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Aruvyel (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Aruvyel (DayZ)

  1. Hello DayZ Community, I'm here to present our new DayZ server at The Last DayZ. The Last DayZ Epoch [Veteran] Zargabad PvP | Self Bloodbag | Day 24/7 | Max Vehicles [1.x.x.x/10xxxx] by thelastdayz.org We are actually running an Epoch, Full PvP server on Zargabad map. We know that Zargabad is not popular as Chernarus (size regarding), but enough to offer a true, fast and intense PvP experience with all Epoch features. Our server is hosted on our Dedidcated server, means we have all access to add more and more scripts and our team has now enough DayZ server managing experience to offer you a stable and long activity server. Dedicated server DayZ (Arma 2 Beta 103419) Epoch (will follow the next updates) Veteran (CH:Off, Nameplates:Off, Tracers: Off) Intel I3 2130 3.4+ Ghz 8Go Memory 100Mbps bandwidth Day 24/7 Maxping 250 (european server) Server side bandwidth tweaks (better framerate) More Vehicles (around 200) More animals More Zombies (slightly increase) Custom scripts (as self bloodbag) 40 public slots (for now) Running BEC Restarts with 15 mlinutes warning messages (every 6 hours) Our players can view the changelog: HERE Admin Team Aruvyel FLT Epoch Features Epoch mod offers a large gameplay and all the next updates announced by Epoch's devs (here). Play Human or Zombie Repair or Salvage new vehicles Completly change the regular loot spawn for more realistic spawns Discover "many" new vehicles Loot "many" new clothes for men and women Buy and Sell what you find in-world at NPC traders for Copper, Silver and Gold bars Secure your stuff with a safe lock Lock the vehicles you buy from merchants Construct your own camp alone or with friends Humanity system Zargabad map As i told you, Zargabad is not popular, but i feel that i need to explain why we choose it. Zargabad Map click for full size Zargabad offer the best way to force players loot and scavenge on the same spot. It forces players to find alliances and friends to explore the big city. You gonna need a team work to secure your stuff, money bars and try to survive. Around the city, you'll find some little places to scavenge too and maybe a good spot to create your home. As we want a true PvP experience, people have to understand that survival here is "more" complicated. Heroes, bandits and for sure, more zombies to escape. Play Zombies Yes, in Epoch you can play a zombie and why not, create a horde! When player's die infected, he will respawn as zombie with 3 skills. Attack (damage players and zombies) Raise a horde (call all zombies around you) Eat corpses (regen life) It is difficult to play a zombie, but with friends, it's so much fun. Raise a horde by calling nearby zombies and rush players to eat them! Join Us! You can join our free TeamSpeak 3 for our players and speak with us : ts3.thelastdayz.org Our E-mail : contact@thelastdayz.org Hope you'll find our server fun. It's a NEW server, so our community have to grow up and we sincerly trust that Epoch and Zargabad will be "the fun" we wanted for long time. Thanks for reading and hope my english wasn't that bad, Aruvyel www.thelastdayz.org
  2. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    The Last DayZ: Epoch PvP server (Zargabad)

    Here is the new changelog for The Last DayZ Epoch server, available HERE Changelog 08/05/2013 Zombie's spawn rate slightly decrease Animal spawn set to 50 Server's configuration optimised Server's memory increase Maximum bandwidth per player increase Aruvyel
  3. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    The Last DayZ: Epoch PvP server (Zargabad)

    Hi, We need more people! After a long week of work and server's restarts, we finally performed the last update on our server and we are ready to receive the community. If you are interested in a true PvP experience, visit www.thelastdayz.org and chill with us! Aruvyel
  4. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    The Last DayZ: Epoch PvP server (Zargabad)

    Thanks Boneboys and sorry, i didn't notice that i have to post my presentation here. Changelog 06/05/2013 Adding new “Epoch” section on website Updates, North and South traders pages modify with a collapse text plugin Automatic restart on Epoch server every 4 hours [FIXED] Zombie player’s menu don’t show Aperture and Vision in list
  5. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    The Last DayZ: Epoch PvP server (Zargabad)

    Hello, Thanks, for our first new players. We sincerely hope you enjoyed our server. Due to the number of zombies in town and loots/vehicles respawn, we gonna restart the server every 4 hours. Scheduled today (if i don't have mass work to do at job) We wishes you a lot of fun on The Last DayZ, Aruvyel
  6. The Last DayZ Explore a new survival experience Final release! Hey guys, we are very excited to present you all our new project: The Last DayZ This project is about making in-world infection in DayZ more real with zombies pressure on players. By now, all players just rush military weapons in north and start PvP everywhere. In "The Last DayZ", weapons will be more difficult to find and zombie's encounter won't help you! You'll have to group, make relations and be friendly for people to trust you. Adding new buildings in-world to scavenge will force players to explore the map and discover new places they'll never see before. Want to take a chance to survive ? What is The Last DayZ project? A dedicated server for DayZ Mod running Taviana 2.0 A new zombie spawn experience called "Zombie Hordes" New buildings in-world (houses,hospitals,schools,markets and more) New player's camps system (players can find camps to fortify in-world or create their owns) New player's spawn system (more spawn locations) Custom Loadout More animals in-world Around 100 Vehicles Anti-hack (actually using Battleye and Gotcha) Active admins New player clothes at spawn A custom Debug Monitor A dedicated TeamSpeak 3 to our DayZ players Check our Server Preview on Youtube here: Official Webpage: http://www.thelastdayz.org TeamSpeak 3: You can contact us by Mail at: contact@thelastdayz.org We are actually two server admins working to add new contents/features and making a stable server. Thanks for reading and see you soon on our server, Aruvyel
  7. After some player's reports, it seems that our players have some troubles to stay alive against the zombie's infection *giggles*. We decide to add some Taviana's features to give you some help. Helicrash with table loot's modifications (with less overpowered weapons) Care Packages (Medical and Support supplies) Car Wrecks (with less overpowered weapons) Remember that you can find military's tents and camps outside of cities! We reach our first high player's number with 24 players online yesterday. Thanks to all and we hope to see more coming soon to test more and more zombie spawns! Aruvyel
  8. Due to Battleye's problems, we are rebooting to force synchronisation. We also lock/unlock some chat's channels. Channel disabled: Global, Command, Group, Vehicle, System Channel enabled: Side, Direct We finally beat our server record of zombies spawn in-game: 452 We trully apologize if you encounter problems to connect on the server and we pray for Battleye to be reactive during their maintenance. Aruvyel
  9. Hey guys, If you encounter any problems to join the server, please be patient during the Battleye update due to their maintenance! Thanks you and see ya soon on our DayZ server, Aruvyel
  10. Final Release on 31/01/2013 Hey DayZmod community, we finally release our last patch on our DayZ dedicated server! Server side modifications FPS increase Splash screen modification 80 slots open on our server More buildings in-world More player's camps to fortify Website modification Vehicles modification More informations at www.thelastdayz.org ! Aruvyel
  11. Hiya here, First, i have to thanks all players that mailed me yesterday about our project. We keep an eye on your ideas and will make a filter about all your suggestions. Actually, the development of our "Zombie horde" system is quite new and we will add "more and more" zombies. The server we are using actually is not overload and there is many way to add more features in-game. After a short discussion with our players, zombies are balanced in every cities and there is less murders. Two groups were playing together last night and tryied to survive and that's a positive result! So, let's continue that way and we hope to see more people trying the "survival experience" with us. Good luck and have fun to all our survivors, Aruvyel
  12. Hey guys, Open Beta is actually running well. We met some troubles and fix some issues on server side. Here is the list of known bugs that will be fix asap, FPS shutdown due to aircraft (zombies+aircraft = client side overload) UTC will be changed soon to have more lights during night (for european gamers) Actually, our server is running at 15% CPU and 25% memory, it's more than stable! Thanks again for all our tester and hope to see more people soon, Aruvyel
  13. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    As a server admin, i really feel better to read this post. In our community/players, there is many ungratefull players that don't understand what we have to do to run a safe/stable/good server. Yep guys, we have a real job and a primary life. It's a long and sometimes hard work and we have to stay alert to any kind of issues/restart/bugs. This thread gave me smile and i need more of them! Aruvyel Server Admin of LU12
  14. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    Banned from LU12 (Admin Abuse)

    Hello, i'm aruvyel, server administrator of LU12. As you can see directly on our "banned user list" (http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=517) you were ban for "abusive language" you and your friends. We try our best to ensure maturity on our server. Our teamspeak was a private one that i used for my team members. After kicking this kid out of our team, he came back with his friends on same teamspeak to insult us and my mother. Too bad, my mother can't be insult without repercussions. Stealing cars or tents is part of the game that all my members agree. We do the same things and i'll "never" abuse on my admin rights about that kind of issues. Next time, follow another way to expulse your immaturity. Good game to all other players on LU12, Aruvyel P.S: if any DayZ admins or DayZ staff want to speak about that problem, i'm totally available on our public teamspeak 3 (www.teamreapers.org for more informations)
  15. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    Cannot play game.

    I made a little tutorial to use six launcher on our team's website. Take a look if you can't connect : http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=297
  16. Hey guys, I'm french too and i totally agree with "TheMossyMoth". I can see that everyday in my mailbox. I receive many mails for recruiting and many of them are trully fake. Immature and foolish they are. A chance on our server, we have european gamers and not just french :)
  17. Hey guys, It's Aruvyel from teamreapers.org. Here is "many" of all bugs i found in-game. I get those bugs on different servers, not only ours. Most of them are recurrent since 1.7.1.x, other are still 1- FPS Drop My hardware can run the game in 1920/1080 resolution, medium graphics and run a 30-50fps without problems. Since i had the "vehicules" fps drop due to server trying to synchronize damages on it. Since, i launch the game, everything is ok. * i pull a zombie, fps drop * i run too long in a city, fps drop * i use ALT+Tab and get back to game, fps drop I loose around 15-20 fps each time. Unique solution i found (without relauch the game again), is to disconnect and click "ok" to get back in-game and do that... too many times. 2- Hackers I don't know if it's a religion in video game, but in our server, we start to see them more often. Launching something like "airstrikes" everywhere and kill all guys that are not in a safe place like houses. We are quite reactive and kick/ban. We use Web Console and BERCon to trace them. 3- Red chains (desynchronized) Since, when i see that on my screen, it means two things. First, i have to relaunch the game or disconnect/ok Second, my fps is drop down by 20 Even if the red chain go away, unique solution is to relaunch the game. When i press the button "p" during the desynchronized, i can see my ping upping like 200-300ms and desynchronized by something around 100 000. This affect occur in 2 or 3 seconds and go away. 4- Hatchet I can loot them, but many of them are lootable and non usable. It seems to be fix in next patch. It's something like loot them without ammo and get 0 bullet for my hatchet :) 5- Stuck in stairs/doors (not really a bug) I know it's probably an ArmaII issue. But how annoying it is to cannot turn around in a stair or in a door. 6- Bleeding effect and food/drinks It has been report many times in forum but i repeat. I bleed and can see it but i don't loose blood/vitality. I only see that after reconnect. Same for drinks and food status. 7- Doors opening wrong way I think it's again an armaII feature but when i want to push a door, it's opening on my face and cannot see anything except a blue/green/red beautifull door :) how pretty they are! 8- Ladders and weapon's bug I wear a gun, i grab a ladder. After reaching my new position, i can't scope or fire. Have to switch my weapons from secondary to primary to fix it. 9- Crouching/Proning I know that you guys dev on it actually, just a little heads up about proning and crouching sound that pull zombie (even if they can see me or not) 10- Loot respawn I connect in cherno after a server restart, no loot. I have to run far of the city and get back for items to spawn. A bit annoying. 11- Inventory lose Could you please allow us to drop to ground things in our backpack? Everytime i want to drop a weapon from my backpack. I have to put mine on ground (50% chance to lose my primary gun on ground/disappear), transfer from backpack to hand, drop this one on ground, and loot my primary again in hands... That's the worst bug/feature ever. 12- Ammo lose I have a better weapon on ground with bullets. I take it, my previous weapon is drop on ground, without ammunitions. (still have to do as explain in bug 11) 13- Quad physics Cannot do more than 50 meters in forest without stuck my quad upside/down. (ArmaII issue) END OF TRANSMISSION Sorry about my english guys, i try my best to stay understandable. Thanks to devs about all the job made. We trully enjoying this mod and pray for a better future in-game :) Aruvyel
  18. Hey guys, We finally did it, our server is free to join for all DayZ gamers. You can see all details directly from our website: www.teamreapers.org Server Informations: Server Name: "DayZ - LU12 (1.7.x/xxxxx) (Regular|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - teamreapers.org " Slots: 50 Difficulty: Regular Modifications: 3DP:ON, CH:OFF Version: 1.7.x (Latest Beta patch) Location: LU Time Zone: GMT. Teamspeak 3: view our website for more informations. Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply Max Ping: 150ms Contact: contact@teamreapers.org We actually running a 150ms restriction to ensure the best performance for EU gamers. We have a powerfull dedicated server that can allow player a better framerate and pleasure in-game. Visit http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=297 to know exactly how to join the server and find all informations! I made a pretty tutorial for people who have troubles to patch correctly and join the game. You can also find our rules on this page related to kick/ban reasons on our server. You can contact us anytime by our QuakeNet IRC available directly on our website, LiveChat menu. We actually have 2 administrators from Reapers Team who manage the server (JoiNto and Aruvyel). We ensure the best services possible for our gamers. Banned Users: Administrator (abusive player name) Hitler (abusive player name) Admin (abusive player name) Hitler (voensthal) (abusive player name) -E3-Pecheurman (abusive language) Proto (abusive language) Raptor (abusive language) Our banned users list is available here: http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=517 See ya in-game! Aruvyel
  19. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    New server - DayZ LU12 *Team Reapers*

    Our players play with around 30-80fps (depending of their hardware). I have a poor hardware, my graphic card is outdated and i run 35-40fps on our server. Maybe you should check your drivers and maybe try again :) Aruvyel
  20. Server Name: "DayZ - LU12 (v1.7.x/93825) [3DP:ON|CH:OFF] [GMT-6] teamreapers.org" Slots: 50 Difficulty: Regular Version: 1.7.x (Latest beta patch) Location: LU Time Zone: GMT-6. Teamspeak 3: view our website for more informations Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply + max ping at 150 Contact: contact@teamreapers.org Visit http://www.teamreapers.org/?page_id=297 to know exactly how to join the server and find all the informations! I made a pretty tutorial for people who have troubles to patch correctly. We actually have 2 administrators from Team Reapers who manage the server (JoiNto and Aruvyel). We ensure the best services possible for our gamers. Donations: Maybe via Paypal on website soon (I mailed the devs about that and waiting for the answer) to help for server's fees. See ya in-game!
  21. Hey guys, I'm actually thinking with my friends to pay a dedicated server to run DayZMod. There is many "hosters" like Olutta (in europe) that propose offers for good prices but there is too many problems. (limited bandwith, configuration by web panel etc..). I read all the topics about servers on this forum and we finally find that: - Xeon Quad Core Intel X5560 4 x 2.66 GHz (sound enough) - 2 Go RAM 1333 frequency (seems ok) - HDD: 75 Go Raid 50 (speed : 15 000 t/mn SAS) - Bandwith: 1000 Mbps (1T illimited) It all sounds good for the moment and the price is very good. SSH connection, Windows Server 2008 R2 etc... My first question: - Do you think this server can host 40-50 european players for DayZ ? Now i take another part of server's configuration where i need some answers. What do i have to do to run DayZ Mod on this server ? I read many topics about ARMA II: dedicated server and hostings. But... too many questions in my mind. - Do i have to buy the game again from the server and install it via steam ? or can i use my own steam account on the server to download ARMAII:CO ? - Do i have to install the ARMA II: dedicated server ? or just running the game with something like those parameters "ArmAII_Server.exe -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=2303 -mod=@dayz" - Do i have to install DayZMod on the server as i installed it on my computer ? or is there a dedicated proper to DayZ ? - Do i have to contact DayZMod's dev to say that my server is online? or is the connection to your server for connection data automatic ? Can you please help me ? Thanks in advance, Aruvyel P.S: Sorry for my english, it's quite late here in france (from www.teamreapers.org)
  22. Hey guys, I'm here today and for my first topic to announce the beginning of a long story for us, we officially move our team to DayZ Mod. Reapers Team is not a real "Bandit" team, we love PvP and Survival. This game offers us both and we usually never wait for battle when we see someone. (we do not camp respawn) I'm actually working on our website that is pretty advance and maybe you could find some more informations about us there: www.teamreapers.org I try my best to offer fresh news and interresting sections in our website. Including new movies (soon screenshots of Team Reapers), a Backpack section for our needs, maps, links etc.. You can contact us by mail at contact@teamreapers.org or directly on our website. Recruiting is: ON For french guys with TeamSpeak 3 and mature Thanks and see you in-game soon, Aruvyel
  23. Aruvyel (DayZ)

    [Reapers] Team on DayZ

    Hey guys, I'm here today and for my first topic to announce the beginning of a long story for us, we officially move our team to DayZ Mod. Reapers Team is not a real "Bandit" team, we love PvP and Survival. This game offers us both and we usually never wait for battle when we see someone. (we do not camp respawn) I'm actually working on our website that is pretty advance and maybe you could find some more informations about us there: www.teamreapers.org I try my best to offer fresh news and interresting sections in our websites. Including new movies (soon screenshots of Team Reapers), a Backpack section for our needs, maps, links etc.. You can contact us by mail at contact@teamreapers.org or directly on our website. Thanks and see you in-game soon, Aruvyel