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Everything posted by jonnykronik

  1. jonnykronik

    us 65 owned by CKC multiple ban

    first off ckc rocks we dont need to worry about gear cuz theres 12 of us always collecting. second off I banned you guys personally and for the record, we killed you all (thas how we knew who was in the suv the one thing you forgot to cover your butt about not coincidence we knew who to ban) and destroyed the suv hence why you lost it, and this was even after requesting you guys leave it in global chat . yes global chat is not available (to you) but we can communicate with you through rcon (global and direct) and you through us in any chat available. admins have the ability to check for who loads scripts now in case you didnt know and everyone one of you got banned because 2 of you ran scripts (suv and ammo box) and tenchu then teleported the whole server to the ocean after we killed you all. as for all your illegit weapons cmon buddy were not dumb escalade? really? hahaha and you guys play all the time we can look u up on gametracker. im glad you have spoken up only to prove your worth go buy a new copy and try playing without cheating or without cheaters.