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Everything posted by newguyzombie

  1. newguyzombie

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    You Crazy man!!! PSST! its not allowed to discuss about hacking in dayz in this forum! You are only allowed to report the hack in direct message to an admin, if you know how the hack works (LOL). Man guess your post will be deleted like all other topics getting locked about this issue!
  2. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    are you fucking serious about that? go on 39/40 into berezino! i quit playing dayz about 1 week ago, because its unplayable. i ve met hackers on every single server. sometimes 5 minutes after i logged in and other times like 2 hours later. and pls dont call locations like novo/elektro/or the airfields high traffic zones. the hackers are in berezino. thats is where they have fun. you want proof videos? check the last sites in this thread. there is enough videos you can watch.
  3. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i think they did it with planetside2, not sure if it was this game. a new steamaccount didnt help after these hackers got banned.
  4. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i see it the same way, he would have said "against". maybe english is not his nativ language :)
  5. newguyzombie

    How to hold breath with long range scope?

    what odin said and bind hold breath on two keys and push them together, someone here gave me this tip and it works perfect
  6. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Looks like we dont have to wait Till .49 for a hive whipe :)
  7. newguyzombie

    September Rant Topic.

    Do you have a source that the new engine wont come?
  8. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    see my post 3 dayzs ago. atm there is always some guys sitting in walls everywhere around berezino. facotrybuilding, highbuildings, the houses next to the bar in berezino. or you mean "this looking" through walls? i know one building in berezino where it is still possible.
  9. newguyzombie

    I've lost alot of blood...

    yeah so keep that status and wait, by time you will see the colors coming back. only if you eat way to much at once, you will get stuffed, but thats not that bad atm
  10. newguyzombie

    I've lost alot of blood...

    you can also eat yourself bright energized and hydrathed, to regain blood. salinebags also help
  11. newguyzombie

    When the character wipe comes...

    if it only would be that easy :) i dont think fixing 9 ways to dupe items, will terminate the teleport/esp/itemstealing hackers, who hack themself items into the game or glitchers who sit inside walls and kill you @bonesnap its not arbirary, they ll get rid of the duped gear, so this is a good step. but still somethings missing for my feelings
  12. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    yeah this is the different between us. you play on low pop in the woods... i play on high pop in hotzones. and its also the difference between the fun i would usually have without hackers and yours. and 4 cs go. you spot a hacker in cs:go just leave server. you spot a hacker in dayz... 2-3 hours of work gone. and the big difference is, you ll notice the hacker pretty early in cs:go and kick/ban him. while the hackers have so much power in dayz given by the devs. they are invisible for every serveradmin and theyhave no ability to do anything against any hacker.
  13. newguyzombie

    When the character wipe comes...

    they should first take care about the cheaters, before whiping the servers. its sensless otherwise.
  14. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    we are going a bit off topic here, but as i said before: its a sandboxgame, everyone is free to play as he likes, if you want to pick up apples, you can do so, if you want to do some pvp, you can do so, also. and this is why there will be always hotspots where people go to fight, and empty cities, where survivors can survive. The devs said several times, that every playstyle is legit, except of hacking. and it is not fair if someone tells you: yeah its you fault when you hang around berezino on high pop and then get killed by a hacker. Because such a sentence supports hacking in some way. The reason is simply not enough protection against hackers. i dont want to claim to much, because this is an alpha, but they should look where to set their priorities, because the actual situation is terrible
  15. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    This is the point! The game is designed that everyone is free to play as he likes! No one is forced to pick up apples from trees the whole day! if you like to make pvp in berezino, like maybe 70% of the community, because of lacking content, than its legit. i want interaction with other players and i dont want to run to the west and meet one player per week. and dont come around the corner to force legitimate players into a playstyle because of hackers! there is absolutly no right for this a hacker should not have the control over this. yeah and just to let you know, if everyone keeps playing "your" playstyle, the hackers wont disappear they will just kill you in the west.
  16. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    they got VAC and BE active. But they cant handle shit. Even the hacks which are out there for months and globally known are still in this game. the last few weeks were like:"yeah lets spend 2- 3 hours to play some dayz this evening". after playing 20 mins and getting killed by a hacker/wallglitcher (dont know why they still didnt fixed this, while this is known since a half year) i just quit playing. And when you claim about a new hack, the administratiors stamps you as a liar.
  17. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    the game in this actual status is shit. yesterday was the last day for me for the next couple of month. we took out a whole group, very tactical and patient to make clear headshots. looted their stuff and then serverreset. just joined a new high pop. "weapon away hacker appears and kills all of us!" yeah good work with this "NEW" cheat bi. its not like the hack is out there for months!
  18. newguyzombie

    Rain will be the new night?

    some of the reports about the early .49 build. but maybe they balanced it, so that its okay for now
  19. newguyzombie

    Rain will be the new night?

    yeah and more than a half of the community will be mad.
  20. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i saw 3 global bans in a raw, weeks ago... but i think they are not serverside, they pop up global, or?
  21. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i was on 3 high pop servers today. got killed 3 times by some guys hanging out inside the walls of different houses. thats some bullshit!
  22. newguyzombie

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    yeah thats some bullshit tho. never ever went into a touched town before where every door was closed in the whole town! (400 hrs). sometimes they close doors, but some buildings still stay open as an indicator.
  23. newguyzombie

    Reason why People See so Many Hackers.

    it was way harder about 2 weeks ago, there was a hacker on nearly every 40 Pop server. i ve met them every day. at the moment i meet 1 hacker per week. and im only playing on high pop in berezino.
  24. newguyzombie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    yeah thats true, the dupers and mag guys are still killable, but its different with real cheater
  25. newguyzombie

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    yeah normally its like this. but most guys dupe their gear to get into fight in berezino quick