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About SpardisJX

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. SpardisJX

    No force feeding unless victims are bound first

    The only problem with that is its not really "force" feeding if they get to choose whether or not to accept it, lol It would just be a lot simpler to not even have the option to do so until the victim is restrained first.
  2. My suggestion is simple: Players cannot be force fed unless they are bound first (via handcuffs, rope, etc.) They way it is right now, its just simply too easy for someone to come up to you and pour a bottle of disinfectant down your gullet with no resistance from your character. In a real life situation, I cannot imagine it would ever be that easy unless the victim was bounded in some way first. Anyway, that's my two-cents. Feedback is always welcomed.
  3. All this debating is for naught anyway. Sure we might make suggestions the devs like at times, but of course their always going to do what works best for them in the end. Besides, at the rate this game is progressing, who knows what its future will hold after Rocket splits in 6 months. It seems to me that he's the glue that holds this all together. Which is worrisome, because lately I get the impression from him that he's getting tired of all this, which may be why he's looking to get out and pursue other interests. I worry this game will simply fade into obscurity after he's gone. Never to be anything more than a glorified ArmA mod that couldn't make it past the alpha stage. But as far as the topic at hand goes... I don't want to see 15 different types of bullets in the game just because some people are too nit-picky.
  4. I'm all for realism in DayZ, but I think we all need to be realistic as well. I can't speak for everybody, but I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'm more than happy to just use a similar caliber ammunition as long as it doesn't vary too much in relativity. However, if the devs were to go the other route and create the absolute correct ammunition for every specific caliber, then I would probably get annoyed trying to find right bullets I need to use my gun when so many other possibilities would exist. Not to mention this would probably greatly increase the risk of being detected and killed by bandits during such a search. It's not ideal, I agree. But at the end of the day, we all need to remember that this is still just a game, and therefore certain liberties must be made to order to prevent people from getting frustrated and loosing interest simply because the 9x19 rounds they found wouldn't fit in there 9x18 gun :rolleyes:
  5. SpardisJX

    Duct tape (Mute player)

    Great idea. Have my beans!
  6. Why not just give generic, blanket names to the different types of ammunition? That way there's less confusion. Example: Handgun Bullets, Magnum Rounds, Rifle Ammo, etc. Each type would vary in rarity. Handgun Bullets would probably be the most common, and everything else would be less and less common. I'm not sure if this would be a great solution, but hey, I'm only thinking out loud here. Thoughts anyone?
  7. SpardisJX

    DayZ is to Clean

    In regards to the screenshots I posted, I'm not saying that that type of scenery should be found everywhere on the map. Mostly just around the major cities (Elektro, Berezino, Cherno, Svetlo, etc.) seeing as those would be the most populated areas and therefore be subject to the most chaos and turmoil during the initial outbreak.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I categorized the items under "non-lethal" in the sense that under "normal" circumstances they wouldn't readily kill a person outright. But yes, pretty much anything in DayZ can be lethal, if used properly. Anyway, if you don't mind, I did think of a couple more items for your consideration. - Wooden Spears (Throwable) These would be craftable items as well. I figure it would be possible to used a knife on wooden sticks in order to sharpen the point into a spear. This item could then be used to hunt or fish, or even to be used against players, although it be wouldn't be quite as lethal as a metal-tipped spear. Also this type of spear could be thrown as well, making it even more useful. - Speargun This could be used to fish and as a weapon as well. Would probably require its own type of ammunition, and most likely would be found near the coast, along the docks and water vessels. That's all I got for now. Cheers.
  9. If I may, I have some suggestions for consideration. I apologize in advance for any of these that may have been suggested before. Melee Weapons: - Bar Mace - Bowie Knife- Fire Iron- Cleaver- Cricket Bat- Katana- Kukri- Metal Bat- Metal Pipe- Nail Bat / Barbed-Wire Bat (perhaps a future crafting item)- Spear (again, this could potentially be another crafting item by combining sticks with knifes)- Table Leg (should be a common find in houses)- Truncheon (Nightstick) Non-Lethal Weapons: - Smoke Grenade (mainly to be used for diversions or concealment from snipers, etc. Could also come in a variety of colors I suppose)- Flashbang Grenade- Tear Gas Canister- Tranquilizer Gun (Pistol)- Taser Gun- Flare Gun There were some suggestions I had for firearms as well, but I'll save those for another time. Feedback is welcomed.
  10. SpardisJX

    DayZ is to Clean

    I too would like to see more signs of general destruction (not so much gore) due to ensuing chaos from the zombie outbreak. Once again I'm going to pull from the Walking Dead as far as examples go to what I'd personally like to see scenery-wise in DayZ at some point. Notice the pictures convey more a feeling of panic and chaos and not so much the bloody leftovers of humans that were slaughtered by shambling masses.
  11. SpardisJX

    Mining stone with Fire Axe

    True. I didn't think it of that way. Thanks for your feedback everyone. Doesn't hurt to try right? ;)
  12. SpardisJX

    Mining stone with Fire Axe

    Seeing as the Fire Axe actually has a pick-head on the opposite end of the blade, I figure it'd be a good idea if they could be used to mine stones as well. This would make the already sought after Fire Axe even more valuable, not to mention save players the headache of trying to find both the axe and pick individually in order the gather the necessary materials to build a complete fireplace kit. Reply with any thoughts. Cheers.
  13. SpardisJX

    Better Hospitals

    I would like to see some new additions to the hospitals as well. Needs more creepy scenery, seeing as hospitals would be ground zero for patient outbreaks and ensuing chaos. I would also like to see more accessible rooms, like patient rooms, such as the one Rick woke up in on Walking Dead. Maybe add a basement level as well, with a morgue. Creepy.
  14. SpardisJX

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    Yeah, I'm sure the devs don't want all the extra PR attention if such a thing were implemented.