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About POdAdmin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yet you go on and on about "SCRIPT KIDDIE FORUM TROLL MORONS" and "bitches..." yeah you're the shining becon of mature ARMA II server hosts. I hope none of those kids read this post, as you say "bitch" twice...... breaking your own rules. last time i checked, this is text and not voice comms. Also, congratulations on being banned from our SECURE server! Have fun playing with the script kiddie bitches!
  2. If rocket bans our server there WILL be issues. While we respect his and the dayz teams work on this mod' date=' we have literally dropped several thousand dollars as a group to be able to play this and in the past 3 days the script kiddies have been out of control and BIS has not acted upon it fast enough. we WILL unlock it once BIS gets the hackingissue sorted out. Until then, it is OUR server paid for by OUR money and we will run it as WE wish. [hr'] Did you notice how he edited his post and added T&C's.. :D Also' date=' OP - I read the damn post, did you read the damn server rental rules? [/quote'] That particular rule is irrelevant at this point due to the severe plague of 4chan script kiddies and the lack of action by BIS/DayZDevs to deal with it in a hastily manner.
  3. So since BIS is taking their time dealing with the hacking issue, my clanmates and I have decided to lock our server from the public until the issue is resolved. We are paying a LOT of money to run our server per month and we WILL NOT have that money wasted due to script kiddies and BIS incompetence when it comes to properly dealing with this issue in a timely manner. These scripts and hacks are the same type of scripts since OFP so it probably will not be dealt with anytime soon. This may be against rockets rules but until this shit is sorted out with the hacking, we WILL be doing this as it is OUR hard earned money that paid for the new server hardware to run this and the badwidth being used. Now, with that said, we are not completely locking it out from the public. If you are not a script kiddie bitch, then you can PM me your GUID,real world name, the handle you have been using to play arma/dayz, email address and IP address. I will be cross referencing all of this information along with your post history on here as we do not want braindead troglodytes being morons on our server. Once I have done this, I will send you the IP address for the server as well as the password, which changes every 6 hours. I will NOT BE POSTING SERVER INFORMATION IN THIS THREAD. YOU WILL RECIVE THE INFORMATION ONCE I HAVE CONFIRMED YOU ARE NOT A SCRIPT KIDDIE FORUM TROLL MORON If you do not want to provide this information then you will NOT be playing on our SECURE server so bitch all you want. We do have rules in place. 1. Bandits are allowed. deal with it. 2. aborting out is NOT allowed, be it PVP or PVE. We go over the logs and if we see you diong this you WILL be permabanned. 3. no bitching. If you die with epic loot, tough titty said the kitty. if u r mad bro, keep it to yourself. 4. No racism/name calling/etc. 5. NO SWEARING OVER VOICECOMMS. Some of us have kids in our homes and they do not need to be hearing some jerk who cant speak in a civil manner cussing everytime something doesnt go his way. This is a server for mature adults, not angsty teenagers with a potty mouth 6. Latest beta patch is REQUIRED 7. Server data is wiped every 3 days so as to prevent abusive amounts of item and vehicle hoarding. 8. TS and a MIC are REQUIRED when you are on our server. We have different channels but you MUST be on TS and have a mic. 9. Server sliding is NOT allowed. If you are caught jumping between servers farming barracks, sniping at airfield,etc, which we WILL find out about, you WILL be permabanned. These are the basic rules. If you dont like them, play somewhere else. Also...WTF people....learn to read. I will NOT be posting the server information in this thread. Seriously...read the damn post.