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Everything posted by newguyzombie

  1. newguyzombie

    How To Survive!

    as i told you before, you dont understand what the game was ment to be. pvp is a part of surviving! i was watching many youtube videos about this game, and the interaction between players made me wanted to buy this game. i havent seen one video of stupid apple picking or pve
  2. newguyzombie

    How To Survive!

    1,5 hours on an apple tree? rly? how can this be fun? you dont rly know what the game was ment to be... pvp is the most interessting part for the greater part of the community. check the streams and youtube, how many vids of people do you see there standing 1 hour in front of an apple tree.
  3. newguyzombie

    I don't understand

    Thanks farmville player on Facebook. You do realize that its complete different paying Action Shooter and tactical fighting in dayz? KeeP Dreaming that dayz is going to stay that farmsimulator
  4. newguyzombie

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    fixed this.
  5. newguyzombie

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    nice insults btw... you are not able to find any loot on any 50/50 server but its okay
  6. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    then increase the amount of zombies wich takes 1-2 hits into the head! and not that suicide style where you have to hit the zombie 5 times with an axe and he strikes you back 7 times and you are close to death. newbs wouldnt have a chance. and for me, there is zero fun
  7. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    do you really think it is realistic to smash the head of a brainless piece of meat 3-4 times till it dies? 1-2 hits with an axe should kill it.
  8. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    oh look the director just told the whole community how to play an open world sandbox game. yeah and now you can welcome all newbs, who just bought this game and getting their ass beating up every 5 minutes without finding any food and deleting this game from their hdd. you did a great job! thanks edit: and btw if dayz is only about what you said, dayz wouldnt even nearly reach 3 million players
  9. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    sorry but thats far away from the truth. yes you can outrun some zombies, but they can bug-hit you while trying this. 2nd. you should be able to fight zombies with meeleweapons, not 3-4 of them, but atleast 1-2. the fact is, while fighting a zombie with an axe, you are getting 4-5 hits from the zombie and the screen turns slowly grey. you cant even dodge any hit. so they are near unfightable. the game cant be: meele wpn -> Lol avoid/sneak around zombies armed -> dont shot, cause all zombies come. -> lol avoid/sneak around zombies edit: yeah we were on 5 servers yesterday. checked whole electro. no loot on any of these servers
  10. newguyzombie

    Serverlist causes Internetlags

    Hi, has anyone the same problem? Im starting dayz and the serverlist refreshes, i join a server and everything is good. after serverreset/leaving the server, the serverlist doesnt refresh and shows 0 or only shows up 1-5 servers very slowly. the problem is, while this is happening, my internetconnection breaks down. i can still talk in teamspeak but i cannot browse on any websites. after a while or restarting dayz, everything is working fine again. same thing happened yesterday with my friend. i have a 100k connection. my friend has a diffrerent internet provider with 50k connection
  11. newguyzombie

    Serverlist causes Internetlags

    hey, did you fix it? Very annoying at the moment
  12. newguyzombie

    Exp Update: 0.55.127129

    how is the performance in large cities like electro or berezino? is the rendering fixed?
  13. newguyzombie

    Sleep Deprevation

    haha dude even an 5 mins will be annoying :) there is absolutly no fun watching a black screen :)
  14. newguyzombie

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    just because of the rendering... i dont like the LSD-trip electro gives me while im passing the city :)
  15. newguyzombie

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    hope so too. so i dont have to avoid cities anymore :)
  16. newguyzombie

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    is the perfomance update already on experimental?
  17. newguyzombie

    starvation and dehydration ridiculously unrealistic

    i must say, i dont like they way its right now, but otherwise, i never died of starvation or dehydration. always found something to eat. but if food decreases on the map it ll be going to be hard
  18. lol, this looks shit. watching this made me feel drunk
  19. newguyzombie

    Dayz Standalone Zeleneogrosk Squad Fight

    nice ending tho :)
  20. newguyzombie

    Server Switching Concept

    1st of all i dont server hop, my favorite playstyle is to go on 4x/50 server -> electro/cherno an try to sneak up on fighting people and gear up there/try to survive in this city as much as i can. so i dont even need to serverhop. but i dont always play alone, so when my friends just come online i cant play with them, or we need to wait 15 minutes till everyone can play together(following the idea of the op). and as i told before, what if the server goes down.
  21. newguyzombie

    Server Switching Concept

    idea is shit. what if my server goes down. thx, i had a nice evening. what if my friends come online and we are abouot 5 guys, but my server is full? thx, dont play together. go private hive and have fun there.
  22. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    this was told by the form mods. not by the devs. and the fact is "pic or it didnt happened" means you call someone a liar. and i got banned for ranting about such behavoir in a rant topic(special made for ranting). and if you are a forum-mod, you have to be respectful or the whole system doesnt work - trolling and stamping users as liars is not respectful! and i just wanted to post the proof here that i was not lying other than kichilron said.
  23. newguyzombie

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    dont want to argue in this thread here, but to let you know: here you get the backup about my "lies": http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2bopv3/i_can_only_hope_that_one_day_the_dayz_anticheat/ somewhere in the middle. rocket said its not possible for hackers to effect players. but it was still when i quit playing.(months after his post!) also exactly the patched hacks still worked. look into the "whats the actual hackingstatus" thread. when someone started to talk about the "group teleport" and a mod answered "Pic or it didnt happened", as mods you shoud act more serious about that! and not stamp this guy directly as a liar. there are still more things ive seen but i forget where. and to bad i dont remember the thread, which someone started to ask a question and a mod answered with a trollpost. and after this another user asked him why he starts to troll him- and the mod tried to bluff it out. and now tell me how does it appear when there was a hackingthread, is getting locked at the same time where nearly everyone is complaining about that hacking is getting out of control? Same happened to every new thread started about hacking. yeah and complaining about that got me banned thx
  24. no, since it doenst make sense, that all your stuff inside one item gets runied because of one bullet!
  25. newguyzombie

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    just read mate: -Melee (When using rapid left click there is a high chance that melee weapon will get switched)