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TheGamer (DayZ)

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About TheGamer (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. TheGamer (DayZ)

    Vehicles that they should add.....

    I have some ideas for old vehicles that they should add. The one i know the most is VAZ ^^ UAZ If you have any vehicle ideas that they should add. Comment this post ^^
  2. TheGamer (DayZ)


    Those people could not turn into zombies, they are immune. Otherwise how they survived apocalypse? ^^
  3. TheGamer (DayZ)


    Yeah those random reload and zombie sounds creeps me out.
  4. TheGamer (DayZ)

    New Walkie-Talkie uses?

    They should make like private channels. Like your friend will give you walkie-talkie and you connect them together. And your chat with your friend would be safe. More walkie-talkie types would be awesome. There are some walkie-talkies that even catch up to 10 km (correct me if i'm wrong). They could be found only in army base.
  5. TheGamer (DayZ)


    This would be nice trap for rabbits :D
  6. TheGamer (DayZ)

    Rain water collection

    Oh yeah. I forgot about those ^^
  7. TheGamer (DayZ)

    Rain water collection

    I saw the new update where you can collect water in rain. It would add more realism if player would be forced to boil that water before drinking in order to not get sick. In real life if you will drink rain water you may get sick after that. So it could be 50/50 % if you will be sick or not. P.S. Just a little suggestion :D