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Everything posted by Feuerbart

  1. Feuerbart

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Can't find any exp. Servers. Are they down?
  2. Feuerbart

    Where are the animals?

    Would anybody please be so kind as to tell me, where dafaq all the animals have gone? I've spent dozens of hours wandering around, searching all over the map. NOTHING! No rabbit, no boar, no deer, not even cows on the field at Berenzino.
  3. Feuerbart

    Trying to help people out and this is what I get

    I laughed so hard :D Did your friend manage to get your stuff back?
  4. Feuerbart

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Yesterday: Running - "I am slowly warming up" Today: Running - I'm freezing" Took me 3 Axes to collect sticks and firewood, since they all were ruined within only 2 hits on a tree. How is that possible? Was finally able to make a fire, sat down and waited. Still: "I'm freezing" Mechanics are broken IMO
  5. Feuerbart

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    If this is near Svetlo, why are people about "inland"? Oo btw FOUR Airfields in such a small area are way too much.
  6. Feuerbart

    Player killed or accidental death?

    There is a bug with gun sounds? Now that explains much. Was running on a semi pop server in the middle of the forest with absolutely nothing around, suddenly *bang bang bang* VERY CLOSE to me. Didn't see anyone, just ran my ass out of there.
  7. dude, what do you expect? And what key are you talking about? I'd thought access to Dayz is atm only over steam? Where in the hell did you get a key?
  8. Feuerbart

    Zombies in buildings and upper floors?

    Zombies spawn everywhere. Haven't seen them INSIDE of houses yet, but maybe they were there because someone else hid inside before you arrived? And yes, they can go upstairs. Elektro is empty...
  9. Feuerbart

    Dramatic Dayz Story

    Holy shit that video is awesome! Keep up the good work dude!
  10. This! I love those threads, I want moar of them.
  11. Hi JamesLennoxHoood, are you playing in regular mode? I'm very close to Devils Castle and it would be an honor to be at your assistance.
  12. Feuerbart

    wtf just happened?

    Desync. Saw that very often.
  13. Feuerbart

    DayZ For Mac

    Are you like...mentally challenged or something? btw, don't buy a mac for gaming and then complain about lack of content...
  14. Feuerbart

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    They aren't hard, just annoying. I want to play the f*cking objective, not run in circles every few meters to punch a zombie 20 times in the head.
  15. Feuerbart

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    If you get sick from eating raw meat, treat it with charcoal tablets or ask for help from the trusted medics.
  16. Feuerbart

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    nope, crashes appear on hardcore as well. Can't confirm that.
  17. I noticed the increase as well! Installed the new driver yesterday and then played experimental for the first time. Game was really smooth, I'd thought that came from the experimental patch...
  18. Feuerbart

    30 minutes until we found a usable server

    Let me guess: Looting "insert random airfield/military base" on an empty server?
  19. Hi there, not quite sure if this is the right section in the forum. Please feel free to move if wrong... I experienced some trouble with the game when I minimize the game window with alt+tab to desktop (Win7 btw). It wouldn't open again but always automatically minimize again and again and I have to use the task manager to close the game. Really annoying! Is there anybody else that has similar problems?
  20. Feuerbart

    Alt+Tab - Game wouldn't open again

    Feedback: Just switched the GTX560ti OC with a GTX570Ti from a friend and installed the latest drivers. Problem is still there. Really annoying.
  21. Feuerbart

    Alt+Tab - Game wouldn't open again

    me again tried the -nopause didnt work tried the other suggestion didn't work either And yes, I have a GTX560Ti OC currently. quite old drivers, because of the blackscreen issue with the new drivers.
  22. Feuerbart

    Alt+Tab - Game wouldn't open again

    Thx guys, I'll try that give feedback in the evening.
  23. Feuerbart

    Two looks for two play styles

    I would kill you on sight with both outfits.
  24. Feuerbart

    Share Your Story

    Was on a low pop server, with 5 other player. 3 of them had clantags, so I assume they were looting in Berezino or one of the airfields, which means there were 2 other players with me on the server. I was running in the middle of nowhere, up in the north, all hotspots miles and miles away when I suddenly see this guy running towards me. I stopped, pulled my mosin and had a look at him through my long range scope. He was wearing a gas mask, but no military clothes. Kill or not to kill? Despite his gas mask he didn't look like a bandit, so I decided to get in contact with him. I stood up and waved at him. He noticed me quite lately, and stopped running for a second, waving at me too. (I never wear military clothes or helmets/masks). He approached me slowly, me still with my mosin out, but not pointed at him. Now comes the part: We had a little chat, traded some gear, and went along. So in this huge map, in the middle of nowhere, I met one player from out of five, and no one died.