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Everything posted by ryan989

  1. Hello Community! My staff and I have begun creating a mod for the DayZ mod, using DayZ Vanilla as the base code. Currently, we have set up our forums, rules, TeamSpeak, and our white-list, and almost everything. We already have a community of 50 players, urging to play this mod. Right now, all we need is help developing our mod, or should i say server for now. We had started the coding, had it all running but encountered a problem and had to start from scratch again. We could really do with some guidance from someone with knowledge about DayZ Coding/Moding. Our website is www.dayzend.com & our teamspeak is vs15.tserverhq.com:6023 In return for aiding us, if you have your own server, we could advertise it on our website/teamspeak & in-game welcome screen if needed. Thank you for reading! - Shepherd DayZEnd Staff Team