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About macbeths0x

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  1. bump there has been turf wars :O
  2. destructable bases no plotpole need
  3. hi i started a server because i was getting annoyed with the PAY to win , donation loadouts and so on i wanted a real survival kinda server to play on but seems they are hard to find so i decided to start my own and see what can happen donations or not i will keep the server up since i feel alot of people will enjoy playing here , its a great place for new players also .. there is no admin abuse the new spawn loadout i thought would be something a survival kit would seem to look like you get a small backpack, 1 can of food , 1 soda , pain killers morphine pen 2 gold a map , knife, toolbox, matches , hatchet and a compus.. im still adding more things like weapons at traders .. heavy arms traders, AI base with lots of things to loot and so on .. what we have now 300+ vehicles high FPS night/day with 4 hour restarts tow/lift self bb AI missions / roaming AI hemp farming with custom dealer snap building deploy bike server events with prizes and lots more things im all about the players and trying to see what would make them enjoy the game more in a real survival kinda setting so come join and give me some feed back and if you like it stay and play.. heros and bandits are welcome please join in even if its jsut to check it out and give feed back on it .. thanks Real Survival Dayz |EPOCH-Napf|300+ vehicles|HIGH FPS|AI missions-AI base|Self BB|Snap build|auto refuel|Tow/Lift|Hemp farming with dealer|Special Events and more IP: TS: ts.realsurvivaldayz.com
  4. Hey man i msged u in TS .. i would really need your help or guidence on how to start things .. i jsut got a epoch server i installed nafp map.. i bought blurgamming pro antihack and also extended tools .. i think im way over my head .. i googled a ton of stuff but still im at a loss really need your help.. andalso $$ can be involved if anything .. please help thanks