have to look at it again. going to check
  7. newguyzombie

    When did they make DayZ look so awful?

    did you also noticed, that building rendering is pretty bad at the moment? i mean, i always used to put object details on high, to see pretty far, if there is someone in the windows of the buildings. but since the last patch as i enter a city the rendering starts very late, sometimes the buildungs are about 100 meters away and still not rendered
  8. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    Yesterda i died in Berezino, so i hit the respawnbutton. then i respawned in Vybor... it was kinda wired because my new char had no gear. He was only wearing underwear and he was bright green energized/hydrated/healthy. this happened to me twice yesterday, once on my hardcore char, but then i disconnected and switched to regular and there it happened to me too. Yeah and on regular, i made a step towards vybor. "you are dead" clear headshot, sniper was camping the spot. anyone know something about it? does the char "save" after you disconnect?
  9. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    yeah but it doesnt take so much skill, the spot is exactly at the same place the whole time :)
  10. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i am actually playing online, and i m reading globalban msgs on the bottom the whole time :) maybe banwave going on atm.
  11. newguyzombie

    Suggestion: Pedometer

    oh man i was thinking about something different and it was really confusing and like wtf oO :)
  12. newguyzombie

    Here's Johnny

    he probably means the sks ammo inside the drum mag :) to topic: sounds like you just entered berezino :)
  13. newguyzombie

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    this was clearly no desync in this video tho.
  14. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    My advice? Stay away from that place... seems like both mysteries have the same origin :)
  15. newguyzombie

    problem with bipod

    the mp5 isnt even to small for an acog, so whats about the bipod :)
  16. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    ok thank you dude :) so the hoppers will have good time now :)
  17. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    yeah but would be interessting, cause some people could just suicide till they get the spawn and then loot them up
  18. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    i made the experience yesterday for the first time. and i died many times since .46 :D did you disconnected with that char next to vybor? im interessted in it, if the char gets saved or if you have a char reset after disconnecting from the server
  19. newguyzombie

    Private servers

    yeah i would be ok with that, that psword makes the hive privat. but it sounded different way before :)
  20. newguyzombie

    Private servers

    No, not a good idea
  21. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    yeah, so also not at the east coast
  22. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    did you respawned looking against a small bridge?
  23. newguyzombie

    New Spawnpoints

    yeah could upload the pic from my hardcore char, after work. if the char got saved. (But then you could just tell, that i dropped all my gear and made the screenshot :)) Thats why im asking myself, how i spawned in vybor with these stats and no gear. i dont think it was a hacker, because it happened in two different situations.
  24. newguyzombie

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    how can you paint the akm wooden buttstock camo?
  25. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i think the guys who uses these mags, will just create new mags. I thought they fixed this issue with .45 but with .46 the fix is gone