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About ScorpiusX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ScorpiusX

    Getting wet

    I like the rain and the thunder and lightning. I have yet to climb the highest peak and scream "All Gods are bastards" in a thunderstorm though.
  2. I have been playing DayZ for about 10 days now, and before this update I had just ignored the Zombies as they were laughable. They were absolutely no threat even with the aggro mechanics they had, the biggest threats in the game were other players and glitches. Now the latest patch has changed that, instead of using the fireaxe to kill Zeds I'm finding myself becoming more and more reliant on guns to take them out at range, because every hit now makes me bleed, whereas before I had never bled from a Zed attack. I agree with the OP that the aggro mechanics need to be dialed down somewhat, not too much mind you, and I also agree that issues such as Zeds passing through walls should be sorted soon. I do wonder though wether the current changes will affect the way we play. It seems, to me at least, that the less experienced players (me included) will have an easier time if they band together, having more peeps to watch your back should help, plus never underestimate the power of teamwork - it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at. :) If newer players are banding together more it should also increase the challenge for the more experienced players. If this is so then it can only be good for the game.