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About BadContrakt

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Was something that Hopix said irrelevant or wrong in any way?
  2. I'm actually going to log in tonight. And if it takes me 6 presses of the "3" key to get my weapon to come out; I'm alt-F4ing so fast my computer will blue-screen. Until they fix the unresponsive keys I can't do it. I can deal with Desync, rubberbanding back up 3 flights of stairs into a room you were in 15 seconds ago, glitching through walls and falling to my death, etc. I will NOT play with unresponsive keys. Hopefully it's fixed in this patch though. I haven't been on quite yet to test it out but the notes say "New guaranteed messaging system for network traffic" So I'm hopeful that THAT is the fix for it.
  3. BadContrakt

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    I'd rather get my legs broken in real life than be forced to play either of those. Haha. Battlefield 4 was great in the beginning because all of the problems could be blamed on "it's a new game" Not anymore EA... Not anymore.
  4. BadContrakt

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    It's the "Anti Server Hopping" mechanic that auto-kills little slimeballs like you. You were crouching down looking under a bed? Probably in a barracks or jailhouse looting under a bunk. Psh. And you were the ONLY one on the server? Dead giveaway. That's greasy, and frankly, I'm happy you got what you had coming to you. Haha.
  5. BadContrakt

    i need motivation to start playing again

    My friend always says we should go to a low pop server and just run and loot and run and loot. I, on the other hand, ALWAYS want to be on a high pop server because being in constant danger and fully expecting a bullet to come whizzing by your head is all the fun. I love interaction with other players of any kind. Mostly ends up with me dying and blaming Dean Hall but it's still fun!
  6. BadContrakt

    Something to get our hopes up concerning vechicles....

    People will believe anything. We all know it's going to take Dean 8 more months to give us pedal bikes, let alone 75 fully functional vehicles. Hah.
  7. BadContrakt

    Elektro spawn gone?

    Sigh... He has valid complaints and wants to express them. The forums are for exactly what he's doing; voicing his opinion.
  8. BadContrakt

    Server Wait Time - Argh! (Fun Post, Not Rage)

    I sort of thought it was Bohemia Interactive but I couldn't figure out the "S" part haha.
  9. BadContrakt

    Server Wait Time - Argh! (Fun Post, Not Rage)

    Might be a stupid question, what's BIS lol.
  10. I like the whole "Make server hoppers wait a time before they can spawn in" But... Sometimes it just screws you over lol!
  11. BadContrakt

    Youtube videos

    Good luck on YouTube and stick with it, I can see that you've got a solid computer, good quality mic, etc.
  12. BadContrakt

    DayZ Autorun Tutorial

    Lol well... auto run or not I'm still going to run where I want. Auto running just makes it easier. Null point.