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Everything posted by newguyzombie

  1. newguyzombie

    Hello. My name is H@cker! (DayZ-SA video) #Experimental

    haha from the first moment i heared him speak, i knew he is german :)
  2. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    Hey, my friend and i were on an uk server high pop. we were fresh-spawns and tried to gear up by fighting in elektro or looting victims and after death rushing back to elektro again. so there was a clan called "redline.name" (5-7 of them) camping in a white 3 stock building at the street and chasing in 3rd person out of the windows to the street or houses behind the streets and shooting everyone who was in sight. so we fought about 2 hours and different players fought them also. after a while their ass got beaten and we decided to check the 3rd floor for loot. so, what was on the 3rd floor... about 30 stanags, all ruined. about 50 rounds laying on the ground without mags. i pressed tab und walked around the room and then wtf... 2x 2600 rounds for m4 in one slot. later a friend joined our game, and we saw 2 guys crossing the street into another house with 3 stocks. as they shot one of us we killed them, lootet their m4. inside was a 60 rounds stanag. but except 60/60 there was something like "e4+xxx" on the slot. this m4 had unlimited ammunition.
  3. newguyzombie

    Can't Respawn

    yes you are able, but they have also to switch to experimental
  4. newguyzombie

    Last Of The Rangers (some people)

    haha loled :)
  5. newguyzombie

    Admin rights

    so you are complaining about the rules of using a server, which you had to accept BEFORE you rent the server? i dont get the point. so im buying a car, the seller tells me, there is no engine in this car. i make the contract anyway and buy the car. after a while i go back to the seller and complain that there is no engine in this car. i know its annoying to host a server atm, because of the serverhosting rules. but that is the point you had to accept before you rent the server. so its fail. sorry if you dont agree with this terms, you can just stop hosting the server
  6. newguyzombie

    One in a chamber

    nice kill dude. i dont see the problem at 3rd person, the enemy has the same advantage.
  7. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    maybe you could report this cheat to a forum mod, so that not everybody gets it. yeah fighting them was kinda hard, but it was totally worth :)
  8. newguyzombie

    hack or glitch?

    i had the "you are dead" screen, when you press esc, you can brightly see what is happening in front of you, and he was walking around in this room and checking our bodys
  9. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    yeah didnt thought about some media at the moment, because i got the idea to make a post at work today. but thank honkx for the job :)
  10. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    yeah, maybe a glitch, but i think the max round per ammo is 30 or 60 für m4 and not 2600 :)
  11. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    lol wasnt desync, we spyed the guy walking cross the street through the garden etc and crouching over the body of the 1st one we killed. it was a different player.
  12. newguyzombie

    that abuser...

    idk what they did, if glitch or hack... but they definitly duped items. severel times some of them left the house, we killed one behind a wall. 5 mins later one of them was running towards this body, i killed him, went to check the loot. same items.
  13. newguyzombie

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    and how can a system like this make difference between a hero and a bandit? what about there are 5 bandits having fun with some newbs, breaking their legs, forcefeeding them shit etc. hero sees it and snipes one after one. got 5 killes. the bandits got none.
  14. newguyzombie

    "Trust" system/ player identification

    i think any system, that shows a playerstatus like this would take out the thrill out of the game
  15. newguyzombie

    Good day to be a hero!

    with the weapons could be a bug i think. yesterday i had to hard-spam my keys to get my m4 into my hands.
  16. newguyzombie

    Everything covered

    so you just know what 1,7 million people want. magician. sorry, but u are not able to talk for the rest of the community. you can just give yr point of view. i confirm with your opinion with the bikes. but i see it different way looking at the guns. it is good as it is in my opinion, because you have to chose yr role.
  17. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    this 120 mb patch is always you turn back from experimental to stable
  18. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    by the moment, the client version is still the same as before
  19. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    yeah got some framedropps too. but this is much better, than getting disconnect on every server after 5 minutes :)
  20. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    can someone explain me pls this sentence here does that mean, if the hotfix runs good at experimental server, they will hotfix the stable on saturday, or that they ll discuss on saturday to hotfix the stables? sorry my english vocabular is not that good
  21. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    yeah the exp server is working good, no desync, no rubber, no disconnects. very nice work devs! thank you <3
  22. someone wrote this in the bug report, anybody made the same experience?
  23. newguyzombie

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    come on, pls dont do this :/ i gonne report yr post :)
  24. Thank you for your answer :)
  25. does anybody have the experience that they bring the hotfix directly to stable after they finished it? or will it first go on experimental and then wensday on stable? because i organized a lanparty with some friends to play dayz tomorrow. would be nice to know. thanks