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About boooler

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. boooler

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    i sum it up like this right now , i hate loving this game so much.
  2. boooler

    Mosin +prone + bipod

    Thanks for the reply's , i did have a compensator on at the time it was all pristine , and lol i hadn't run the marathon you spoke of . Sure i hold down right click for zoom and after a while i puff too much and its shaky but for the most part when i held my breath for the first shot it seemed oddly shakier than normal. Unfortunately logging in today i had the great privilege of receiving "unable to load your character" so until i find another ill leave it at that , appreciate your feedback
  3. boooler

    Mosin +prone + bipod

    Awesome dude ill give it a go. thanks
  4. boooler

    Mosin +prone + bipod

    So i have been using the mosin for the last few weeks before this new release, with the bi pod deployed and prone i have very steady shots/cross-hairs.Since this patch its almost as if i don't have a bi pod at all its shaky to hell, all the norms are norms hydrated, energized, healthy, took pain killers got out of the rain-lol. Has anyone else had this issue, or is it game design which if so is fine by me i just could not find anything about it in patch notes apart from it being centered correctly.